Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Health, wealth and happiness.

Health, wealth and happiness are the three basic goals of life.
We must make sure that we pursue these goals from a +2 super mature mind. And we must also take steps to ensure that our future generations are educated fully in achieving all three of these goals. It has been observed that we educate our children really well when it comes to teaching them how to create wealth. We don't give them a good grounding in health. And for happiness we break their key to happiness by giving them a trophy self image. As a result many Americans grow up to be able to create wealth but their health is neglected and for many even burdened with smoking and drinking. And as for happiness we struggle all our lives to satisfy our trophy self image to no avail.

We must create as strong a curriculum for health education as we have for creating wealth. And for happiness and emotional happiness we must create a compulsory subject that teaches emotional intelligence.

Senator McCain or Senator Obama? Who has more wisdom?

Throughout history the biggest factor for positive change has been wise leaders. Wisdom is the key to all great leadership. The question is who amongst the current hopefuls for The White House is more likely to take the country forward powered by more wisdom.

I don't know if I am qualified to write this knol. I have been an enthusiastic supporter of Senator Obama. I have taken out my 'Wisdom Express' in his favor all over the tristate area. I have also contributed money and time to his campaign by going door to door for him. I am here for the last 22 years and ever since I became a citizen I have voted democratic.But I have stayed away from active volunteering. However when I studied the brain/mind of Senator Obama I saw pure wisdom. This is a historic chance and I want to do all that is within my powers to make America great again by ensuring that wisdom lives and rules from The White House. Being Indian born I feel having got all these privileges and opportunities I owe it to the wisdom of this great country and the greatness of our fellow Americans to give my views as objectively as possible. If you feel I am wrong then you are welcome to write your own comments or reviews.

1) Which one is more qualified for the job?

This is the most important question. It is the sum of all questions. The two basic factors are experience and education(which includes emotional intelligence education which creates wisdom; this is the main answer we are seeking here). In experience Senator McCain scores better than Senator Obama. But this advantage becomes questionable when even with all this experience Senator McCain still made this huge blunder of voting for the war in Iraq. A trillion dollar blunder along with a worse incalculable blunder of wasting such precious lives of Americans as well as lives of Iraqis and other nation's lives. When it comes to formal education Senator Obama is the clear winner. He passed all his exams brilliantly placing at the top. Senator McCain graduated at the near bottom of his class. Senator Obama clearly wins this first question.

2) What is his current experience?

We must always examine the current experience of the candidate as the latest indicator of his current mind. Lets grade their campaign performance. I would give Senator McCain a B+ and Senator Obama an A. Senator Obama wins this question.

3) How motivated is he?

They are both equally motivated so this question is a tie.

4) Is his heart and mind on the same page?

Senator McCain is more liberal than the conservative base of his party. As a maverick he had no base of his own so he has had to adapt his positions. Thus his heart and mind are not totally aligned. As for Senator Obama what you see is what you get. His heart and mind are on the same page. This question is a win for Senator Obama.

5) How much real success has he achieved working with others?

Even though Senator Obama has the same quality of working with others Senator McCain has a longer history of working with others especially across the aisle. This question is won by Senator McCain.

6) Does he use spin to impress others?

They both use spin. This is a tie.

7) Does he behave differently in private than in public? 8) Does he loose his temper? 9) Does he show the same respect to all including his assistants?

Senator McCain is known to lose his temper. This is a clear indication that his wisdom is acquired through experience. Acquiring wisdom through experience means acquiring the attributes of wisdom which is not quite the same as across the board wisdom. Senator Obama is known not to lose his temper. A clear indication of across the board wisdom. This question is won by Senator Obama.

10) Is he a good listener? I suspect Senator Obama is the better listener but I don't know enough so I will call this question a tie.

11) How is his health?

This question is won by Senator Obama.

12) Is he humble?

Senator Obama is more humble. He wins this question.

13) Is he a life long learner?

This question is a tie. Even though it bothers me that Senator McCain wont take the time to learn computers.

14) Does he inspire you?

This question is a tie even though Senator Obama has a bigger majority of inspired followers.

