Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Why Religion Is Important.

We have four mind levels and as a result we have four different qualities of people, even four levels of groups and countries. At -2 we have murderers, rapists and thugs. At -1 we have corrupt people. At +1 we have people who Conner as much money and power as possible ; the only thing wrong with this is that some less ambitious, more mature and more deserving people lose out.

Religion is a very strong factor why people with -2 premature, -1 immature and +1 mature minds are not more destructive to society. Religion keeps their negative character traits in check. Even the -2 mind is transformed into
loving and respecting his Gd. and his group. Thus love and respect are introduced into a -2 mind thanks to religion. Love is love and it performs its magic of calming and providing its benefits to the -2 and -1 minds.

One of the most important essential attributes of human nature is human dignity. A -2 mind has almost no self/human dignity. His religion provides him with the religion's group dignity. Thus a -2 and -1 minds essential hunger for self dignity is fulfilled through his group dignity.

An essential component of self dignity is self created economic dignity and most -2 minds have practically no self created economic dignity and religion comes in to the rescue once again. -2 minds identify their own economic dignity by identifying with the economic dignity of their religion.

Also -2 minds have no or very little self respect and they get their self respect by associating with the respect and honor of their religion. There are many lessons here.

The most urgent and critical lesson is that when a person's self dignity comes from his religion's self dignity then especially in the case of -2 minds the person puts his religion's dignity and honor above his own life. For all he knows is the honor and dignity of his religion. This is what he lives by. This is a factor that is exploited by the extremists. So we must make sure that where ever terrorism is coming from in those areas we provide the means for the new generations enough resources; so that the children are educated to develop their own self dignity based on their own mind's quality. They must also be provided by the education and at least a little economic means to eventually develop their own economic dignity.

Thus religion is very essential for society. But we must make sure that fanatics don't exploit this useful entity for their own narrow goals.

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