Thursday, August 26, 2010

What is the mind? What is it made of?

The mind is a tool of the body for self consciousness. It is made up of and powered by emotional and regular intelligence.
The true mind is the brain's trick/miracle/ticket to a fully developed self consciousness and is made of selflessness. As simple as that.

The mind is the human body's means of becoming self conscious. It is the brains path to consciousness. It is the tool that the brain creates to figure out its own being, to make sense of others and of the way the world is and how it works.The human mind is the result of a process. A process that takes place in the brain. The quality of this process determines the quality of the mind. The quality of the brain determines the quality of this process. The mind is a projection of the brain. The miracle part is that the mind is self conscious. The mind runs on emotional intelligence that the brain creates and supplies. It is like the brain writes the script and the mind acts out this script.

We have not figured out yet whether consciousness is a divine plan or if it is the result of innate properties of matter that become conscious when organically put together in particular ways. What we have figured out is that in order for the brain to create the perfect tool/mind to know, understand and enable the self to become what the self ought to become; the brain must physically and emotionally be developed to its highest potential level in order to project the highest quality mind.

The mind relies on the five senses and uses them to interpret the world and every thing and every phenomena in it. It has knowledge of the current reality. It even often knows the right behavior. Consider emotional intelligence as money. The self wants to go to say Atlanta. The mind knows that the best way to get there is by air travel. So it needs the money to buy the air ticket to Atlanta. The brain does not supply the needed money and so the mind has to take the train. So the self ends up in a train ride instead of a plane ride. The mind watches from the side lines as others take the plane. The mind wants to travel first class but it is not capable of doing so as it does not have sufficient emotional intelligence. It is the same as if say a CEO job is available but the qualifications for most people are insufficient for the job.

Thus a first class Tao of life alludes most people because they do not have enough emotional intelligence/intelligence power to ride the path of perfection. Much of this need not be this way. We need not be so fuzzy about what the mind is and what the brain is. Because it is clear that we can create individual brains en mass that can write the perfect script for the mind to dance on.

The mega question is what is this emotional intelligence that powers the mind and how is it created? Emotional intelligence is an innate property of the brain. Every brain has the potential to generate emotional intelligence. Just as a flower has the innate property to create fragrance the brain has the property of creating intelligence and emotional intelligence. We have cutting edge courses and curriculum for creating intelligence of the highest quality through math and science and medicine and hundreds of other subjects. For emotional intelligence we are still struggling to figure out what it is. Emotional intelligence is the fuel of the mind. This fuel's quality determines the quality of the mind. So the question becomes not just what is emotional intelligence but also how to get the best quality emotional intelligence for the mind. It is the brain that produces the emotional intelligence so to make the mind of the highest quality we have to get the brain to produce the highest quality emotional intelligence.

Just as the ancients did that when they could not define wisdom they defined the attributes of wisdom so lets define the attributes of emotional intelligence. As I have been writing about wisdom I know that the highest form of emotional intelligence is wisdom. If we know one we know the other. The highest and the most essential quality of wisdom is that wisdom is an all or nothing entity. And also that the most important quality, the root and mother of all of wisdom's qualities is the quality of selflessness. Thus in order to be wise, in order to be emotionally super mature intelligent one must become selfless. Thus the key to wisdom is selflessness. And as wisdom is a tree all its attributes come with selflessness. Thus in order to create a top quality mind one must create a top quality brain that will produce top quality wisdom attributes, which boils down to creating a brain that projects an image less self. Thus the key to top quality emotional intelligence is to know, understand and become ones true self.

There is nothing foggy about becoming ones true self. It is crystal clear that the brain works in images. We don't see the actual reality we see an image of actual reality. Even regarding our own self we see an image of our self and this self conscious image we perceive as our true self. This self image has its own perceptions of who one is, who and what others are and how the world is and works. For all practical purposes this self image drives our life's agenda and behavior.

So it is very clear that what stops us from generating the top quality selflessness is our self image. So the question is how can we stop our brains from generating our self image? It may look complicated but it is not.
The level of the brains developed potential, where the potential is the emotional intelligence potential, determines the level of the self image's grip on the brain and mind as follows:

I have a simple hypothesis that quantifies the brain/mind into four levels
as follows:

1) Premature brain of a new born child quantified with a value of negative 2.
2) Immature brain of a teenager quantified with a value of negative 1.
3) Mature brain of an adult quantified with a value of positive 1.
4) Super mature brain of a master quantified with a value of positive 2.