15) Does he have a boxed-in ideology?

This is a tie.

16) Is he jingoistic?

Senator McCain is definitely jingoistic. Senator Obama wins this question.

17) Is he ridged in his perceptions?

They are both flexible. This is a tie.

18) Does he trust other experts to do their jobs?

This is a tie.

19) Does he delegate?

This is a tie.

20) Has he crossed any red lines in the past?

I don't know enough to answer this question.

21) Does he own up to mistakes?

Senator Obama owns up mistakes more but I am not sure of Senator McCain. So I cannot answer this question.

22) What kind of upbringing did he have?

The taste of the pudding is in the eating. Senator Obama seems to have the better upbringing as he has across the board wisdom but lets give them both a tie.

23) How good is he in taking expert advice?

Both are brilliant in taking advice. This question is a tie.

24) Does he have any original ideas?

They both have original ideas. This is a tie.

25) How does he handle failures and setbacks?

Senator McCain has demonstrated remarkable resilience. He came back to win his parties nomination from virtual defeat. This one goes to Senator McCain.

26) How does he handle personal finances?

I guess this is a tie.

27) What kind of advisers does he have?

Senator Obama has more above board advisers. Senator McCain has more lobbyist advisers. Senator Obama wins this question.

28) Does he accept contributions from above suspicion sources only?

This question is won by Senator Obama.

29) How green is his house and vehicles?

This is a tie. As I don't know enough.

30) How good is he with his family?

This is a tie.

31) Can you say he is altruistic?

This is a tie.

32) Is his personality made up of substance or spin?

This is a tie.

33) Does he act or react?

This is a tie.

34) What kind of confidence does he show?

Senator Obama seems more confident. But this is a tie.

35) Has he used his campaign chest wisely so far?

This is a tie.

36) Does he inspire you?
This has been answered above.

37) Can his advisers tell him when he is wrong?

This is a tie.

38) Does he research the issues as an insider?

Senator Obama seems the winner here. Senator McCain does not seem to go into learning the internet or take lessons on the economy.

39) Does he articulate his messages?

Senator Obama is the winner here.

40) Does he mean what he says?

Senator Obama is the same inside and out. Senator McCain has to appease the conservative base even though he is not on the same page with them. Senator Obama wins this one.

The most important decision a Presidential candidate makes is his choice of his running mate. Senator Obama has chosen a heavy duty candidate and Senator McCain has chosen a light weight. Here too Senator Obama is a winner.

You can also add your own questions.

As this knol is to find out who is wiser of the two Senator Obama comes out the winner. I may be wrong but this is what I sincerely feel. I do think that Senator McCain is just as brilliant and he perhaps deserves to win due to his sacrifices for the country. But given the current choice this is an historic opportunity to put a leader whose brain is powered by wisdom.

In fact President elect Senator Obama's wisdom is developed naturally which means he is across the board wise, wise to his entire core being and Senator McCain's wisdom has come through experience which means it is spotty. Senator McCain is wise in some ways and still unwise in other ways. Please read my knol 'An introduction to wisdom'.

So please decide for your own self. Don't take my word for it.
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EBT (Emotional Brain Treasure ).

An adult mind grows to trust another when the other delivers the desired results. One begins to trust those who give a positive emotional feedback. Similarly when one goes to a new neighborhood and has good results the person feels safe. If one gets robbed in some neighborhood one becomes suspicious of it and tries to stay away from it. From very early on the fetus tries to figure out its own self. Almost for nine long months it is aware of only its own self. So it gives its own self credit for all the good feedback and it blames itself for all the bad feed back. Thus it grows up trusting itself or being suspicious of itself. Fortunately most wombs are extremely heavy duty cushions and most fetus' end up feeling extremely good about their own self.

