Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Knowing the difference between the brain and mind through everyday life.

The mind runs the show of living, behaving and acting out life within the parameters of the script provided by the brain.
The brain is like the small child, the teenager, the adult and or the master. The mind is the manager. The manager has access to reality while the child, the teenager and to some extent the adult lives in his own dream world. First and foremost they both have overlapping hardware. Where the brain develops this hardware that the mind totally depends on. So the quality of the brain supplied hardware on which the mind depends determines the minds own quality. However the silver lining in all this is the true self is also very much real and this true self also supplies the mind with its own input. The true self often shows its frustration in the form of our so called conscience. So when one is feeling guilty then the mind and the true self are feeling guilty. Of course sometimes the mind feels guilty while the conscience is neutral and vice-versa. As when one applies for a job and is turned down because of lack of skills; then the mind knows that the self has screwed up by not developing the skills needed to get the job. But the true self is frustrated as it is the self image that has screwed up. (It is all very confusing and frustrating but it will all be very clear through this knol).

Before I go into the topic of this knol please consider that these *recent knols that I have written on the differences between the brain, mind, and the true self open up a new avenue of research in the mind sciences. We are still too fuzzy about the brain and mind so we have little clue of what emotions spring from which source and why. Having a clear idea of the functions of the brain and mind clears the way to answers to a new set of hundreds of questions. From such questions as where does inspiration spring from, to who controls which behavior to who controls which emotion becomes more clear. Knowing which part of our human nature is coming from where. And which part of it is cast in stone and which not; will not only open up new insights into the working of the human personality, mentality, behavior, consciousness, subconsciousness and unconsciousness; it will give us deep insights of how to correct and master our brains and minds. It will lead to new forms of education.
All this opens up a huge new avenue to understanding the mind sciences from sociology to psychology to education and every mind science subject in between. In fact it opens up opportunities to apply these insights to enhance every mind science subject and even more important it gives us an opportunity to open up and create a whole new world of insights that not only wakes us up to the different functions of the mind and brain it also gives us the opportunity to create a new subject just like math and science that enables man to educate and reeducate en mass entire populations to become super mature by perfectly aligning the brain, mind and the true self. Just think of the impact of super maturity on individual, group and country life.

And such notions as the world being one family will now no longer be a fantasy!!!

The brain and mind are two separate though inter dependent entities. Where the brain is the projector and the mind is the image. The difference between the brain projector and the regular film projector is that the brain projector projects a 'live' self conscious mind. Its like the film being projected has not just images but self conscious images that are aware of their own self and are aware of the context of their surroundings; as well as they can look back at the projector. The mind is the true 'I', the 'me' of each individual. However for most people the 'I' is cloaked by the self image. As a result for most individuals the self image is the mind. The self image is projected by a polluted brain. The more pure the brain, the closer to the real self the person is. Please understand that it is the brain process that creates the 'I' - the mind. We are a projection of our brain. The emotional quality of our mind is determined by the physical and emotional quality of our brain.

We are well aware of life situations where we feel by the heart. For instance when we feel that we are falling in love we know that our heart has fallen in love. What really happens is that when ever we feel from our heart then it is our brain that is really the one that is acting up. So when our heart flips it is really our brain that has flipped. What happens is that the brain does not see/perceive the current reality. It gets the information from the mind of the current reality and then it interprets this information through a past entrenched pattern of this reality. In the case of falling in love our culture is such that as children long before we are ready to fall in love we build up an image of our ideal mate. This image can come from a celebrity image from the screen or sport hero or even a neighbor etc. So the brain forms a pattern of expectations of the ideal mate. The brain is already ready to fall in love. And when it gets information from the mind of someone who fits the ideal pattern entrenched in the brain the brain flips over in seconds.

When the brain gets excited the neural activity gets more active and for this the brain needs more blood/oxygen. It sends the signal to the heart to pump more blood. The heart follows the instructions and as a result we can feel the extra activity of the heart. The heart pumping more blood makes us feel as if the heart is feeling the love. All the heart is doing is pumping extra blood without any self consciousness. The extra pumping of the blood makes the heart feel warmer which we mistake for love.

