Thursday, August 26, 2010

My own hypothesis is very simple; I do not need rocket science to explain it.

The human *mind/brain is womb-conditioned, upbringing conditioned and belief conditioned. Thus human nature is womb-conditioned, upbringing conditioned and belief conditioned. The day we realize this fundamental truth that day a whole new road to super maturity en mass will open up. Many of the ills of society, much of the confusion of being lost for fundamental answers to the very nature of man questions will be solved and answered.

Dr. Prof. KVSS Narayana Rao is a great mentor to many of us bloggers. He is a very popular engineering professor. He keeps saying to me that I have to write my blogs in the format of scientific papers to have my work accepted by the main stream scientists. I understand his criticism. He is a main stream scientist. So he looks at my knols and tries to tell me to stick to the format of science. He is doing this to help me become acceptable by main stream science.

My reasoning is that my work is in the field of common sense and so why can't I explain my work in the format of common sense? The world is hungry for a theory, any theory that answers the mega questions of life. I have a hypothesis that explains the ID, EGO, Superego., Human Nature, W I S D O M, Emotional Intelligence, human behavior in a different context with different implications. My insights create dozens of major practical applications including quantifying emotions. I am maybe the first person to suggest that emotional intelligence education is possible within the paradigm of science not only for individuals it is also possible for groups, countries and companies.

The great sages of old have all emphasized the importance of wisdom and each one of them has not been able to define wisdom. All they could do is define wisdom by its attributes. So all they could come up with is to try to teach the attributes of wisdom. From the holy sages/prophets to philosophers to humanists to scientists they struggled to teach wisdom by its attributes. Now Wisdom is a tree and the attributes are its fruits. So naturally the sages couldn't succeed because it is impossible to create fruit without the tree.

My hypothesis is very simple. The human BRAIN works in images. I am not concerned at this point in why it works in this way. I am assuming that it works in this way because that is its innate property. And our bottom line id, ego, human nature, wisdom, emotional intelligence, the very nature of our being and how and why we think and behave the way we do boils down to one simple factor - how we perceive our own self as an individual, group and country. And the foundations of how we perceive our self is laid out in the physical and emotional infrastructure of the brain. Where the brain is physically and emotionally developed and shaped first by the physical and emotional environment it experiences in the womb. Thus every brain is 'womb-conditioned'.

When understanding and studying and trying to answer the fundamental question, 'Who am I?' one must keep in Mind that the answer is very much shaped by the womb-conditioning after affects that linger on in us especially for groups and countries. In fact in one sentence emotional intelligence education is 'to uncondition the brain of womb-conditioning.'

Understanding womb-conditioning opens routes to new education. We assume human nature to be innate so all we do is introduce 'management and control' education. Naturally we do not even attempt to change our basic animal human nature.

In physics we are trying to unify all forces. We are trying to do the same in emotions. Well we can trace all our emotional foundations to just three sources - womb-conditioning, post natal upbringing up to the age of six and the beliefs, most often our biased beliefs we put into our children.

And the basic cause can be tracked down to the fact that our brains work in images. We develop a fixed self image of who we are as an individual and all other emotions flow from this factor. Our secret strength and our secret weakness is our self image. For most it is our self image that answers the question of who we are as an individual, even as a group and country.

Correct knowledge translates into success. Correct knowledge about our own self translates into success in our emotional life which affects all life. Because we assume that our self is fixed, that our basic animal nature is cast in stone so we try to adjust but in reality our self image controls our life. We work and break our backs trying to satisfy the cravings of our self image. We even judge our own successes by the standards of our self image. But our self image is partly phony so our desires are partly not our own and so when we achieve the goals of our self image our happiness is hollow.

The human mind/brain is womb-conditioned, upbringing conditioned and belief conditioned. Human nature is womb-conditioned, upbringing conditioned and belief conditioned. Thus human nature is not cast in stone. For instance man by nature is not greedy. Man's true self is wise etc. Human nature can be changed by changing womb-conditioning, upbringing conditioning and belief conditioning.

Take the case of our US, we are mostly very good at providing womb-conditioning and upbringing conditioning. Unfortunately we screw up in belief conditioning. We bring up our children on the belief, 'I am the best' thus helping create a phony trophy self image. If i can wake up our leaders to this tragic fact I think my life will be a grand success.

For instance the ignorance of the real nature of wisdom has resulted in the ignorance of how wisdom should be taught, or as the attributes of wisdom should be taught. We teachers trying to make man good, whether the holy sage, the philosopher, the scientist and or the humanist, all we do is plead, try to persuade, preach and warn people to be good. We just give them the knowledge of good and evil. But it is the quality of the physical brain and the emotional brain that determines behavior. Wisdom and its attributes are the function of a super mature brain but when teaching these attributes does any sage or maven even consider the brain in the picture, let alone Emotional Brain Garbage ( EBG ).? The current emotional education is like trying to persuade a -2, -1 and +1 brain to please think and act differently than what is its nature. It is like asking/expecting frozen ice to flow like water! It is like asking a pig to have table manners.

The real self is always there. It feels restless and trapped. It wants to be free so there is tension and real pain in the head and body. Do you sometimes have restlessness and pain that you cannot explain? Our real self is pure; what the religious sages have called the Christ in us, the Buddha in us. And sometimes this real self flares up in the form of our conscience.

*Brain and Mind.

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