At birth the child feels omnipotent and omnipresent. Slowly it dawns on the child that it is not only not omnipotent it is actually dependent on others for everything. When life out side the womb is nurturing and healthy the child starts to discover new pleasures, from breast sucking to hugs and kisses. From tasting new flavors to open spaces. To baths and cleanliness. The child starts to associate total dependence with heavenly bliss. It starts to develop feelings of humbleness. It even begins to totally get absorbed in the now. The more comfort the more trust it has in its own self and in its life. Gradually as it starts to notice that it is not omnipresent it starts to associate its own happiness on its close relatives. So it begins to trust its own self as well as all others. The foundations of its own self begin to emerge. By the time the child is 6 years old its brain is running on full knowledge power and it is well set on the road to becoming emotionally super mature. It begins to feel and actualize the true self.

In the womb because of the nature of the womb environment the feed back to the fetus' brain results in an unrealistic over confident self image. After birth the child is hit very very gradually by the actual reality of life.
If the new life is happy the child begins to enjoy its helplessness. It associates its dependence with all kinds of new pleasures and thus begins to feel happiness in its helplessness. It begins to enjoy humbleness, the key foundation on way to emotional super maturity. As life is a pleasure it soaks in all the pleasures of life. It does not want to run away from it. It enjoys life in the now another key foundation of emotional super maturity. Thus if life after birth is again a constant positive feed back the child's brain/mind is well set on the way to emotional super maturity. The most important affect of this life of pleasure is that the self itself emerges into the consciousness of the child. There is no need for the child's brain to take refuge in the past and try to cling to the feelings of omnipotence and omnipresence. So there is no need to build up and cling to an image of being omnipotent and/or omnipresent. They are quite comfortable with an image of their true self which at this stage is dependent and helpless. Thus it develops feelings of humbleness the key quality of selflessness.

The ancients were able to observe that many children show signs of being wise from very early on. So they concluded that one of the ways to be wise is to be naturally endowed with wisdom. The truth is that those children who are emotionally and physically nurtured in a healthy and loving environment don't need to escape from their current happy life so their brain does not need to block out the pleasant current reality. The brain does not need to mentally escape from the current life, so it does not build up any escape factors. It has no need to develop a phony self image to take mental refuge in it. It builds up its image on reality, on truth and on its true self. Its current life of pleasure exposes it to experience love and its underlings like respect/confidence in self and others. The brain is like a vessel. When life is happy for the child its brain keeps building the past happy memories with the newer happy memories. Happiness gets entrenched into the physical brain structure creating its own memory patterns. The brain fills up with EBT (emotional brain treasure), the emotional force that powers and projects super emotional maturity.

If its life after birth is unhappy and painful then it emotionally withdraws inward and instead of developing its true self it sticks to the early feelings of omnipotence. So instead of developing its true self it begins to form a phony and confused self image. As the current life is painful and unhappy it dwells mentally in the past. Thus creating a disconnect from current life. Instead of living in the now it dwells in the past, clinging on to the earlier omnipotent self image. Its current life of pain and unhappiness exposes it to experiencing hate and all its underlings like anger, doubt, jealousy etc. These feelings over time entrench themselves into the brain structure causing actual physical changes in the brain. The brain fills up with EBG ( emotional brain garbage ).

But there is good news and bad news in the way America brings up her children. Most American parents provide a nurturing environment to their children. So for the first few years most American children stay on the right path toward accumulating EBT. The American child enjoys its early life, living in the now and building up its true self and does not need to take refuge in a phony self image that is a result of experiencing pain. But long before EBT changes physically the infrastructure of the brain the parents indulge in omnipotence transference. The parents try to fulfill their own unrealized dreams of being the best through their children. Thus they introduce an element of falsehood into the brain of their children. Thus instead of developing their true self the children develop a phony over confident self image. Thus replacing part of the EBT with EBG in their brains.

EBG is of two kinds. EBG - 1 is when the child is trying to flee its unhappy life and so as it cannot do it physically it withdraws mentally into a past life of happiness thus building up EBG in the brain. This form of EBG creates a phony over confidence. EBG - 2 is when even though its life is happy in the now the parents introduce a future picture of great success thus shifting the child's focus from living in the now to preparing for the future. The current life becomes secondary to the preparation for the future. This creates two problems. One the child's focus shifts from living in the now to dreaming about the future, so a disconnect from reality occurs. And it begins to accumulate EBG that powers a trophy self image. Thus instead of developing the true self the child develops a phony trophy self image. EBG - 1 generates a phony over confidence to compensate for the helplessness and doubt from the current unhappy life. EBG - 2 generates a phony over confidence as the child has total trust in the parent and so when the parent says that the child is the best the child believes the parent.

