Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How to know, understand and master the code of life.

Know the code of life and you know how to live. Know Time.
Life is like a damsel who wants your total love. She reveals her mystery to those who play by her rules. Life is present as long as you are alive. When you learn to live in the present its like she is there and you are paying full attention to her. When you are brooding about your past or dreaming about your future you are doing it right in her face (presence), she is standing right there and you are not paying attention to her and you are effectively ignoring her. Life is time and she keeps slipping away. Life as a force is real. She does sing and bark at you, depending on how you play according to her rules or not. You learn her universal rhythm and dance to her tunes she will go to all lengths to serve you her very own bounties.

"The real miracle is not to walk on water, but to walk on the earth, to be alive in the present moment." -- Thich Nhat Hanh

Life wants you to learn her rhythms, her codes and her language. You live on her terms and she not only writes you a blank check she offers her bounties on a platter. You can be a king of your own life. The trick is to break her codes. Understand and follow her laws and she offers you the world. The biggest code life wants you to break is to know, understand and become your true self. Know the forces that run your life.

The code can only be broken by those who have developed their mind to the + 2 level. Just as you can know love only from your own mind level (please check my knol on love), you can know the code from your developed mind level. These days there are a lot of self mastery sites that are stressing this code. Live in the now. Live in the present. Forget the past and don't fantasize about the future.

Life is a force of the universe. She demands total attention. Imagine life as a living person. She invites you to her party. She is standing right in front of you. She is talking to you.* Instead of paying attention to her you live in the past warring about your lost chances or missing your good old days. Or you plan and worry about the next contract that will give you more money. Or you worry about not having enough gold. She is standing right there cavorting your attention and you are lost in the past and/or the future. Life has thrown this party just for you. She has arranged these beautiful mountains and streams and forests and instead of respecting her property you actually come to her party and cause destruction and pollution.* She keeps waiting and waiting for your attention. Life is time and she keeps slipping away.

Eventually she gives up on you and she tells you this by making you slip into old age. Finally you figure out that life wanted the first and last dance and all the in-between dances with you. But alas you did not pay attention to her and now she cannot help you for the party is almost over. Now you want to dance to her tunes. Your mind finally breaks the code of life and your self is willing to dance the dance of a healthy, responsible focused life devoted to the real issues of life by paying attention to her real bounties. But the body is no longer able to dance in step with life. Your children are playing their own phony game with their own life. You try to wake them up to your understanding of the code of life but alas they have a fixed +1 mind level and their understanding is of +1 mind level. The code of life is +2 and they don’t get it either. So you are shipped, opps transported to a retirement home. Life is still life till the very end and finally she kisses you good by. If you have lived a good life you see the white light.

They say you don’t take any thing with you when you die. Believe me you take all your good deeds and your bad deeds with you. At least in the minds of those you leave behind.

*You take advantage of her party you steal, you get drunk, you take drugs thinking you will get away with it and she will not know, but you pay; you pay by missing real life! You don’t even understand her code till it is too late.

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