Thursday, August 26, 2010

Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional intelligence education is not about learning to manage our emotions it is about learning to become our true, pure core self.
Emotional intelligence is a property/quality of the brain that answers the # 1 question for each one of us, 'Who am I'? Emotional intelligence determines what we know, what we understand about our self and what we truly become. So emotional intelligence education is not about learning to manage our emotions it is about learning to become our true, pure core self.

In spite of all the progress made in understanding the nature/science of emotional intelligence we are still trying to figure out emotional intelligence with the tools that we use to figure out regular intelligence. Not surprisingly we try to use the same techniques to develop emotional intelligence as we do to develop regular intelligence. We develop regular intelligence through developing our management skills. Emotional intelligence is considered a skill that manages one’s own emotions. So we try to cultivate skills to manage our emotions. Emotional intelligence itself is a potential quality of the brain/mind. It is a skill that one is born with and depending on the cultivating environment it gets developed from ignorance to wisdom where most people end up as mixtures of the two.

Emotional intelligence is a skill, management is a skill. So we use one skill to manage another skill. We don’t need to use management skills to manage emotions. We need to develop our brain to the super mature level and there will be no need to manage our emotions. What we need is to make our brain emotionally wise. Basically what one manages is what one needs to control. In business one needs to control waste and inefficiency and produce maximum profits. In emotional intelligence one doesn’t need to control inefficiency and waste, which is ignorance, one needs to become wise; which means clearing the brain completely of ignorance. In terms of emotional intelligence one needs to make the brain so squeaky clean that it sprouts wisdom.

Wisdom is an all or nothing entity. It is like a tree where selflessness, love, humility are its fruit. You cultivate the tree and the fruit grow naturally. There is no way you can have the pure fruit without cultivating the tree. The wisdom tree is a naturally growing phenomenon that sprouts automatically and begins to grow as the ignorance tree gradually withers away. So to cultivate wisdom one must teach not management skills but actually use a specific kind of brain therapy to choke and remove the tree of ignorance.

Emotional intelligence itself is a potential quality of the brain/mind. Depending on the environment it is exposed to it gradually develops from ignorance towards wisdom where most people get to develop their potential emotional intelligence to somewhere in between the two.

Emotional intelligence is the capacity/quality of the brain that answers the # 1 question for each one of us, 'Who am I'? This capacity is what determines the core context of our life! It virtually decides who one is. Emotional intelligence determines what we know, what we understand about our self and what we truly become. So emotional intelligence education is not about learning to manage our emotions it is about learning to become our true, pure core self (How does 'managing falling in love' sound?).

How we interpret our own self depends on the developed capacity of our emotional intelligence. What we are, what our core self is is determined by our emotional intelligence. Our self image is determined by our emotional intelligence. Who I think I am is determined by our emotional intelligence. And if we are not our true self then our emotional intelligence is wanting.

The very core nature of regular intelligence and emotional intelligence is different and so we cannot use the same tools for researching and developing emotional intelligence as we do for regular intelligence. The tools of regular intelligence education are not affective when it comes to emotional intelligence education because there is just one space in the brain for either the wisdom tree or the ignorance tree. And as long as the ignorance tree is rooted in the brain there is no space for the wisdom tree. And when both take root then there is much confusion and both influence the self's identity and mental capacity.

Main stream science has been missing out on the very core quality of the super mature brain - wisdom. Perhaps because wisdom for main stream science is still in the realm of philosophy while what I have found is that wisdom is the highest developed level of emotional intelligence. Even the book, 'The Scientific American Book of the Brain' does not even list wisdom in its index.


Em. In. is an inborn human ability. knowing does not translate into success. Emotional intelligence is the skill to manage ones own/others emotions. Guide/manage/harness one's own thinking and actions to promote personal growth. E I is still in that stage where it is considered a management skill.Salovey and Mayer.
EI is the intelligent use of emotions - Hendrie Weisinger When you intentionally make emotions work. To perceive, control and evaluate inborn characteristics.
this knol is a rough draft.

It is the self image that determines how the person is going to feel about the situation it is in. As Dr. KVSS quotes the following:

Wechsler defined intelligence as “the global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.

I would like to state that the self image can be defined as the factor that determines the quality to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.

The connection between self image and intelligence is very profound. It will not be too far fetched to say that ones self image is ones intelligence. At least that ones intelligence flows from one self image and is the chief factor that determines the quality of intelligence: the bottom line intelligence quality of emotions.
Again 'Wechsler defined intelligence as “the global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.'
I think the word capacity here is a little fuzzy and the more clear word would be 'enabling ability'. So I would restate the above statement as:

I would define intelligence as “the global 'enabling ability' of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.' Where this enabling ability stems directly from the self image.
( I have defined intelligence as an innate, though in most individuals only partly developed, ability/property that enables all other abilities.)

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