Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Total Brain/Mind Intelligence Therapy.

During these neurotic times we need physical/emotional brain/mind therapy.
With so many therapies out there what is special and original about total brain/mind intelligence therapy? What does total brain/mind intelligence therapy cover that is left behind and neglected by the other therapies?
The world needs total brain intelligence therapy. From individuals to groups to companies to countries wisdom is the one key that can take us all out of the current mess. Even if we were to define wisdom. We cannot eat the definition of wisdom. We can only reap the benefits of wisdom. Lets solve all our emotional and life issues through wisdom. Lets create wisdom education for the masses, for groups and countries. As wisdom is the fragrance of the brain we must create total brain intelligence therapy to make the brain physically and emotionally strong oozing wisdom.

With so many therapies out there what is special and original about this total brain/mind intelligence therapy? What does this therapy cover that is left behind and neglected by the other therapies? We have wisdom education that educates the mind. We have physical brain therapy that is mostly to heal injured brains. The aim of total brain/mind intelligence therapy is to make the brain physically stronger as well as to develop the brain by removing its emotional baggage { Emotional Brain Garbage ( EBG )}. To focus on the brain rather than the mind. At the highest level of emotional intelligence development the brain projects a super mature mind automatically. Change the brain and the mind changes automatically. Mostly other therapies strive to make the person normal. This therapy will make the brain/mind super normal. Current therapies try to remove the defects and in many cases try to make the mind average. This therapy is to make the mind super normal. It's the difference between training for a local event and training for the Olympics. This therapy is training for the Olympics of the mind in order to become a champion of the Olympics of life.

It is not about winning against other people. It is about winning the very soul of Mother Nature. It not only is about removing the garbage from the mind it is also about transforming the mind into a super mature mind. It is the way to educating the very being of the person by physically changing the brain to +2. It is not only about cleaning the brain of premature (-2), immature (-1) and mature (+1) brain power values. It is about implanting super mature (+2) brain power values. It is a complete education of the brain, mind, body and spirit.

In the current therapies we focus on the individual's mind. This therapy is to focus on physically changing the brain. From early on the brain gets physically developed through a mixture of negative and positive feed back. The negative and positive feed back not only creates ignorance and knowledge respectively these forces actually transform the brain physically. Depending on the physical quality of the brain the mind is projected. So this therapy is to change the brain physically to enable the brain to project a +2 mind. Total brain/mind intelligence therapy focuses on developing the brain in; intelligence, emotional intelligence and it makes the brain more physically healthy. The brain is the force that drives the mind.

We keep repeating the same mistakes again and again. We think we can get people to be good by imposing laws, by persuading people. We keep telling people to do good, be honest, be respectful etc. How good do you expect a -2 brain is going to be? A -1 brain en mass is costing so many 3rd world countries the consequences of corrupt brains. No amount of lectures is making any difference. The only way is by making the brain +2 super mature. By teaching wisdom education which boils down to making the brain squeaky clean of all Emotional Brain Garbage ( EBG ).

Wisdom is supposed to be the privilege of a chosen few. So it is not considered essential for education. I want the world to wake up to the fact that every human has the potential to become wise. Wisdom must be considered as the normal destination of every brain. Wisdom must be made the normal standard of an average mind. So much so that all those individuals who do not have wisdom may be considered less than normal. So to make every one normal we must make wisdom education compulsory. We must raise the standards of what a normal person is. Total brain/mind intelligence therapy must be made an essential part of every curriculum from preK to the university level. This can be done. We can create text books complete with lessons and exercises that will transform the brain to project the essence of the human mind - wisdom.

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