Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wisdom Manual/The Complete Guide To Wisdom Education.

Brain Development Manual.
We harness Mother Nature's forces through physics and engineering. Wisdom is MN's most powerful force. The time has come when we must create a wisdom manual which every individual must know, understand and digest the Tao/path to wisdom. Please understand that the ancient ways of studying wisdom, by looking for clues to understanding wisdom through what the likes of Aristotle told us is to get trapped in past time. The time has come to create a wisdom manual that will bring us into the present time and that will make our current time dripping in wisdom. Which will make our life run on the power of wisdom. Just imagine how many trillions of dollars we waste on account of letting ignorance power our lives. The cost to our emotional well being is incalculable. The life/experiencing of wisdom cannot be described in words.*

First and foremost we must understand that the old route to becoming wise by making one's self aware of the attributes of wisdom and trying to persuade our self to follow these attributes has not really worked for thousands of years. The qualities of wisdom are only parts of wisdom. Wisdom is a force of MN. It is as much alive as time is alive; as much as consciousness is alive. Wisdom is alive and a complete force when all its qualities are produced naturally by a +2 super mature brain. Consider wisdom as an alive body. Love is this body's heart. Grace is its arm. Intelligence is it's mind. Ignorance is it's brain's cancer. So when you teach love as part of teaching wisdom you are teaching the 'heart' of wisdom. Like a physical organ that is being taught as a part of wisdom. It's like a medical class is taking place where the teacher holds up a the human heart to show how it looks. The teacher is not teaching the very nature of the heart; he is simply teaching the qualities, the attributes of the heart. Like the physical qualities of the heart. A dead heart. Thus we don't teach wisdom and don't even teach love, we teach the attributes of love. Teaching the attributes of love is not the same as teaching love. I can give the same example for our teaching love's attributes as the example I gave for teaching wisdom. Its like, there we go again, instead of teaching love as a whole alive and a living force of MN, we are teaching the dead parts of its body.It is like in a class room the very core nature of the force of love is shown to the class as dead parts from the body of love. Teaching love that is alive and thriving is not the same as teaching its dead parts.

Also even while teaching dead parts of the body of wisdom all we do is teach the benefits of wisdom and the method of teaching amounts to persuading people to follow and adapt the attributes of wisdom for their own good. So current wisdom teaching is more or less like a holy man giving a sermon.

Teaching wisdom as wisdom means making the individual aware of the attributes of wisdom. If at all wisdom can be understood it is only by the +2 super mature brain. Wisdom attributes can be known but not understood at +1 and lower brain levels. So when we are persuaded to become aware of the attributes of wisdom and the focus is on trying to become wise the result is that we do know what these attributes are. And still we really don't 'Get It', that is we know it but we don't understand it. For understanding means feeling and becoming these attributes. Which means feeling humbleness etc. must be backed/powered by electro-chemical and emotional brain power. If the brain is at +1 then the understanding is on the side of the trophy self image. At +1 the trophy self image is backed by electro-chemical and emotional brain power and when the new humbleness tries to replace the trophy self image the trophy self image is too powerful to be replaced as it is well entrenched in the brain. So listening to sermons is like when we go to church and listen to a sermon. It has little affect on us and we go back to our same old trophy image dictated lives.

On the other hand by developing the brain to +2 we automatically make our innate wisdom forces come alive. The way to make our brain power +2 is by removing the trophy self image. This is done by reliving the reasons in contextual mindfulness why the trophy self image got entrenched into the brain in the first place. Once the lower level self image is removed the selfless image becomes alive and kicking and we become wise.

Consider the following. Suppose the class is to show the students the behavior of a live dog. The aim is to show how adopting a dog is extremely good for people's emotional well being, because it brings selfless love into the person's mind. And as love is the chief of positive emotions; happiness, joy and relaxation etc all come into the brain. So what the teacher does is show one of the attributes of the dog. He shows the tail of the dog! And he tries to explain the quality of life one will have by demonstrating the qualities of the tail and ears etc. Can the teacher achieve the goal of teaching the benefits of having a dog as companion? Even though wisdom education is more complex you get the picture. We must acknowledge that wisdom is a live force and it must be studied as a whole body that is alive and not its dead body parts studied individually.

Consider wisdom as a tree and its attributes as the fruit. When we try to cultivate the attributes of wisdom it is like trying to cultivate the fruit without planting and nurturing the tree. It is impossible to cultivate fruit independent of the tree. By planting and taking care of the tree the fruit will eventually grow naturally with out any extra effort to create the fruit. Also the quality of the fruit will come directly from the quality of the tree.
Thus to have the attributes of wisdom we will have to cultivate just wisdom. And as wisdom itself is a function of the +2 super mature brain we will have to cultivate and nurture the brain to become +2 super mature.

No wonder wisdom is considered too complicated and fuzzy to be developed into a complete subject. Well wisdom is the fragrance that comes alive when we develop the brain to it's full potential. Just like the fragrance of a flower; to give the best possible fragrance the flower must have it's roots and plants quality developed to the highest level. Thus wisdom education is the development of the brain to its highest emotional intelligence level. We have enough knowledge out here to create a wisdom manual. A complete guide to wisdom education is a complete guide to developing your brain to the highest emotional intelligence level.

Love and wisdom are made up of the same raw material; the authentic being (self). How does love management sound? Wisdom/Love is the ultimate expression of being human; if it needs management then it is a controlled wisdom/love and not authentic wisdom/love. When one talks about managing wisdom then what one is really talking about is managing those negative emotions that prevent one from becoming wise. Which means that one is carrying emotional garbage in the mostly unconscious part of the brain and in order to manage ones behavior wisely one has to learn to manage the negative forces generated by the emotional baggage. To become authentically wise one must learn to remove the emotional garbage from the brain.

Wisdom management is like gold plated brass and wisdom is like pure gold. They may look the same but they don't 'experience' the same. They don't even produce the same results. In fact you can put value to wisdom management - it is tremendous; but pure wisdom is priceless. Pure wisdom is pure wisdom and wisdom management is controlling ignorance.

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