Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dark Cloud Exercises/Silver Lining Exercises.

Even at -2 level there is always a very important silver lining. It is that the brain and mind struggle against each other to take control of the self image. As the brain is a mussel it exercises more and the % of the brain cells that are active are far more. So a -2 brain uses much more of the brain than a normal +1. The -2 self image is the exercise excuse for the brain. So it is very clear that if we could exercise the +1/+2
brain in a similar fashion then the +1/+2 brain would also become more powerful.
At -2/-1/+1 your brain and mind struggle to take control of your self image. As a result your brain gets to exercise the most. As the brain is a mussel, exercising more creates a very powerful brain, even though the brain at this level is emotionally unhealthy. So if a normal person could get to exercise the brain in a similar fashion then his brain would get to be more powerful too. I feel it may be wrong to feel and think like an abnormal person even to just consciously exercise the brain. However I have found a common factor that has enabled people like Einstein, Gandhi, Lincoln, and FDR to have very powerful brains. They were all shy. Please look up my knol, 'Shypower'. I have found that shyness is the health club of the mind. Shyness compels one to think on many tracks at the same time and as a result the brain exercises much more. No wonder it is no accident that the worlds wisest man Gandhi was shy and the worlds greatest scientist Einstein was shy.

A shy person when in others company is always feeling shy. He is also wondering at the same time if the other people will take him seriously, whether they will make fun of him, whether they will laugh behind his back etc., etc. This results in the brain exercising much more.

So learning from shy people I would suggest some brain power exercises. When talking to some one. Pay attention to the persons ideas. At the same time try to analyze him if his true self is talking or his self image is talking. What level brain does this person have. Does he mean what he is saying? Is he a phony or is he genuine. Just observe him in contextual mindfulness while at the same time paying attention to his conversation.

Another exercise is to try to pay attention to the words as well as the silence between the words. At the same time just imagine how the brain directs the tongue, mouth, larynx and the lungs to manipulate the air to produce the sound which connects to the exact meaning/word that you want to convey. Try also at the same time to figure out the meanings between the words.

Also close your eyes and meditate on Mother Natures bounties; feel the noise, the silence, the air, the temperature
the birds chirping and feeding their young etc., feel all this at the same time.

Remember the time when you were angry. Relive all those feelings and observe the sensations in your body and try to analyze your anger. Try to figure out if it came from your brain or your mind. Whether it came from your self image or your self. Was your self image hurt when you got angry or your true self?

You can make up your own similar exercises to exercise your brain to make it a powerful brain/mind.

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