Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Best Way to Fight Emotional Stress.

As the Buddha said get a selfless personality; let your brain have a zero personality.

By bringing your brain and mind on the same page.

Emotional stress, confusion, anxiety, hate and depression etc. are a direct result of the different reactions coming from the brain and mind even though when one is faced by the same situation. All this emotional stress even causes physical fatigue and I am guessing it causes higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

The job of the brain is different from that of the mind. When the brain does the minds job it causes emotional problems. The trick is to know what any given behavior is motivated by and where it is coming from, the brain or the mind.

A good example is an addiction. Suppose you are addicted to smoking. You must become aware that it is your brain that is addicted to smoking. It is you, your mind that wants to be free of this addiction. So while your mind is feeling the frustration, anger and hate for being trapped in this addiction it is your brain that is hungry for the fix. The first step is to sort out all these different emotions and do not assume that they are all coming from a single source. The emotional stress from the urge for smoking is compounded by the pain caused by the effects of long term smoking as well as the above mentioned mind emotions.

The first step is to realize that you are the boss. It is your mind that has to be put in control of the situation. So instead of feeling the frustration and anger etc you must realize that you do not need to create more cortisol. Instead of reacting with frustration stay calm, this way the situation will become less stressful. The stress coming from the mind will be gone thus just the hunger of the fix will remain. Instead of the mind generating its own stress learn to keep your mind above the emotional currents. Focus on the cause of these emotional currents and coolly take the steps of removing these causes.

Thus take a cool survey of your situation and see what you can do to become free of your addiction. Instead of feeling focused on being trapped look for ways of how to get out of your addiction. The biggest and most common addiction is that of a trophy self image. Realize that the self image is generated by the brain. Identify your own self with your mind and find out the reasons of why the brain is generating your self image. Realize that the self image is a projection where the brain is the projector. So to stop this self image projection find out what is powering this self image projection. And cut the source of this power. In this case it is not as simple as switching off this power. What you can do is do the required brain exercises to keep diluting this power. Till the brain no longer runs on this power.

One of the biggest problems of being in an emotional hole is the worry of being discovered by others as being in an emotional hole. Emotional holes make us feel that we our self is defective. This realization causes us worries. The even bigger worry, for especially those for whom image is everything, is to be discovered as defective by others. The worry coming from the original problem is thus compounded by the second worry. The second worry is usually coming from the mind. Thus instead of worrying about the second worry take your own mind into a new direction. Focus it on solving the first worry. The source of the mind's worry is the first worry so the cause is the first worry which needs to be eliminated. So instead of indulging in an added destructive behavior that causes more stress start to repair the problem in the first place.

The over all personality of a person is the result of the compound affect of the persons brain mentality and the mind mentality. The mind lives in the now. It controls the five senses. It gets the current feed back from its present life environment. It passes on the information to the brain. The brain interprets this information by referencing this information with the old fixed patterned perceptions it has of the situation. The mind wants to act but the actual behavior is colored by how the brain understands the situation. A good example is a shy person. The shyness factor is originating in the brain. The mind knows that there is no rationality in being shy but it is helpless because the brain reacts in old set patterns. The brain is still stuck in the past. It reacts not according to the current situation but according to its previous set image of the situation. So the result is that the person feels shy. So in the first place the brain is shy and the mind feels helpless and frustrated. The anxiety is compounded by the brain's negative emotions and the minds negative emotions.

So wake up to the fact that in all this confusion the real you is in there; the I/mind/self/ that should be in charge. Find your self/mind/I and separate the feelings that are coming from you/I/mind/self and the brain's feelings. Take charge of your self/mind/I. In contextual mindfulness place the reality of your situation in the current situation and feel your brain still living in the past and still reacting to the old similar situations. Find the cause of why your brain's emotions are frozen in the past. Dig out the causes for this old memory patterns. Realize that you are not in an emotional hole. It is your brain that is in an emotional hole. And there are many proven methods to come out of your brain's emotional holes. Find the means to make your brain free of the emotional holes. Read my related knols as well as other related information on knols and on the web. Seek guidance if necessary. But first please separate the real you/I/mind from your brain.

You are the boss and the brain is destined to be under your beck and call. Even if it is not today it will gradually become your underling. Just take the right steps. Yes it is confusing especially because the understanding of even the experts about the brain mind relationship is fuzzy so it hard to understand which emotion is coming from which source. Which part of the personality is coming from the brain and which from the mind. But once you wake up to your mind you begin to separate and see your self/mind/I as different from your brain.

First give up the negative emotions of your mind. Take it as an adventure of self discovery. Just as I did. I had so many emotional holes that any one of them could have driven me towards suicide. So if I can come out of my complex emotional holes then you certainly can. So take charge of your self. Pull up your sleeves and start to fix up your emotional brain.

Even often an adult who has been physically and emotionally abused as a child by its parents has its brain stuck still in childhood. So instead of standing up to abuse by the current spouse the adult scumbs to the abuse because the brain is used to it.

Probably your biggest problem is that you have been brought up on the belief 'I am the best' thus creating a trophy self image. So your abuse in life is coming from your trophy self image. Understand that this trophy self is not you. It is a projection of your brain. So clean your brain of this trophy image just as you would any other EBG. Let your personality be colored by your true I/mind/self. As the Buddha said get a selfless personality; Let your brain have a zero personality.

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