Even before we achieve self consciousness in the fetus stage the brain mind relationship starts to develop through the forming of neural networks in the developing brain. Gradually we become conscious. From the very beginning of our conscious life the very essence of our being, our soul, our self, our mind begins to form and it starts to figure out the very nature of our existence, our 'I'. Questions such as 'Who am I' start to get answered by the feed back the tiny undeveloped brain gets from internally experiencing the external world. The entire external world for the fetus is the womb sack that it is encased in and the womb-environment (W-R, womb-reality). The brain gradually develops a well entrenched image pattern of it's own self, others and what and how the world is.

These entrenched patterns create a personal reality ( P-R ) which the brain knows as actual reality. The normal mind perceives life the way it is in the now. The mind knows the current reality. However the information is taken over by the brain and the brain takes the information provided by the mind and cross references it with it's own P-R/past entrenched experience with the similar information in its memory. Depending on how deeply entrenched this information is in the brain the brain decides what this new reality is and how this new information is going to be acted on. A perfect example is a shy person. As an adult his mind knows that there is no reason to feel shy but it it is the entrenched brain pattern that says that the situation demands shyness and so the person feels shy. Thus the self image/brain pattern controlled real self/mind is compelled to feel shy against the wishes of its own mind, its own self's current experience.

Whether the brain or the mind is going to prevail or ideally whether the brain and mind are on the same page depends on the entrenched brain patterns. In fact the quality of the mind depends on the quality of the brain. In fact the ultimate power of perceiving the actual reality depends upon the entrenched personal reality pattern of the brain. The mind for all practical purposes is what the brain enables it to be.

From the very beginning of life depending on the genes, physical health in the womb and the early upbringing the brain begins to form a pattern of actual reality (A-R). As long as the newer life is more pleasurable it keeps on the same page as the mind, that is; it keeps changing its pattern according to the new information. It keeps changing it's own self image and the whole context of life as if the newer more pleasurable reality is the real reality. Just like a king if made into an emperor forgets that he was a king and adjusts to the new reality. However if he is deposed he clings to his fond memories of being king and his entrenched brain pattern of being king dictates his brain/mind collective. Depending on how much happier his life was as king his brain will keep interpreting life from the past pattern and will proportionately miss the past life and regret the current one.

All human brains are similar. If the brain is exposed to a healthy upbringing the brain/mind collective works on the same page. However in some cases the brain gets stuck at interpreting reality from a -2 premature brain level. The mind is so weak at this stage that the brain rules. In other cases the brain gets stuck at interpreting reality from a -1 immature brain level. At this level the brain is corrupt. However the mind is developed enough to realize the dangers and consequences of corruption so the brain/mind collective is cautious at this level. For most Americans the brain is stuck at +1 where the brain pattern creates a trophy self image. For Americans the brain mind problem comes from the individual's brain treating the own self as a trophy and thus America looks for a trophy life. This creates problems of depression, over spending and over expectations from life etc.

If the brain is exposed to a healthy emotional and physical environment then the entrenched brain pattern keeps changing with each new reality of life and the brain starts to interpret actual reality just as the mind does in the now, as actual reality. The brain's personal reality and the actual reality both become the same. The brain becomes the second nature of the mind. The mind and brain become one. Life at this stage becomes magical. Instead of the brain and mind interpreting reality differently and wasting their energy in conflicting interpretations of life contents/contexts the brain and mind forces work together complimenting each other making life's pleasures and accomplishments real. Not only ensuring high level life successes and even ensuring true happiness and true life.

Even when the mind/I/self is cloaked by the self image the real 'I'/mind/self is still always there and as it is choked by the false self image the real 'I' feels restless and from time to time flares up. We often experience our real self as our conscience. There are tens of millions of people who feel restless without knowing why. It is mostly because their real self is tired of being in bondage! The mind/self/'I' is frustrated of being a slave of the brain projected self image.

Our quality of life from relationships to restfulness to happiness all depend on the level of understanding we have about our self, others and the way things are and work in life. In order to understand our life's ropes we must be able to understand our emotions. In order to understand our emotions we must be able to define our emotions in general as well as our individual and group terms. Also we must define emotions within the paradigms of science, which means that we should be able to measure and weigh our emotions.
It is surprising that no one thought of quantifying the many stages of development that the mind/brain goes through. It is clear that the very nature and quality of emotions experienced and expressed by an infant, a teenager, an adult and a master will be different in quality which boils down to the maturity level of each emotion will be substantially, of a different nature and quality.

