Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Your brain projects/produces your mind.
Do you know your brain? Your brain is a part of your body just like your eyes, hands and feet. You should be in charge and in full control of your brain. You must become the boss of your brain. It creates your life's box. THE BRAINS JOB IS TO TAKE CARE OF RUNNING THE BODY ORGANS. IT CAN MOSTLY FEELS. THE MINDS JOB IS TO PERCEIVE AND SEE. SO THE BRAIN CONTROLS ALL THE BODY ORGANS BUT LETS THE MIND BECOME ITS MASTER AND GUIDE. IT’S LIKE THE BLIND MAN LETTING THE MAN WITH SIGHT GUIDE HIM.

I have no idea when consciousness happens. It certainly happens much before our so called birth. We become consciously aware of our self at the fetus stage inside our mother's womb. The brain is the first that starts to physically develop. Network of wiring begins to be laid out. The physical existence of the brain starts to form slowly. Not only does the brain develop according to its genetic code it also is programmed by the womb environment. From the very beginning nature and nurture shape the brain. It is as if the womb is a vessel that cooks the brain (This 'cooking' I have termed 'womb-conditioning'). Where the ingredients are its genes and the nutrients that are provided by the mother. The heat is the womb environment (The womb environment I have termed 'womb reality'). Somewhere along the line the mind begins to be projected by the brain. It’s like the brain is the flower and the mind is the fragrance. The quality of the mind depends on the quality of the brain. The mind is a kind of conscious fragrance.

Soon the mind and brain start a life long dance. They feed off each other. They work together. The brain feels and the mind perceives.They divides their duties. In normal circumstances the brain takes over the duties of running the body parts like ensuring that the heart does its job and the stomach does its job. The mind takes over all conscious functions and begins to form an idea of its own self and slowly of its surroundings according to the feed back from the womb environment. At this stage of development the mind consciously experiences a life of bliss in the womb. It is exposed to a constant positive emotional feed back mainly of love, warmth and security.* This constant positive feed back day in and day out develops a self image of omnipotence in the fetus. Also as the fetus is only aware of its own self and is not aware of the outside world it takes itself as all existence by default. Thus it develops an image of omnipotence and omnipresence. This is the mind set with which every normal child is born.

If the fetus encounters conscious pain in the womb it cannot figure it out. It gets confused and blames itself for the pain. Its self image gets distorted. Even at that early stage it wants to escape the pain. As it cannot do this physically it does so in fantasy. As a result there is a disconnect from reality. Even the self image gets confused. It even feels guilty. The brain comes to the rescue of the mind. It projects a distorted self image. It hardens the projection of the image of omnipotence. Fetus' that encounter conscious pain in the womb are later prone to develop schizophrenia. Some brains get stuck here and remain in total charge of consciousness. The mind remains premature (-2) for those who get stuck at this stage.

Fortunately most fetuses live a life of bliss in the womb as the womb is very secure and protective. When post natal life is again a constant positive feed back the brain continues to work as the manager of the unconscious bodily functions, leaving the conscious duties to the mind. Not only does the baby enjoy the love, warmth and security, it discovers new pleasures of taste, of hugs, cleanliness and kisses and even sexual pleasures of suckling the breast. No wonder some babies resist to be bottle fed. Soon it gets absorbed in its new life pushing its feelings of omnipotence deeper and deeper into the brain. The babies life is so happy that it lives in the now. As it gradually becomes conscious of being a separate entity it very gradually realizes its dependence on others but because life is such a pleasure it pushes its feelings of being omnipresent deeper and deeper into the brain. It even feels pleasure in its dependence. It begins to form feelings of love and trust and even begins to develop confidence in its own importance. At this stage the brain is still developing and the mind is still forming. But the two start to take their separate ways. The brain takes more and more care of running the body organs. The mind takes care of consciously making sense of it all. It gradually figures out its own self, family members, others and the world.

When post natal life is painful the mind does not understand and tries to escape from the new reality. So it indulges in escapism. Instead of trying to cope with the pain which it does not know how, it clings to its feelings of omnipotence. As feelings are the brains function the brain and mind instead of going their separate ways begin to fuse together and the mind becomes too afraid gradually and gets to give up its independence and gives up its management of the brain. The brain becomes the dominating partner of the brain/mind team. Imagine the results when the blind man shows the way to the man who is suppose to have the sight. Depending on the severity of the painful life the brain/mind team can become a mostly brain powered team or it could still be a mostly brain/mind powered team. For some development stops at this brain/mind level. The mind remains immature (-1) for those who get stuck at this stage.

As the child grows into a teenager it still does not give up totally its feelings of omnipotence. It still feels extremely self important. As feelings are the domain of the brain the brain continues to shape consciousness. As a result at this stage of the teen’s life the brain still has not given up totally its grip on projecting the mind. It has not given up its own functions to the mind. At this stage the child’s consciousness is run by the brain /mind team. Even at this stage some people’s minds are in full control of their brains. Others are in between and for a small section the mind is so traumatized that the mind fuses with and becomes the lower partner of the brain/ mind team.

Those who have a healthy teenage life gradually ease into an adult mind dominated brain/mind team. At this adult stage the mind mostly decides how the brain is going to feel. The brain readily accepts the commands, conscious and unconscious from the boss - the mind. If all goes well and normal the fetus brain develops into a child's brain/mind team which develops into a brain/ mind team that is dominated by just the mind where the brain works to run the different organs and the mind runs itself independent of the brain. At this stage the brain should become an organ controlled by the mind. The mind should be able to control the brain like any other body part for example like the hands or legs. However in most cases this does not happen. It is because we parents indulge in 'omnipotence transference'(OT). We depend upon our children to realize our own feelings and dreams of omnipotence, as in 'I could not be the best but my child will be'. So we tell our child, 'You are the best' He grows up feeling he is the best'. As feelings of extreme self importance are an early brain function, our adult consciousness partly continues to be run by the brain (and at a child’s brain level). So instead of the mind being the complete boss at this stage of life its hands are tied and it does not have full control in defining the persons self identity. It has to leave the brain to define the self. So adult consciousness is run mostly by the mind but the brain still continues to drive behavior in this very crucial area that defines a person’s identity. For most of us our lives are driven by trying to prove that 'I am the best'. The mind is mature (+1) for those who get stuck at this stage.

Those who have the good luck of loving parents who do not try to achieve their own dreams through their children and do not indulge in OT grow up into super mature minds (+2). Their brains settle into doing the work of running the body organs, passing over its own controls to the mind. At this stage the mind is the boss of the brain. This is the stage of consciousness where the true self emerges. Life is bliss. The question is can we create super mature people en mass? Not only can we create super mature people enmass we can even create groups, countries and corporations that are +2!

Even though the mind is the boss it is still projected by the brain so when the mind gets tired the brain puts it to sleep. Sometimes the mind wants to keep working and the brain tries to switch it off by making the mind feel sleepy. If the brain gets injured its projection of the mind also gets affected. But all in all in the natural order of things the mind should be the boss.

*It is said for adults that the first impression is the last impression imagine the affects of nine long months of womb-conditioning on the fetus’s brain day in and day out.

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