However EBG - 2 is not as bad as EBG - 1. EBG - 2 creates a very ambitious self image. And often children are encouraged to focus on their preparation for the future. And many do just that and do become the best possible. Also as the trophy self image has a never ending desire for more and more successes the person keeps on working for more and more. Even though this over striving and over working takes its own toll in exhaustion and worries etc. the positive part is that the extra efforts produce extra goods. In fact I talked to a high government official and he said to me that without a trophy self image America is not America! America is where it is because of this constant working for more and more! But when I said to him that with a clear cut policy of consciously creating super mature emotionally intelligent Americans we can not only produce more we can eliminate all the problems that are generated by a trophy self image. He agreed that we must wake up the country to this harmful affects of planting EBG - 2 in our children brains. We must deliberately implant only EBT in our future generations.

If only I could wake up America to the toxic affects of EBG -2 and the magical affects of EBT, I will have achieved the full purpose of my life.

Sustainable Wisdom.

Examining all the causes and not just the economic causes for the current economic mess.
Homer-Dixon, Boutwell and Rathjens use financial terms to describe resource consumption. Depleting resources faster than they can be renewed is "the consumption of the resource's 'capital'." Accordingly, a "sustainable economy" is one that "leaves the capital intact and undamaged so that future generations can enjoy undiminished income." - Quoted from 'Writing from A to Z' by Sally Barr Ebest...

"America is an 'omnipotence transference' driven society."- Sajid Khan

Given the current economic crisis the pundits will explore every cause and purpose all kinds of solutions for this mess. I am afraid that only all the economic angles will be discussed and we will continue to neglect some of the major causes that have contributed to this crisis. We are in this economic hole today not just because of the greed of Wall Street. We are in this mess also because many of us Americans have used our rising home equity to gratify our phony trophy self image. Now that the home prices have fallen and we owe more to the bank than our house is worth we don't know what the solutions are. Lets hope that the current 700 billion dollar bail out package is designed to give us home capital spenders/wasters a second chance(Though it looks like just the top guys will get bailed out).

This is a very dark cloud, over our country and over many of us. At both levels we have to examine very closely the silver lining of this dark cloud. The silver lining is to wake up to our current life style and see what behaviors we need to change. Please read some of my other knols including the knol, 'Me'.

The Govt. must reflect on what they are doing that is chipping away at the very 'capital base' of our country. Our leaders must realize that every dollar that is wasted cannot come back. And if billions of dollars are printed they may come back but these dollars will pull down the value of all the dollars that are already in circulation. In effect there will be inflation and as the dollar value goes down the net capital of the nation will also go down.

Also the current mess is not only real it is as much in our heads as well. We tend to think in black and white terms. The actual reality is gray. All is not lost. The mess is only a very tiny % of our overall economy. If this money is used wisely it may even reverse the housing market trend. We need a huge army of volunteers who can go out there and identify each and every house owner who is in trouble and by how much. The Govt. can help these particular individuals by compensating the banks to the same tune as the amount the banks forgo to the mortgage holders.

Also the Govt. can pass a law that makes interest rates as little as possible across the board. All complex mortgage packages that the common people cannot understand must be banned. All the terms must be in very simple language on just one page. No fine, tiny, hard to read clauses.


Your id is your basic desire to recreate womb-reality, your 24/7 womb life. Your unconscious desire to regain womb life. Its like a dethroned emperor trying to get his kingdoms back.

The so called id is our basic unconscious urge to have the best of everything, a life of total pleasure. Freud called it as our sex drive. I strongly suspect that the id is our unconscious drive to recapture and recreate to the extent possible our life as we experienced it in the womb. In the womb we had a constant life of feeling love, warmth and security. This constant positive feed back 24/7 created in us feelings of omnipotence. by the time of birth we were well acquainted with a life of effortless pleasure. Especially as we got used to these feelings of love, warmth and security as as a result we built up these feelings of omnipotence and omnipresence.
So as we grow older we continue to miss and continue to seek this lost and most pleasurable womb life.