The way the mind works is, it works in images. The brain throws up several self images. At any given time I may be my self image of being a father, at another time I may be a self image of a journalist. As there are four levels of the mind the mind is always working at each of these four levels. It is like life is like a four story house. One enters ones life at the lowest story. And if life is a nurturing experience at this first level, the self image climbs up to the 2nd floor. If life is unhealthy then the self image gets stuck at the ground level. As life develops physically and grows up in age the body goes to the second floor. The second floor experiences of life create their own self image. Due to an unhealthy emotional life there form two self images. One living on the ground level and the other living on the second floor. As the unhealthy mind grows in age it again forms a third self image at the third floor. In a healthy life the person must live in his chronical age emotional intelligence powered self image only on the floor of his chronicle age. It is like the person is living on the third floor while he feels and believes he is living on the second and first floors.

When the person moves from one floor to the next the lower floor lights and AC should be switched off. But in the case of the unhealthy mind the lights and the AC are both on on the lower floors. So electricity and energy is being wasted and the electric generator is also working over time even causing extra pollution. The mind works over time at multi levels at the same time thus causing the generation of emotional pain. Resulting in tiredness and a confused understanding of the self. The self image becomes a compound of different quality self images. This causes restlessness and above all pollution of emotional intelligence.

In terms of the mind the electric energy is emotional intelligence. As emotional intelligence is stuck at the three lower levels it causes all kinds of pollution in terms of premature, immature and mature emotional intelligence. It is like the quality of electricity and the amount of electricity generated at each floor is different thus causing energy havoc in the house.

Also in order for the self image to reach the fourth floor the mount of emotional intelligence required demands that all consumptions of emotional intelligence at the lower three levels be switched off. If one wants to live life at the top floor of the house of life then the emotional intelligence power must be of the top quality and must be used only for the top level and the lower levels must be switched off. When the emotional intelligence lights are switched on at the lower levels, in any one or more levels then there isn't sufficient emotional intelligence power to light up the top floor of life. So even if the body in age terms moves to the top floor the self image continues to live at the lower level.

Also in order for the self image to reach the fourth floor the mount of emotional intelligence required demands that all consumptions of emotional intelligence at the lower three levels be switched off. If one wants to live life at the top floor of the house of life then the emotional intelligence power must be of the top quality and must be used only for the top level and the lower levels must be switched off. When the emotional intelligence lights are switched on at the lower levels, in any one or more levels then there isn't sufficient emotional intelligence power to light up the top floor of life. So even if the body in age terms moves to the top floor the self image continues to live at the lower level. Also the emotional intelligence power at each lower level is different in quality. And when emotional intelligence is being generated of two or more different qualities at the same time the amalgam is a mixture that causes confusion in understanding and projection of the compound self. This results in all kinds of problems from misinterpreting the self to misinterpreting all other factors in and of life.

I have quantified the mind as follows:

a)premature mind of a new born child quantified with a value of negative 2.
b)immature mind of a teenager quantified with a value of negative 1.
c)Mature mind of an adult quantified with a value of positive 1.
d)Super mature mind of a master quantified with a value of positive 2.
As all human behavior including emotions spring from mostly one of
the above mind levels I have quantified all human behavior by the level of the mind it is coming from. For instance murder is a -2 activity. To be humble is a +2 behavior.

The very complex brain mind relationship.

The brain is like the small child, the teenager, the adult and or the master. The mind is the manager. The manager has access to reality while the child, the teenager and to some extent the adult lives in his own dream world.First and foremost they both have overlapping hardware. Where the brain develops this hardware that the mind totally depends on. So the quality of the brain supplied hardware on which the mind depends determines the minds own quality. However the silver lining in all this is the true self is also very much real and this true self also supplies the mind with its own input. The true self often shows its frustration in the form of our so called conscience. So when one is feeling guilty then the mind and the true self are feeling guilty. (Of course sometimes the mind feels guilty while the conscience is neutral and vice-versa. As when one applies for a job and is turned down because of lack of skills).

Our mind/'me'/'I' is in the grip of our brain projected self image due to the Emotional Brain Garbage ( EBG ).
Emotional brain garbage that is the fuel that creates the phony self image. In order to make the mind free we need to take out the EBG from our brains. To take out the emotional brain garbage (EBG) one must identify the self with the mind (as your mind is the real you ) and focus with contextual mindfulness on the brain garbage as in:

1) I am not my brain.

2) My brain is an organ of my body, just like my hands. As I have full control of my hands I must have full control of my brain.

