Wednesday, August 25, 2010

24/7 Horniness; a spreading epidemic that must be stopped.

Be aware of falling into the trap of horniness.
The medical association is going to include 24/7 horniness as a disease in the next edition of their book on the list of diseases! Just as I have been saying for years! It is amazing that Mr. Spears, without explaining, has criticized this knol's argument that 24/7 horniness is a disease.

More and more people are falling into this trap of 24/7 horniness. With all this sex stuff every where no one is thinking of the excesses of too much deliberate sexual attractions all around. A significant number of people gradually over many years sink into the quick sand of horniness. Many of these people don't realize their tragedy till it is too late. Once stuck the best they can do is try to control it. But it is a wild animal that keeps bothering them again and again. This knol is for the young people who are just coming of age and those who are heading towards horniness, those who are border line horny and those who are already stuck.


You must realize that the mind is the one which perceives the object of desire and gets aroused. It passes the information to the brain. The brain gets excited and releases hormones. Even the heart gets into the act and pumps more blood. During this period of attraction the brain and body are in a changed physical state. There is excitement, there is anticipation, there is frustration, perhaps there is even genuine love. There is even an act going on where the person is hiding his attraction from every one else except the object of his affection. It is a whole storm of emotions going on. Sometimes the person gets lucky and his dreams come true. Mostly the person is unsuccessful. Of these people some move on and forget the attraction. Others, the ones this knol is addressed to, fall into this habit of daydreaming about these desires. It is the mind that dwells on the fantasy. The brain takes the clue from the mind and behaves as if the act is happening in real time. As a result the whole nine yards of the storm of emotions start to churn partly on a lower scale. Over time most of even these people over come the attraction and move on. However a significant number keep playing the fantasy again and again. The brain releasing hormones again and again soon gets into the act of releasing hormones at the slightest thought of the beloved. Gradually the brain starts to release hormones 24/7 without any thought of the beloved.

There is another category of horny people who don't fall into the horniness trap due to falling in love or due to getting attracted to some one. They fall into this desire for just sex. This group is more numerous than the first group. This behavior pattern starts from puberty onwards. And the most vulnerable are the ones who are shy or feel inadequate and have less confidence in themselves. As this group is the least likely to find a mate they daydream about it. Daydreaming not about any one specific person but daydreaming about sex. This group will go through the day and whoever is the prettiest they lay their eyes on they will fantasize about. The brain again goes to work as if the fantasy is happening in real time. Many of this group become sex addicts. Others become more and more horny till they get trapped in horniness 24/7.

Some very serious steps must be taken. Teens must be educated to be aware of the chances of falling into this trap. They must be made aware of the dangers of brooding and fantasizing about their beloved. And especially about the dangers of fantasizing about sex without anyone particular in mind. They must be educated of how the brain cannot see; it can only perceive what the mind passes on to it. And that the brain keeps repeating the fantasy in real time thus over working the body and brain to a point where the hormones get churning 24/7. This danger is real and a more and more significant number will fall into this trap if we don't address this problem of the ignorance about the dangers of horniness.

Horniness cannot be brushed under the carpet any more. It is a growing epidemic that is making a lot of people emotionally and physically sick.

Most people realize the tragedy after it is too late. Most who are trapped would give anything to get out of it. Perhaps there is already a pill that can counter the hormones release 24/7 if not then it must be developed as a priority.

However there are some solutions.

The biggest solution is to make those who are entering the sexual maturity age, completely aware that they must avoid the dangers of getting trapped in the quick sand of horniness. There must be a chapter on horniness in every sex class and every sex text book.They must be shown the dangers of horniness and ways to stay clear of the trap of horniness.

Every one must take my simple test of horniness:
Make your mind focus on zero, on nothing. Just relax your mind for a few minutes. Then take a pencil and write the ten next thoughts that come to your mind.Take your time. If your mind is stuck on just one thought, just read or relax and then when the next thought comes write it down. Out of the ten thoughts if one of the thoughts is related to sex. You are healthy regarding horniness. If 3 out of 10 are on sex then you are well on the way to horniness. You must immediately become aware that if you do not take steps to correct yourself you will be addicted to horniness. If your score is between 4 and 5 then you are borderline horny. If it is 6 then you are already in trouble. At 6 and beyond there is a kind of buzzing headache 24/7. There is a pain in the body especially in the legs. So how do you get out of this jam?

