Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The brain is like an egg. It gets 'cooked' by the physical environment. The first physical environment is the mothers womb.

The brain is physical. It is an actual organ of the body. Its job is to run the 70million million cells in the body. Parts of this brain become self conscious which we call the mind. How the brain develops depends on its genes, nutrients, exercise, physical environment and its own self conscious part that we call the mind. This self conscious part becomes the emotional component of the brain. This emotional component becomes our consciousness. It creates our sense of the world from what it considers its own self to what it considers others. It also forms an opinion of and makes sense of the world.

The brain is like an egg. It gets 'cooked' by the physical environment. The first physical environment is the mothers womb. The conscious part also gets 'cooked' by the physical environment in the mothers womb. I have termed this process of the mind being shaped by the womb environment as 'womb-conditioning'(W-C) and the physical environment as the 'womb-reality'(W-R). This physical womb-reality shapes the emotional component of the self conscious mind. This mind begins to gradually get self conscious. It begins to form a sense of it's own self in the form of a self image shaped chiefly by the experience of pleasure and pain in the womb. Fortunately for the majority of fetus' the womb is a very safe cushion and as a result for the majority of fetus' the W-R provides an experience of constant pleasure in the form of love, warmth and security. This life of pleasure creates a constant positive feed back that shapes a self image that feels omnipotent. As the fetus is not aware of anything else its mind develops a self image of being all existence. It feels omnipresent. Thus just before birth most humans have a self image of being omnipotent and omnipresent.

A few hours of the birth experience still keep the child feeling omnipotent and omnipresent. The child soon begins to realize that he is not omnipotent in fact that he is helpless. He begins to feel humble and still enjoys his life in the present. He also begins to realize that he is not alone. If he gets a loving environment he consciously feels deliciously humble and loved. He builds a healthy self confidence. His feelings of omnipotence and omnipresence are replaced with feeling of being very important. He begins to exploit his helplessness through the love of his parents. He gradually develops a self image of an opportunist.

As he grows into adult hood he realizes that his place under the sun is as an equal to every one else. However as he has been brought up on the notion that 'he is the best'. He learns the ropes of the game and starts to build a fortune legally. His self image is that of Being the best of them all.

Those who are brought up on building up their self confidence through really preparing to become the best, grow up to the highest level of their brain potential. Their brain releases wisdom at this level and the self image becomes selfless.

Each step the brain develops to the next level only when the upbringing is healthy. If the fetus encounters pain the emotional and physical brain development stops; depending on the severity of the pain. The conscious part of the brain the mind becomes confused and cannot understand the pain. So the mind tries to escape from the pain. It starts a disconnect from reality even at that early stage. It starts to live on memory. Memory is the department of the brain. So the brain takes over the job of the mind. The mind begins to atrophy.

The same thing happens if the brain encounters pain at the childhood level. The mind escapes into fantasy by giving up its powers to the brain. The mind development again stalls.

At the third stage the adult mind is run on a bloated self image powered by the parents embedding the phony 'I am the best' feelings. So the mind gets stuck with a phony overconfident self image. Thus the mind's development is stopped at the adult level and the minds true potential of becoming wise is stalled. Until the person through the struggles of encountering actual reality unhooks the mind to develop to the next level. This usually happens in old age. My true me is so deeply buried that I don't even know who I am.

So the answer to my eternal question, ' Who is me?' is answered by the -2 brain, or the -1 mind/brain, or the +1 mind which is still held down by the brain or by the fully developed mind. Or it is answered by me through my +2 mind.

My -2 brain provides me the -2 self image, the -2 life box, the -2 failures and the -2 life.

My -1 brain/mind provides me with a confused over confident self image which rules over the true me. I am so convinced of my bloated self image, my self importance of being superior, that I try to get my unrealistic dreams come true by hook or by crook. My -1 life is a reflection of my true -1 mental powers.

My +1 mind is still cloaked in a self image of being the best. So part of my mind is still ruled by my brain. My brain part drives me to prove to my self and the world that I am the best.

My +2 mind at the highest stage has reached its full potential. It is free from the brain. The brain goes on to run the body, and the mind is free to rule consciousness, rule the body and the brain.


It is as if due to fear and confusion (mind ) conscious brain cells go back to being regular brain cells without any consciousness.
Expand your self conscious brain cells and expand your mind power.

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