The four levels of the brain generate four levels of emotional intelligences that power four levels of the mind
creating four levels of self images as follows:

a) Premature mind (-2)...a totally self centered brutal nature.
Brains that are stuck at this level manifest themselves as
dictators and tyrants. At this stage of the mind the child
considers his own self as all reality. In his mind he alone exists. Ones own
self is all that counts. Others don’t count at all as they don’t even
exist. Brains that are are stuck at this emotional intelligence level project a strong selfish self image
that blocks the true selfless self. Thus the attributes of this level brain are the farthest from a wise self.

b) Immature mind (-1)... an opportunistic nature that will break the law if
the individual thinks that he can get away with it. At this stage
of the brain level the projected self image thinks that even though he has no
power today his time will come and he deserves the best today. He will
try to fulfill his lopsided dreams by hook or by crook. He considers
himself as most important and will do everything to make it so if he
feels he can get away with committing illegal acts. Those who are stuck
with this level self image are extremely corrupt. They build up illegal fortunes
at the cost of the country and the common man. Most third world
countries have this level self images being projected by the brains.

c) Mature mind (+1)... a responsible self image that respects the
equality of all. At this stage the self image considers himself as
first among equals. He still struggles to make the most for his own
self. He works for his own family first. Self images who are at this
level of the brain work for their whole nation but more so for their
own family, group and their own vested interests
first. How ever this level self image considers itself as a trophy brought
up on the notion that he is the best. So life is a life long never ending struggle
to acquire more and more trophies. This leads to besting the Jones etc. Thus this
mature level brain is still not the best possible that creates super mature emotional intelligence.

d) Super mature brain (+2) altruistic nature. At this level the brain produces the highest level of emotional intelligence which is wisdom. The self image considers himself as part of
the whole human family. He considers everyone else as #1 irrespective of
caste and creed, gender or economic status. Brains that manifest
themselves at this level genuinely work for the whole country and
also try their best to help other countries. They treat all alike with the
same highest respect. For them all the people at large especially
the poor are worthy of more attention and financial assistance so
their priorities and policies focus on education, health, infrastructure and
all economic growth industries.Such selfs are their true selves and they bring economic
prosperity and real change in the lives of all the sections of
society. The whole country becomes richer. Such selves are truly
altruistic and humble. This is the kind of brain quality
every country needs en mass.

The ultimate question is how do we produce +2 brains en mass. By introducing a full subject that teaches wisdom education. That makes each brain emotionally super mature intelligent so that the brain projects a +2 super mature mind that runs on super mature emotional intelligence.

Thus wisdom is all about having a selfless self image. Healthy +2 memories create a healthy +2 self image. Unhealthy (-2, -1 and +1)memories create an unhealthy (-2, -1 and +1)self image. The goal of wisdom education is to create a +2 super mature self image. So wisdom education is about changing one's self image from +1 to +2 (at least for most Americans). Wisdom education is really brain changing therapy which simply boils down to changing your self image from a +1 trophy self image to a +2 selfless self image.
Every human starts with their brain being conditioned by the womb environment (this I have termed 'womb-conditioning'). Assuming that the the womb life and the genes are healthy every child is born with a self image of being omnipotent and omnipresent a -2 self image. If after birth life is again healthy then the child slowly forgets the feelings of omnipotence and omnipresence and starts to enjoy feelings of being the center of attention even though the child feels totally dependent on the elders. Its -1 self image gradually takes hold. Gradually -1 feelings of being dependent now gradually give way to a +1 trophy self image due to the parents implanting the thought in the brain that the child is the best.
Sometimes the child's self image can get stuck at -1/+1 in spite of the parents love and attention. This is due to unhappy incidents during early childhood and early teen life. This can be due to physical injury or parents fighting or the child witnesses riots etc. These painful memories keep playing in the persons mind causing the self image to be stuck at -1/+1. So wisdom education is about taking out these unhappy memories from the person's mind and the self image automatically moves on to a +2 self image. Its like a boat's anchor is stuck to something and the boat cannot move on. So you have to free the anchor and the boat will move on. Similarly one has to deprogram the brain of the negative upbringing and negative baggage/memories so that the brain can become super mature by ridding itself of it's emotional baggage.
Wisdom education is really brain therapy which is simply changing one's self image, but if you don't believe me and want to go about learning wisdom by the conventional route; by learning the attributes of wisdom then go first for humbleness. Humbleness is the key to wisdom; it will open the doors to love, grace and all the other qualities of wisdom.
As an American you are either a +2 mind already or a +1 mind/brain. At +1 just imagine the magnificence of life that you are missing. Just imagine yourself as a person of wisdom. This +2 quality you and this +2 quality life is still possible. Just as The Bible says you will have to be reborn! You will have to retake those steps and relive your early life in the contextual mindfulness of your true self and your current circumstances.
Thus it is very clear that the mind is a projection of the brain and for all practical purposes it is made up of emotional intelligence. Where the quality of emotional intelligence determines the quality of the self image which determines the quality of the mind. It is clear that the self image is the blockage of the true self.

The highest form of emotional intelligence = selflessness. So +2 emotional intelligence = wisdom = an image less self = humble self = honest self = self having all the attributes of wisdom.

So What is the mind and what is it made of?

