Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mr. Brain Cell In His Own Words.

I am a conscious brain cell and I am going to share my joys and sorrows, my potential and my ambitions and my life with you. My job is to interpret the information provided by the mind cells. In fact we cells are alive and we start as any children we don't know whether we are going to be a conscious cell as part of the brain or a self conscious cell as part of the mind. I don't know who decided what I am going to be. I guess it was my genetic code. But I for one believe that we as a collective(brain) decide our fate. Once we are assigned a task that's all we do. Let me start with the background. And then I will bring you the juicy details of my life as a conscious brain cell.


First let me make one thing very clear. If you go on the internet you will discover that the brain is the hardware and the mind is the soft ware. Please take that with a lot of salt. We cells are like factory workers. With two different groups producing two different end products. We are the brain part of the collective. In our brain collective we have two kinds of cells. Those that run the physical body; these are totally unconscious robotic cells that work according to the genetic code and those like my self who are conscious. Our job is to interpret the input from the self conscious mind cells, which we do depending on our developed brain capacity. We cells are the hardware and we produce our own software. Our fellow workers, the mind cells are the hardware of the mind and they produce their own software. The basic difference between us brain cells(our hardware) and the mind cells(their hardware) is that we produce understanding(our software) and they produce knowledge(their software) which at +2 produces wisdom. However it is more complex than this for our duties do over lap. You can imagine how complex it is because we start off with the expectation that we the brain cells will take control of running the physical part of the 70 million million cells. Including taking care of the the physical development of our fellow workers at the mind collective. The mind cell collective is supposed to develop to the level where the mind produces a fragrance that you humans call wisdom. For our fellow mind cells this level of development is the normal destination of the mind collective. However most of our human masters instead of developing my group to its full potential and the mind group to its full potential make our mind collective stop developing. As a result we brain cells have to do our job of running the body as well as doing the minds job.

The problem arises because we brain cells cannot perceive what is going on in the now. We take the information from the mind cells and we don't decide the course of action based on the current situation. We make all our decisions from memory. So if your mind is stuck at -2 my brain collective decides your brain/mind collective reactions as if your situation is still of your early childhood stage. So instead of acting on the current situation you are reacting not to the image of the current situation, you are reacting as if your old bygone situation is the current one. This image is provided by my group depending on if your mind is stuck at -2, or even -1(here it is a mixture of my memory bank supplied image and the current mind image). At +1 the mind processes the current situation except that no amount of success is good enough for you as you want a trophy life as you consider yourself a trophy.

The trophy self image comes to you from my memory bank. So again in your current situation we the brain is doing the minds job. This trophy self image creates a lot of problems for you. Think of removing this trophy self image from my memory because we don't want to do the minds job. We cells like to do just the job we are assigned because doing stuff that is not natural and normal causes us physical and emotional pain. We become physically unhealthy and it reflects on you. Because you are the one who really suffers, emotionally and physically.

At +2 both we brain and mind both reach our full potential. We both preform our assigned duties. We both feel healthy and normal physically and emotionally. Its really you who feel and become you true self. Your mind oozes wisdom. You really know what life is for your life situations are processed by the mind which when fully developed to the super mature level acts according to the current situation. However even in this stage the mind depends on my knowledge. So if you learn the ropes and train well you will help us reach our full potential and we will work to make your mind wise.

Even before I was fully formed I started to lay out a cable connection with about 1000 other brain/mind cells. Some of these connections were with my other cell workers who have access to my healthiness. They work to ensure that I remain healthy and my development is normal. Most of my connections are with my mind cells. Just imagine each cell connected to a thousand cells. No wonder we work like a collective. Each one of us conscious cells has a fairly good idea of what our collective is thinking. Many of my colleagues are unconscious and they go about in a machine like manner doing their job of running the body. I am conscious(though not self conscious) because my job is to be interpret the current perceptions of life that the mind cells send to me. I break down this information that the mind cells send me and I reassemble this information in light of my past experiences of similar situations. If I am stuck at -2 then my electrochemical reactions overwhelm the minds current input and I inform the brain/mind collective to act on a mixture of past and present. Thus the current situation gets to be handled on information that is false and is no longer valid. No wonder life for my -2 master/owner is such a struggle and he needs outside help to survive. My master is still stuck in omnipotence/omnipresence phase so his self image is that of being the only one that counts. He cannot understand why the whole world does not belong to him. Some times my -2 collective gets to be a dictator and so he treats himself above the law and every one else below the law.