To the extent possible we seek love by trying to get as famous and as popular as possible. To recreate warmth we try to make our life as comfortable as possible. We try to acquire as many comforts as possible. To recreate security we try to have as much wealth as possible. As we also experience sexual pleasure in the womb we try to seek as much sex as possible.

Having developed these feelings of omnipotence and omnipresence over nine long months just imagine the impression on the brain of the extremely subjective fetus. As they say the first impression on an adult mind is the last impression; imagine the impression of this constant positive feed back on the tiny subjective brain of the fetus. No wonder the womb reality (environment) shaped self image and the womb reality shaped impression of how the world is, is the force that powers our basic drive - our id. Our id is shaped by womb-reality. Our brain is womb-conditioned (shaped by the womb-realty).

Instead of devoting our life to our true self's genuine goals many of us are driven by our id - the emotional desires that are leftovers of our earliest and most undeveloped, primitive stage of our brain. We let our id shape our desires and our life. We struggle for our id.

Perhaps some of us can be woken up to our premature brain powered basic behavior. It is a big drag to our adult life when we devote our time to go back to our premature life and to recreate womb-reality. A reality that is no longer possible, a reality that will at best be phony with its phony pleasures; especially when real life, real pleasures and a life generated by a +2 super mature mind can be a reality. So know your id and take steps to master it. And make sure that your future generations are free from its clutch.

Instead of being a slave of your id; understand and take steps to remove the very causes that created your id. Which means uncondition your mind of womb-conditioning. In fact one can say that emotional intelligence education consists of unconditioning the brain of womb-conditioning.

In fact our id is our basic human nature.

Objectivity is the key to wisdom; the key to objectivity is selflessness and the key to selflessness is a squeaky clean brain free of all EBG (emotion

Objectivity is the key to wisdom; the key to objectivity is selflessness and the key to selflessness is a squeaky clean brain free of all EBG (emotional brain garbage ).

The most fundamental quality that one must cultivate in order to achieve wisdom is objectivity. The ability to observe and know outside reality exactly as it is without any changes due to built in preconceived patterns. All information must be observed and understood inside out by the observer but also inside out from the perspective of the object observed. One must be able to know and understand all matters of life inside out and outside in from every perceivable angle. From one's own angle, from the angle of the other person or object and above all from the bottom line angle of actual reality. All this is possible through selfless objectivity, when there is no id or ego to perceive actual reality by distorting it through personal built in prejudices.

"Many faults escape our own eyes; and weak judgments consists, not in failing to detect them, but in refusing to admit them when pointed out to us." -

"Many faults escape our own eyes; and weak judgments consists, not in failing to detect them, but in refusing to admit them when pointed out to us." - Michel De Montaigne
In the light of all the mess America is in today we must examine all the causes that have led us here. It is extremely hard to give up old habits; it is even harder to give up traditional habits that are given to us by culture. On top of that habits that have worked well so far. This American tradition of looking at the glass as half full while the glass is really half full and half empty at the same time. Another tradition of, 'I can if I think I can' as the mantra for success. And this tradition of bringing up one's child on the notion of 'I am the best' thus creating a trophy self image for the child.

Mother Nature rewards those who know, understand and follow her laws. Her bottom line law is that no matter what, you must follow her rules of actual reality if you want her to reward you with her bounties. And Her fundamental law is that to really succeed one must know inside out and outside in exactly (as close as humanly possible) the exact context of any given situation. That is one must take the out side reality and understand it internally as close to actual reality as possible. The biggest question we must ask our self is what brought us to this mess. Can we examine all the causes and not just the 'wrong executive decisions' and greed as the only causes. And lets even examine the underlining causes of even wrong decisions and greed.

When one is surrounded by dark clouds one must look at the silver lining

Please excuse this rambling knol I do not know where it is headed.