Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mr. Brain in his own words.

The authorized biography of Mr. Brain in his own words.
My job is to ensure the physical and emotional health and well being of the 70 million million cells in your body.

My name is brain and apparently you still don't know me. I am still not very well understood. I am a physical entity. I am an organ just like your lungs or liver. Consider me as a huge factory. My workers are called my cells, brain cells. I used to be a conscious collective comprising of brain cells. Each of my brain cell was self conscious. Our job was to organize the correct functioning of the whole human body and make sense of our self and the world around us. In those early days life was very tough. There was danger everywhere. It was either eat or get eaten. So our life revolved around survival and fear. In those days when my owner was confronted with danger, all my cells being conscious we would all panic and we would quickly work helter skelter and often we forgot to start releasing the right chemicals so we could run away faster than our predator. Some times in fear we even forgot to tell our feet to start running. So over time we decided to divide our duties. Now we are in much better shape. Now part of our cells have become totally unconscious. We now simply do what ever is required. We totally focus on the work we are alloted. We are the cells who never panic. We just do our job of whatever is required.(Of course we can be conditioned to panic or get shy or nervous if the mind gets to repeat this behavior again and again).These are the cells that collectively represent me. *Our job is to run the 70 million million cells in the entire body. So we focus on such activity as making sure that the heart beats correctly and pumps blood to the whole body. (Funny; when you fall in love, you think the heart is falling in love. *While what the hearts does is follow my command to pump more blood(so the warm feeling of the heart pumping more blood you misread as the heart falling in love) as I get excited when the self conscious cells, what you call the mind, tell me that they are perceiving some one who resembles the fantasy that the mind has anticipated over years. As I cannot see when the mind keeps repeating any behavior(which I have to physically organize) I organize all the fantasy behavior as if it is real releasing all the right chemicals and the right electric currents. So it becomes second nature to me. As the mind keeps repeating this love fantasy I get hooked too, so I get in on the act(You should know I do not think consciously, for conscious thinking is the mind's job. I do not act; I react) and so my reaction was automatic when the real fantasy person came along. I fell in love before the mind's eye could even blink!)

The self conscious cells are also a part of the brain collective and they have formed their own collective and they together are called the mind. It is like there is one factory and there are two teams.* One team the brain(me) works to run the body and the other team the mind watches out for us. We made this arrangement out of our strategy for survival. We are always ready to fight or run and the mind would decide and tell us what to do. Now a days the mind's duties are to make sense of our whole being, make sense of others out there and make sense of how to more than survive as the life threatening situations are less and less.(In war I am a different story; I go back to my ancient ways).

The mind tells us what to make of the world. The mind's job is to live in the moment and experience life as new every time. The mind is not supposed to have any stuck self image. It is not supposed to give us the same experience again and again, not even when my owner is training to be a sports champion. This is why to be a good sports champion one must practice the physical part again but in coordination with the mind to practice from every possible angle so that my experience becomes newer and newer each time (I am kind of bored with the same experience every time. Besides our real boss life(The real secret of our self) herself wants us to experience every moment of her life as new. She does not want to be treated as stale not even for a single moment), so that the caliber of the sportsman improves with each training. This is why real sports men train with body and mind. I get used to the old tricks and I keep telling the body to keep on improving and keep on learning better and better eye and body coordination. The minds job is to feel new experiences every moment. It must feel new every moment and dance with life/time as if this moments life is all there is.(Even though this moment is replaced with another moment.....a situation comes when time/life decide they have had enough with you and they quit on you)(By the way I know them well they are my friends and one day I will ask them to explain their own selves in their own words.)

So I run the factory that we call the body. The mind makes sense of the world including answering the question, 'Who Am I?' and the second most important question, 'What I want from life?'

I keep all the record in memory. For those who understand the secret of Mother Nature know that their mind is not supposed to have any preconceived memory of the past life because that is my job. When life patterns of the same experience are repeated again and again then the mind, whose job is to experience life as a new moment every moment hands over the job of interpreting life to me. In interpreting life thinking is involved and as I don't think I deal with repetitive situations from memory. The mind gradually steps aside and becomes inactive. This is what I call the mind has stopped doing her job. She stops to live fully and she gets stuck.