I have been conditioned to think in the same way because I cannot perceive I can only act from memory. And when my memory is stuck at -2 and when I act from my -2 memory every time the mind gets more and more disgusted because it knows the current situation. It cannot act on its own because action springs from understanding. And that is my domain.Even for me it is is a nightmare because it affects my health and the health of the whole collective as well as the person himself. This is not my normal level. If only man would take steps to undo this nightmare. And create emotional intelligence education for parents, teachers and the new born and all those in between.

When I am developed to the -1 level I am very corrupt. I feel that I deserve the world. However I know that there are laws and so I hide my corruption. I pretend that I am honest. When the mind presents a current situation where I can get away with stealing I do it even when the mind knows that I am wrong.Of course there are whole groups and countries where my brain level -1 is in a majority. This level too is not normal so my master has emotional and physical problems. I dictate to the mind to steal and only when the mind provides information that the current situation is very dangerous then I hold back for a safer opportunity later.

At +1 the mind is mostly in charge so the brain/mind collective is honest. However due to a trophy self image my master uses every legal means possible to amass as much as possible to prove to himself. his peers and especially his parents(it does not even matter if the parents are dead. Because their voice is still playing in my section of the collective. I should know because I am part of the brain collective). My master says that it is a free world and he has a right to earn as much as he deserves. So he builds a trophy life based on a false self image. Inevitably there are down falls as fortunes are lost, fortunes are made. And even trophy wives change. They grow fat and sometimes unhealthy. The trophy wife even sometimes turns emotional and all kinds of problems happen. Life is mostly a struggle for making more and more. No amount of success is ever enough. Every one compares their lives to the life on soaps. At +1 my cell body is still uncomfortable. Please its not too much effort to change me from +1 to +2. Please have mercy on me. Please take a seminar or join some self mastery club. Most of you can do it through self help books combined with on line courses etc. I want to march in full union with my mind collective. Even I want to experience bliss at +2.

At +2 both of us are one. I get to know the current situation as it is happening now and don't play the same old memory records again and again. Life is bliss because I get to taste life at full bloom. Even I am as healthy as can be. My life emotionally and physically is at its peak. At +2 I am now at that stage where my true destiny comes to life; which all of us brain cells dream of. I now don't react which is a stale and boring experience for me. I act and I act and I act in complete harmony with the mind and I cannot wait to get the newer and newer experience from the mind. Even the mind is happy because she now gets to be the master of the brain/mind collective. She gets to decide all the actions. She feels at last authentic and real. The mind is no longer an underling of us brain cells. She is free. I too am free, free, free of my emotional baggage. The mind at this stage is the +2 self. The ultimate destiny of every brain/mind collective is now actualized. Life is now known by us as much as can be know. At this level the brain power and the mind power combine to give to every master the key to wisdom. The blank check of the Universe. A perpetual blank check that never bounces and you cash it to obtain the bounties and blessings of life herself. Life for me is so eternal at this level, not only do I know life I also know time; the currency of life. Sometimes I feel they are both the same entity. At +2 I am in complete harmony with Mother Nature. Why can't you masters of our collective see what you can have at +2. Just imagine what you are missing. Most of you educated people's are already at +1 it is only a few steps to +2. Please wake up and make your brain cells what we deserve to be, +2. After all our own destiny is to serve you at +2 so that your life, your brain/mind collective your whole being can become the very embodiment of love, wisdom and grace. Do you even know what you are missing when you are not a super mature being? Wouldn't you like to experience selfless love and the bliss of a guilt free mind. Natures bounties are there waiting for you just help me become +2. Please just think of what you are missing and what a tragedy you are repeating again and again for your kids by giving them a trophy self image.. It creates ripple affects in the whole society. Every one suffers, even the +2 people.

Please have mercy on your true self by taking a few steps to become +2. The journey is not easy. It may take much more time/life. But your time/life will keep passing away anyway. Think of it as if you have a house wouldn't you like to keep it clean? Also please don't brand yourself as bad. You are your mind and it's part of your brain that has emotional baggage. There are many routes to getting rid of my baggage. Please check the knols of my biographer and all the other excellent stuff on the internet and the other knols.

I was lucky I got to work as a conscious brain cell. Most of my colleagues in my brain/cell collective atrophy and as a result our full potential is wasted. Please look into this problem. Even when at an older age learn a new language. Learn to paint. Take up some new hobby like chess. Please don't let us get wasted. Did you know that when the brain/mind exercises more even when the person is suffering from shyness or nervousness, our teams become more powerful.(Please look up the knol 'Shypower') Look at Einstein and Gandhi. One the greatest scientist and the other the wisest person were both shy. Their shy brains helped them become even more smart. So please exercise our collective more. There are hundreds of new brain exercises on the net.

