Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What do you do with the bad cards that life deals us.

Bad cards are natures way of asking you to step up to the plate.
Deal with life with a +2 mind. Deal with all cards as a wise man would. Life's good cards are a blessing to be shared with others, the bigger the blessing the more it becomes for one and all. Take the bad cards and know that bad cards in most instances are a challenge to be overcome. An opportunity to be exploited. An opportunity for learning. A bad card of life is a membership card to the health club of the mind.

Cards are cards. Life's cards are like poker cards. Learn to play them like poker. Sometimes a 2 of hearts is more important than an ace of hearts. Mostly there are no bad cards. Nature throws your way opportunities disguised as bad cards. There are no absolutes in nature. No good card is all good and no bad card is bad. It's natures opportunity wrapped in an image of badness. All great men of imagination who excelled in some form of art were dealt with bad cards. They turned these cards around. Even great leaders were dealt bad cards. Whether it was Gandhi or Lincoln, Eisenstein or Washington. They all took their bad cards as opportunities to greater success. The key was that they did not give up and they did not stop after each failure. Each failure was a lesson that took them closer to success. With each failure they saw how closer they were to becoming successful. Their life is about learning and not about achieving. Its about enjoying life as it comes. Enjoying and living the failures as well as the successes. Its about taking the bad card and exploiting and expanding the silver lining. Its about enjoying the journey and not worrying about the destination. Remember the journey itself is the real life and real life is lived in enjoying even the struggles. Most life long destinations come about when the body is already wanting to rest, when wanting to live becomes more important than to have more and more(Thank Heavens the internet has changed this and now many of us reach our destinations sooner).

With each failure the mind learns more and becomes more resilient. Each failure makes the mind smarter. When you are dealt with a bad card it is a membership card to the health club of the mind. It makes the mind exercise more and as the brain is a muscle it becomes stronger.

More over success and failure are destinations. And life is really about a journey, about living in the present in real time and not letting time slip away. A bad card is a temporary set back which is really a blessing. Without failures one can live a simple life but with failures one can live a much more successful life as failures are the key to better learning, provided one does not give up.

Consider my own bad card. I was living with my father's mom. One day my mother's mom came to visit. I got very excited and showed my happiness all around. My father's mom scolded me saying that I should know that my visiting grandmother did not love me. For when I was in my mother's womb my 'evil' grandmother had me forced out of the womb because the doctors said that my head was too large and that if I was allowed to grow anymore my mothers life would be in danger. So I was taken out of the womb after 8 months. I was crest fallen and I begun to believe that no one loved me. Also my life long fascination with womb life started. It led me to finding that schizophrenia starts in the fetus stage which led to my hypothesis that the human brain is womb conditioned...

I was still miserable till one day I sat up in bed with excitement. For I discovered that I was extremely special! My bad card that life dealt me was my best good card. Let me explain.

There was a wicked tyrant who brought misery and pain to all his subjects. One day a sooth sayer told him that his very own nephew his sisters son would one day vanquish him. This king got so afraid that he put his sister's family in a prison. Every time the sister gave birth to a child the king would kill it. The sister was very miserable. So the next time she got pregnant she got the child out when the pregnancy was only 8 months and had him taken away by friends who brought the child up in hiding.When the king came to kill the child he could not find the child. The child was Krishna the writer of the the most profound book in the world- The Gita. So I discovered to my immense pleasure and delight the fact that my spiritual guru Krishna and me were both out of the womb at the same time. So this was my connection to greatness. I must be very very special.

Many times the so called bad cards are the stepping stones to greatness!

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