So I become the supervisor of the body as well as the interpreter of life as it is happening now. I don't know what is going on now so I react to all new situations from memory as if this new situation is the old familiar situation. The problem is that this - the new situation is always different from the old pattern that I work from. So my reading of the current situation is always a disconnect from reality so depending on the level where the mind is stuck my reactions from memory result in all kinds of problems for me and society.

Some times the infant mind gets afraid from the parents abuse and neglect and so he wants to run away from the pain but as we are helpless and cannot run away so the mind runs away in fantasy to the past better life. The mind dwells on the past. As the past is my department I not only make the mind believe that the present is not real I exaggerate the past life. (Though I don't need exaggeration for in the past I have felt omnipotent and omnipresent). When painful experiences occur again and again then I take over the interpretation of life from the mind. For we start living in the past from memory which is my department. The mind becomes so afraid that even each new coming situation is considered full of danger so the mind gradually becomes more and more inactive. I have to interpret life from memory. The mind gets stuck at the premature level(-2), immature level(-1) or at the mature(+1) level depending on the way the mind perceives life. The two lowest levels are due to unhealthy upbringing. But the mind gets stuck at the +1 level because parents indulge in OT,('omnipotence transference' as in I am not the best but my child will be). I wish they would not do this because I come so close to enjoying my true real life where I do my unconscious job of running the body and the mind does its job of interpreting life and taking the big decisions rather than me interpreting life from memory without having any clue to the current life situation. Thus due to this unhealthy upbringing there occurs a disconnect from life. As the mind resigns to living in the past and as the past is my department I become the boss of the brain/mind collective. This causes a ripple effect and whole societies suffer. I wish someone would tell the world collective to wake up and help me do my job and the mind do its job so that I don't have to run both the departments. This not only tires me; I start to run the body in a less efficient way as I am only the brain and it is not my job to take over the duties of the mind and my over working causes even physical damage to me and the body apart from the emotional pain and confusion as a result of doing two jobs.

Don't get me wrong when the mind suffers pain I don't want his job. However when the mind enjoys pleasure I enjoy his feed back. When life is good the mind keeps living in the now and I keep happily putting all the happy experiences into my memory bank. I especially enjoy him focusing on his math and science. The more he focuses on learning and absorbing the new knowledge the more easier it becomes for him to understand because I am the one where this new knowledge is being processed and memorized. If he keeps giving me more and more information on the subject I not only are able to absorb and understand the subject I even work on the tough problems that the mind is studying and sometimes while the mind is sleeping I continue to contemplate the problem and sometimes I am able to solve it. Especially when the mind focuses on the subject as Mother Nature wants the mind to; then a pattern of understanding occurs and I become the boss of this knowledge because the memory bank is under my control. So as they say without thinking the expert begins to solve problems. Actually it is me who provides the quick solution. Because I get to work on so many problems and gain so much knowledge that solving tough problems become second nature to me. (All second nature reactions are my domain.) Remember Picasso, he did a painting for a rich lady once. He drew the painting in 10 minutes and asked the lady for 50,000.00 Francs. She said why 50,000.00 as it took him only 10 minutes. Picasso said the price was for the 50 years of the best experience that went behind the work of the painting plus the 10 minutes. The lady paid him promptly. Picasso was talking of the fact that his mind and brain were working together. Mostly I was the expert so much so that Picasso could have done it in his sleep. When you study and learn and practice so hard then Mother Nature rewards you by making me your brain a real expert. So if you want to become an outstanding expert let your mind learn and practice, learn and practice till it becomes your second nature!

Let me tell you I don't work as one single unit. My cells work as a team. You feel the final product. It's like in the factory different workers make the different parts and then other workers put it all together. But I will let Mr. Brain Cell tell you his own life in his own words.

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