Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is a force of nature that determines the process of self realization. It is an ability in/of the brain that develops through basically four stages of life. From the fetus to the child stage to the adult stage and in some to the master stage. At the master stage emotional intelligence becomes wisdom. It is an ability that develops through emotional education; it is the most important part of every one's education. The fundamental lessons are learned by the nurturing womb environment during the fetus stage of life and then during childhood the education is through hugs and kisses and the loving upbringing or through neglect and pain. The next stage is through a mixture of actual building up of a self image based on the concept of, 'You are the best' or in many cases by making the child become the best through real learning of the ropes of life in particular areas. By the time the child is 6 years old his emotional intelligence route is well set.

Emotional intelligence is the very nature of the brain; it determines the very essence of the brain. Emotional intelligence is a feature/component that determines the quality of the very nature of the brain; which determines the quality of the self - the quality of the 'I' in me and 'you'. It is the ability which when developed crowns the person with an authentic self. It enables the person to become one's real self.

Each stage the emotional intelligence education changes the brain physically. Where the most significant change takes place during the fetus and child stages. The brain's physical pattern is set by the time the child is 6 years old.

It is the level of emotional intelligence that determines what the person becomes. It is the light that illuminates the path of life. It is that generator fuel, where the brain is the generator, that generates the amount of real life power. It is the fundamental force that enables one to become what he becomes. It is what determines how real the person will be and how real life and it's pleasures will be. It dictates the self's quality. It is the ability that sweetens the pudding of life.

It is the fundamental power that drives the process of perception/consciousness; including the most crucial self perception. It impacts everything else in life. It is what gives color to life and life's meanings and purpose. It is the single most important ingredient that shapes man's humanness; that shapes the real 'I' in every human being. It is what determines the answer to the most important question of our life, 'Who am I?'

It is the force that decides the single most important opinion of opinions of one's life - the opinion one has of one's own self. It is the stuff that determines the physical and emotional quality of one's brain. In its lowest form it is ignorance and in its highest form it is wisdom. Emotional intelligence not only determines the quality of the brain it also determines the quality of the real self, the 'I' of every person. It also determines the wisdom quality of the group and country. It has a direct bearing on the persons place in life. It determines the health, happiness and prosperity of the individual, group and country.

If we are looking to eliminate issues like poverty then regular education is not the only solution. It has to be coupled with emotional intelligence education.

Especially in terms of trying for peace one must realize that peace is a component of wisdom which is the highest form of emotional intelligence. Only by applying the attributes of wisdom can one achieve peace.

To not just understand but actually live such statements as, 'the enchanting ecstasy of being' and 'living in the now' one will have to develop ones emotional intelligence to the super mature brain level.

What stunts emotional intelligence?

It is the emotional baggage in the brain that creates its own negative emotional forces that create their own
physical changes in the brain. Thus to make the brain wise one has to take out the emotional baggage from the brain. Making the brain emotionally squeaky clean is emotional intelligence education which is the key that unlocks the full and real potential of the humanness in each person. It enables one to live life at its peak 24-7. There are no highs or lows. There is a feeling of immense power with complete humbleness. It is the source of our fundamental talent - the talent to become one's real self.

It is the self image that determines how the person is going to feel about the situation it is in. As Dr. KVSS quotes the following:

Wechsler defined intelligence as “the global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.

I would like to state that the self image can be defined as the factor that determines the quality to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.

The connection between self image and intelligence is very profound. It will not be too far fetched to say that ones self image is ones intelligence. At least that ones intelligence flows from one self image and is the chief factor that determines the quality of intelligence: the bottom line intelligence quality of emotions.
Again 'Wechsler defined intelligence as “the global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.'
I think the word capacity here is a little fuzzy and the more clear word would be 'enabling ability'. So I would restate the above statement as:

I would define intelligence as “the global 'enabling ability' of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.' Where this enabling ability stems directly from the self image.
( I have defined intelligence as an innate and in most individuals only partly developed, ability/property that enables all other abilities.)

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