Please do what you like all the time. Just give me half an hour(you will be giving yourself half an hour) every day. Get self help books. Join a self mastery club.

Please study the above background. I will soon take you on my personal adventure. I will share with you my autobiography.

OK - I am ready to explain my mystery. I am the most complex machinery you can ever imagine. I am a whole computer in my own regard. But not just a computer. I am a whole factory that works on a mixture of genetic blue prints that you guys call DNA and on learned memory/patterns. Each one of us cells together process information passed on to us from the mind. And you can imagine the complexity because we our self generate the mind. It is like you would appoint a look out that gives you all the outside reality information. However imagine the complexity when you understand that the look out is your very own creation. All his power of existence comes from you. The mind is not a separate being. It is a projection whose quality is dependent on we brain cells' learned patterns.

Our main function is to understand our own self, understand others, understand and live in this world. We not only have to act/react in all given situations of our life we also create the images and the feelings that you call consciousness. The most complicated part of our job is to create self consciousness. This is such a complicated and responsible job that we make a whole different factory of cells that are grouped together and are called the mind.

The most miraculous part of our job is the creation of consciousness. How do we do it? Let me give you a crude example. Suppose you are showing a movie. Suppose you want to see a movie. You select a film that has already been made and you put it into a projector and you see the film on the screen. In our job it is like we instantly have to read the script of the actual reality, the out side information what you call perception, we have to perceive the life situation and then almost in an instant moment we have to produce the reel/film that will be projected to give the mind the image in the form of consciousness. Except that we don't make film reels and there is no physical movie projector. Our machinery is far more complex. Our film reel is literally hundreds of different chemicals that we secrete of which you have discovered only a tiny fraction. You call these neuro-transmitters. Actually you will soon discover that according to the situation we pass on information in the form of neuro-transmitters that are compounds of different substances. My job is to project life consciously by determining what permutations and combination of neuro-transmitters (n-ts) we not only have to send to other cells but also to other parts of the body. In movie terms it is like we have to virtually instantly not only manufacture the physical film we also have to edit it to make the right projection of perceived out side reality. But even more important we have to create patterns of film to determine our masters internal reality. Even the film we have to manufacture of many varieties. Also our job is not only to know exactly what chemicals to secrete we even have to determine how much to secrete and even how much of an electric current the situation warrants.

Sometimes due to our defective genes we don't have the ability to secrete the right neuro-transmitters or the right quantity of these. Or due to wrong chemicals that people put into our body we brain cells loose our ability to secrete the right n-ts or we secrete the wrong amount we even sometimes secret the wrong n-t as well as the wrong amount.

But the biggest job is to virtually instantly manufacture the right quantity of chemical and the right compound of chemical that is exactly right to create the correct perception of the given situation. How does this consciousness happens? I can only give you a crude comparison. Suppose you want to create a fireworks. You want to create a certain pattern in the sky of fireworks. You take certain ingredients of chemicals and you mix them in certain patterns and then you put a spark and the firework comes into display/being. It lights up the sky with the desired pattern. My job is to recreate the same image in my brain cluster as the actual reality situation desires. Once the mind gets this information that my cell group virtually instantly puts together and passes to the mind, the mind acts according to a mixture of my stored patterns and the current reading of the circumstances.

Creating the right consciousness is dependent on my groups ability to produce the right neuro-transmitter compounds in the right quantity; that we as a group produce and pass on to the mind cell group who then act or react depending on our combined learned patterns. You can say that my group is a creature of habit. My habitual patterns are determined by my learning experiences. What kind of neuro-transmitters and in what quantity I will create is solely up to your genes, upbringing and education. Just as important is what quality of food you eat and what kind of air you breathe. How much exercise you do. Not just physical exercise but also how you exercise my cluster and the mind cluster. One of the biggest factors is what kinds of belief systems you put into my memory bank.

My main job is to produce consciousness. Not only am I a computer that maps the out side reality and the inside reality in images; I am also a factory that produces neuro-transmitters. I have not only to instantly produce the right kind of neuro-transmitters but I even have to determine/calculate what exact amount of neuro-transmitters in what kind of compound state is needed to create the exact understanding/consciousness of any given situation. My job is more than an expert chefs. A chef just mixes the right amounts of selected ingredients to produce an excellent meal. I even have to produce/manufacture/create the right ingredients; I have to bring into existence these neuro-transimitters. We cells are proud of the fact that no two combination and permutations are ever the same when producing consciousness. This is why it is so hard to produce artificial consciousness; it is too many complex functions going on almost instantly in complete coordination (At least for +2 brains).

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