The mind is the brain's trick/miracle/ticket to self consciousness and at its highest developed level, it is made of selflessness. As simple as that.
Why do I claim that the highest stage of emotional intelligence is selflessness.
Emotional intelligence is the electrochemical power that the brain's multi complex multi parallel computer runs on. How efficiently the brain runs is dependent on its ability to manufacture the right electrochemical reactions that produce the highest quality emotional intelligence. The highest quality of emotional intelligence is wisdom. The key to wisdom is the ability to live in the present moment. Living in the present moment is the DNA of wisdom. And the key to living in the present moment to moment is selflessness.
Please consider the following:

1) Premature self image, (-2) :
When a person is totally self centered and has an omnipotent self image as in 'I am all that matters and others are nothing.' The person is too focused on his own self interests. Is too sure of himself, he feels he already knows what is right for him. Has a closed mind. Does not respect others or their rights. He is naturally jealous, edgy, greedy for more and more. He is tense and has all the attributes of hate being produced in the brain. When a large chuck of his brains organic multi complex multi parallel computer like infrastructure is busy producing all these emotions that are the attributes of hate it is like the brain is infected with an ignorance virus, because all this premature out side in and inside out feedback combines to give the brain a very large disconnect with reality. Not only does this brain not live in the now it lives in its own fantasy world that is a largely devoid of the true pleasures of emotional intelligence. Reality/truth at this stage is mostly blocked. Thus the chief ingredient that blocks the brain from producing the attributes of wisdom is this totally self centered self image.

2) Immature self image, (-1) :
At this level the brain produces a partly selfish self image. The person wants it all but is aware of the rights of others. It does not respect the laws but is afraid of them. So it acts responsibly only reluctantly. The brain is corrupt. So instead of finding the right path it looks for short cuts. The brain not only looks for short cuts to becoming rich and successful it even looks for short cuts to reading, writing and learning. Instead of trying to comprehend the subject it tries to just pass the subject. So it relies on notes and tries to guess the exam. It looks at not what it has but what the neighbor has and fantasizes about when it will have it all. So the brain is occupied with a selfish, afraid, conniving, corrupt self image that also has guilt and envy. While the brain is busy producing all these negative emotions it has less time and less capacity to produce the attributes of wisdom. Reality/truth is partly blocked. Thus it is again this corrupt self image that blocks wisdom.

3) Mature self image, (+1) :
At this stage the brain produces a trophy self image. Here the brain considers ones own self as the first amongst equals. It respects the law but within the law it works over time to prove to its own self that it is the best of the best. So it collects trophies, from a trophy spouse to trophy houses to heirlooms. Here the brain knows the many tickets to a trophy life and so even over studies to get ahead. It even focus on the now. But a part of the brain is always watching over the shoulder how big the trophy self is and aganoizes over the Jones' trophies. It watches its own trophies as well as envies the trophies of others. While the brain does produce happiness it also produces greed and over ambition. So the brains computers are divided between good and bad. Truth/reality is somewhat blocked. Thus this trophy self image blocks out pure wisdom.

4) Super Mature self image, (+2) :
At this stage the brain projects a humble and almost an image less self. When the person has no self image he is not concerned about his own self. He is concerned about the real issues of life. He lives in the now. He respects others and wants the best for all and has no envy or greed. Loves and wishes the best for everyone. There is no self image that distorts and blocks the out side in reality nor the inside out reality and the brain is totally focused on producing wisdom. Thus selflessness is the key to wisdom.

It is extremely essential that one knows where ones emotional intelligence is springing from and why. What is its quality and how this quality can be perfected. And the litmus test is the nature and quality of the self image. A -2, -1, +1 and +2 self image will produce respectively a -2, -1 +1 and +2 emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is about the ability to focus. And to focus on the now is to live in the now. The -2 self image is the biggest hindrance to living in the now. And the +2 self image less self is the best equipped to live in the now.

To respect mother nature, her laws and her values one has to be humble and not let ones own pride and haughtiness come in the way of respecting and following her rules. The self image always has an element of pride and haughtiness in it.

Also to become wise one needs not only wisdom but also education in the way life is and how it all works and comes together; one must learn the ropes of life. Starting with the ropes of the self. Even the knowledge of how the personal self comes together. How it is projected and why.

One of the fundamental laws of mother nature is she demands respect for values above all respect for knowledge itself. Thus one must study say math with selfless devotion. So here again even when one is developing ones intelligence to learn the ropes of life to make a living the self image less self is the key to mastering even regular knowledge.

It is the self image that determines how the person is going to feel about the situation it is in. As Dr. KVSS quotes the following:

Wechsler defined intelligence as “the global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.

I would like to state that the self image can be defined as the factor that determines the quality to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.

The connection between self image and intelligence is very profound. It will not be too far fetched to say that ones self image is ones intelligence. At least that ones intelligence flows from one self image and is the chief factor that determines the quality of intelligence: the bottom line intelligence quality of emotions.
Again 'Wechsler defined intelligence as “the global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.'
I think the word capacity here is a little fuzzy and the more clear word would be 'enabling ability'. So I would restate the above statement as:

I would define intelligence as “the global 'enabling ability' of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.' Where this enabling ability stems directly from the self image.
( I have defined intelligence as an innate, though in most individuals only partly developed, ability/property that enables all other abilities.)

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