3) I must focus on my self image and understand why my self image has cloaked my real self - my real mind.

4) As my mind is in the grip of my brain, I must realize that it is my body which is dictating my behavior.

5) It is a big handicap that our brain remains in charge of our true self - our true mind.

6) The bigger handicap is that we are not even crystal clear about this problem and as a result we are confused about our self and we don't even know where to begin.

7) So begin by becoming aware that 'I am my mind and my brain is an organ of my body, just like my hands are.

8) Once you know who you are in your mind, identify with your true 'I' and start the process of changing not only your self image of your mind but also focus on how to change the infrastructure of your brain. It is not an easy task as your brain is hardware and software (not just hardware ) that is programmed to generate electro chemical reactions that project your false self - your false mind. Your self image - your phony mind is backed with and powered by a physically altered brain. So be patient as the needed physical changes of the brain will take time. But once you start on this journey, remember time will keep passing anyway, you will awaken one day as your true mind - as your true 'I'!

9) Fortunately we are now putting a lot of focus on how to bring our brain's physical and emotional powers into top shape. Brain exercises and brain therapy has become a multibillion dollar industry. Find the most professionally qualified classes and join them. Remember that the so called normal brain is not enough. You need to not only free the mind/self/I from the grip of the brain; you have to physically and emotionally remake your brain so that your brain and you are on the same page.

10) If you are sensitive of the fact that you think that if your brain is defective then you are defective. Then you must wake up to the fact that your brain is a vessel. And just like every other vessel it needs cleaning. The problem is not you the problem is in your brain carrying and being powered by EBG. Emotional baggage that needs to be taken out of the brain. This EBG is the evil that is bad and though it affects you it is not you. And EBG can be taken out and your brain can be made clean again!

In fact you must develop your brain where it gives up its control of the mind and becomes an organ of the body where it lets you/your mind become its master. Where the brain stops cross referencing the current reality and interpreting it in past patterns. This can only be done when the brain has no emotional brain garbage/baggage. When the brain is squeaky clean it stands aside and lets the mind perceive actual reality as actual reality.

Are you, your brain’s and mind’s CEO?
The brain works from images that are put together from the past and present amalgamation. The mind knows the current reality. The brain reacts via entrenched electrochemical processes unmindful of the present. The brain reacts with blind passion without thinking and the mind thinks and reflects on the current reality.

The mind is in charge of the five senses. It absorbs the current reality through these senses. The self/'I' gets the current reality from the mind but has the brain to understand this information from the mind. When the brain is stuck at a lower level then even though the I is sensing the current reality through the mind the I only understands the distorted reality that is reinterpreted by the brain. Thus people living in the same reality grasp it differently and so their behavior is different as their knowledge and understanding is different.
This is what life is all about. It is like the job of CEO is open and available. The mind wants this job but the brain is not prepared enough to understand and take this job. So the mind watches along with the true self as the CEO job remains unfulfilled. Everyone has this opportunity to develop their brains to the level where they can become their own brain and minds CEO.

But please realize that you have the power to change into your true self - your true mind and above all please make sure your future generations grow up into pure beings with no EBG fuel to power and cause a polluted brain.
An important message for those who get to this knol directly from the internet and are not aware of knol (the google encyclopedia of original knowledge). Please read the related literature by googling 'Wisdom by Sajid Khan' where you will find more information on the brain, and mind differences. Knols like the following:


The human mind is consciousness that manifests itself as the self and consciousness is the mind that manifests itself as the self.
There we go again. I am beginning to see the connection between the brain, mind, self image, consciousness, self and conscience! And even the connection between the mind and wisdom. I also see a clearer picture of the Id*, Ego and Super Ego. I was looking up the description of mind in my child's text book - The World of Psychology by Samuel E. Wood and Ellen R. Green Wood. There is no mention of mind in the index, though mentality is mentioned.
There we go again. Just as W I S D O M is defined by its attributes, the mind is also defined by its attributes!!!

So the mind also is mentioned by its attributes! Wikipedia has the following definition: Mind (pronounced /ˈmaɪnd/) refers to the aspects of intellect and consciousness manifested as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination, including all of the brain's conscious and unconscious cognitive processes. "Mind" is often used to refer especially to the thought processes of reason. Subjectively, mind manifests itself as a stream of consciousness....

Again the Webster dictionary mentions the mind as:

1 : recollection, memory

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