The best way is to get professional help like psychoanalysis, positive psychology, yoga even tantric yoga etc for those who are borderline and beyond. For those with a score of up to 3 read books that show you how to get rid of addictions. Contextual Mindfulness. This is a mind exercise program that is not only good to get rid of addictions it even is good to take you from +1 to +2 in all mind areas. In contextual mindfulness you just observe your horniness without judging. While observing you also focus on the aches and pains of your body that are caused by horniness.

Also separate your true self - your mind from your brain. Experience your brain as just an organ of your body (which it actually is). As they say with your mind's third eye which means focusing your consciousness(your third eye, which is the true you) on your brain. Convince your self that the true you are not addicted (this is the essential technique for getting rid of all addictions). It is your brain and your brain generated self image that is addicted. Put some distance between you and your addiction.

Above all remember all addictions are a function of your lower brain level. Even with this horniness learn to know understand and become your true self and you will more than just control your horniness or any other addiction.

When one is enjoying the addiction in ones imagination then one must focus on the very phoniness of the ‘kick’ one is getting out of indulging in this addiction. Become aware of the pleasure of this kick being phony while at the same time become aware and feel all the trouble that this kick is causing. For instance when one is indulging in horniness become aware of the thrill that this is giving the brain while at the same time become aware of and feel all the pain and trouble that this addiction is causing. The tiredness of the brain, body and mind. The embarrassing change in the look on the face, the constant tension, the tiredness of the body, the constant unsatisfying hunger. Become aware of all this at the same time. At the precise moment when the brain is enjoying the kick become aware of and consciously feel all the havoc this kick is causing. When the brain is churning because of horniness and you make it consciously churn the other way then the churning in both directions stops. Because you cannot go North and South at the same time. Its like killing the acidity with an alkaline pill.

Also even if the brain can think in two opposite directions then at least the focus is divided into two parts and who knows what magic will happen when the brain releases both alkalinity and acid. Or what I suspect will happen is that the two opposite emotions will cancel each other out. This way the brain will be free of its addiction sooner than later. I think this needs further research.
Also starting with becoming mindful of the kick of addiction and its side affects in full awareness we can move on to focusing just on the side affects.

Especially for those who are stuck they must take up a new hobby that they have always wanted but never tried. Taking up a hobby that gives you great pleasure will take your mind off horniness and this will break the 24/7 addiction. This will gradually weaken your horniness.

Suppose in your business you were short of cash you would have to inject cash into your business. Suppose you were cold you would have to create and look for warmth. To counter plus you will have to provide minus. If you have acidity you will have to counter it with alkalinity. As horniness and all other additions are a source of pleasure and yet these addictions have a negative affect on the mind and body. So when you are indulging in your addiction also become aware of the pain this addiction is causing to the mind and body. Becoming aware of both pleasure and pain at the same time will result in neutralizing the churning of emotions in the brain. I have a good hunch this will work in getting rid of the addiction faster than anything else out there. Neutralize your addiction by feeling and becoming aware of the real pain this addiction is causing.

Addictions start with the mind getting involved for starters. As the mind gets more and more indulgent the brain takes over. So make every effort to control your mind. Don't let it pass on the information to the brain. Suppose its the face or the lips or the eyes that trigger the attraction try not to look at your favorite spots. Keep your mind away from your likings.

Another big problem with horniness is that many who get trapped make it worse by becoming self conscious of their horniness and feel worried about what others think of them being so horny. So this worry of being known as horny adds to the misery. And for a significant section becomes a bigger source of misery than the problem itself. One must wake up to the fact that other people's horniness is not taken as a problem by others. I will not feel insulted by your being horny. For others it may be a source of curiosity or even ridicule but it is more or less an impersonal problem. It is mostly dismissed and is not of any significance for others. Some of us who make a mountain out of a mole hill only make it worse for our self.

So to over come this worry of being seen as horny please do what you would do to over come any irrational worries. Imagine you are in a crowd and being ridiculed and laughed at by the whole crowd. Even imagine any particular person who makes you feel embarrassed. Feel the whole scene as if it is happening in real time. And feel it in contextual mindfulness. It is like say you are afraid of rats. I put a rat in your hand again and again. The first time you will feel the most severe fear. Gradually the fear will diminish and you will be rid of this extra worry of being seen by others as horny. Remember it is a very bad deal not in reality but just in our imagination, while for others it is nothing. So you do not need to worry over nothing. So take the step of removing this irrational worry through contextual mindfulness.


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