Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Ultimate happiness.
As in every thing else you are the source of all your attributes of emotions! It is just like you are a tree and the emotions are your fruit. The quality of the tree will determine the quality of its fruit. The quality of your happiness will depend on the quality of your actualized humanness which is the real you. It is the fully developed potential of the Christ in you that can experience pure happiness. And I am not talking of The Christ as The Son of Gd; I am talking of Christ as in the fully actualized humanness potential.

There was an article in the New York Times Magazine, 'Happiness 101' some time back.
Positive psychology is now being taught all over America
and the world. I have a better alternative. I thought that my
response might be of interest to you. Please consider the following:
An Indian Holy man once told me that, 'The value of a human being is
not judged by what one says, nor is it judged by what one does, it is
judged by what one actually becomes.' It took me some time to
understand this statement which means to speak good is good, to do
good is better and to become good is best.For one may speak good to
impress others or out of fear etc., to do good one may do it for some
ulterior motive like vanity. In the case of teaching positive
psychology one does good to become happy and feel good.So the purpose
of doing good is selfish, even if the act itself is selfless. This
still creates some background guilt as doing premeditated acts of
goodness for selfish motives takes the selflessness out of the act.
By becoming good to the core your whole life, every minute of it,
all that you say, all that you do everything is pure selfless
goodness. You no longer need to indulge in single acts of kindness
to feel good. You become the very embodiment of pure happiness.

Positive psychology education is a better step in the right direction.
As doing good, even with a selfish motive is better than not doing
any good at all.However becoming selfless is an altogether different
matter. Since time immemorial the ultimate aim of education has
been self mastery, where the self is selfless - the pure
person (being). Where the person knows, understands and becomes the
pure self without the self being hidden in any layers of a self
image. Its like holding an apple in your hand and tasting it verses
looking at an apple in the
mirror and believing that the image is the real thing.

According to my hypothesis as there are four levels of the mind there
are four levels of perceived selfs as follows:
a) Premature self image (-2) where the self feels omnipotent and
omnipresent. As in 'I am everything all others are nothing' This self
image manifests in dictators, tyrants, criminals etc.
b) Immature self image (-1) where the self feels confused between
omnipotence and helplessness. As in 'I am not the best today but I
will be and I deserve the best.' This self image manifests itself in
corrupt people.
c) Mature self image (+1) where the self feels confident and equal to
the best but where the self is first and every one else is second
though equally important. This self image manifests itself in the
significant section of law abiding citizens who never the less
struggle for more and more of everything.
d) Super mature self (+2) (note there is no image at this level of the
mind) where the self feels humble. Where the person feels everyone
else as one family irrespective of caste or creed etc. The self feels
every one else as number 1 and his own self as second. At this stage
the person knows, understands and is his pure self. A selfless
person who loves and respects everyone equally and places his own
interests below that of others. All his acts are selfless. His
happiness stems from living a pure guilt free life.
Thus my definition of self falls within the paradigm of science. A
self that can be defined in numbers- +2! Our true self is the one
that is perceived by the super mature level of the mind.

Notice there is no talk of self mastery in this article. The problem
remains that mainstream education still stays away from defining the
self. As the self is still cloaked in mystery as in 'the self is
immortal', 'the self is the same in everybody', 'the self is part of
God etc. No wonder science cannot define the self within the paradigm
of science and so rather than define the self and create education
for self mastery, mainstream education has scaled down the goals to
mere well being and happiness through single acts of selflessness
even though this act is for selfish means and it creates a tainted

A significant section goes through life with a restlessness that we
cannot understand. In the Sufi tradition it is said that God created
the universe because God was a hidden treasure and He wanted to be
known. Perhaps we are indeed made in the image of God. Our true self
remains hidden under a layer of brain washed self image. The true
self perhaps wants to make itself aware and be known.
It is the restlessness of the true hidden self that we feel so
restless. Its like an iceberg. We look at the portion above the water
and smoothen out the rough portions that we can see. We even try to
push around the top. The top shakes and even moves a little. And the
portion below continues to function unknown, cloaked and unmastered.
Not surprisingly we go through life struggling and striving. The
sweat and tears are ours; the agenda belongs to the below the radar
mind and our self image.


How to know what is pure happiness?
Pure happiness is a function of the pure and fully actualized humanness in you.
As in every thing else you are the source of all your attributes of emotions! It is just like you are a tree and the emotions are your fruit. The quality of the tree will determine the quality of its fruit. The quality of your happiness will depend on the quality of your actualized humanness which is the real you. It is the fully developed potential of the Christ in you that can experience pure happiness. And I am not talking of The Christ as The Son of Gd; I am talking of Christ as in pure knowledge.
This pure humanness, this Christ is the real currency of life. An authentic life you can buy only with authentic currency! So if you want eternal happiness actualize the full Christ potential in you.

The quality/level of your actualized self will determine the quality of your happiness.

Pure happiness is that innate quality of the brain that lies dormant in each and every one of us. It is a pure state of experience that comes with the territory of every pure human being. I am not talking of a purity that is spiritual and eternal. I am talking of a brain that is physically and thus emotionally super mature. Even though at the emotionally super mature stage the quality of the attributes of the brain is the same as that of a purely spiritual human being.

The pure you is a process that is generated by the pure brain. If your brain is emotionally stuck at the premature level then the quality of the Christ/humanness in you will also be premature. At this level you will never know pure happiness and most of your happiness will come through daydreaming and a disconnect with reality.

At the immature brain level you may taste happiness once in a while but mostly your immature brain will give you an immature happiness.

At the mature level you will taste quite a bit of pure happiness but it will always be fleeting because your mature brain will project a partly false you in the form of a trophy self image. And this trophy self image has the real you in its own control so your self image will mostly be perusing its own happiness agenda which will not give you pure happiness. Your self image will keep on trying to prove itself as the best by accumulating more and more trophies but this will not make the real you truly happy.

At the super mature brain level your brain will project the real pure you. At this stage the real you is the fully
developed humanness potential. The actualized Christ in you. At this level you will be in an underlined state of pure happiness. Life will be lived by your agenda. Your goals of happiness will be fully your own. At this stage not only will you know pure happiness you will devote your life to spreading pure happiness to every brain irrespective of caste and creed.

The pure you is the source of your pure life, your true happiness. Your currency of life is you. You are the currency in the market place of life. Become the highest super mature self and all the ingredients of a blissful eternal life will become real including wisdom and pure happiness.

This pure humanness, this Christ is the real currency of life. An authentic life you can buy only with authentic currency! So if you want true happiness, the real pure pleasures of life you will have to have the currency to buy it with. There are only two realities in this world - Heaven and hell. All other realities are a mixture of the two. And The Christ (Pure knowledge himself) clearly said you cannot buy heaven with the currency of hell. It's like trying to buy life in the US with a Zimbabwe currency. And this bottom line currency is the real you. Your pure self is the unlimited bank account with which you can buy eternal time, eternal pleasure and an authentic life. Because when you try to buy happiness with a polluted you then the pure happiness is polluted too and you wonder that in spite of all these accomplishment and wealth and accumulated trophies why you cannot be satisfied. Because authentic life satisfactions cannot be bought with a partly fake you.

Even when the true you is cloaked in a lower level self image you are still there very much alive. And from time to time you become known to your true self in the form of your conscience. So wake up to the fact that when ever you are being bothered by your conscience then it is you that is bothering your self image. You conscience is the real you. When you feel guilty it is the real you feeling miserable, helpless and guilty for the actions of your self image driven life. So if you don't want to feel miserable and want to make your real you happy then follow your conscience. Following your conscience will be making your true self. the real you happy.

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