Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Understand your brain.

" 'Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see Gd.' - Jesus

'Evolve the states from within and the without will take care of itself.' - Zolar
How many can follow out such a code? "- Zolar

Every one who develops his mind to the +2 super mature level will not only follow the code he will become the code. The self/mind and consciousness are all fragrances of the brain. In order to become the best possible self you will have to evolve your brain to become the best possible quality. Just as you develop your learning to develop your earning capacity to make a living. You develop your brain to develop your living capacity; to develop your own capacity to become you. So understand your brain and how it can be made into the best possible organ that projects your best possible mind which in turn is the real you!

The quality of your self will depend on the quality of your self. Your self is a projection of your brain. The brain is made up of actual physical matter. The physical quality of your brain will determine whether you will know, understand and become your true self or whether you will know and for all practical purposes become your self image.

Your brain goes through four stages* of developed qualities as follows:

1) Premature brain (-2). This brain is powered by feelings of omnipotence and omnipresence. The person feels that he is the center of the universe. An all important being. When after birth life is more enjoying the child forgets his feelings of omnipotence and omnipresence and moves on to feelings of being blissfully dependent. He enjoys his new happy life being the center of attention and love. However if the current life is full of pain and suffering and as the child cannot run away he mentally withdraws to his earlier life. And so instead of giving up his feelings of omnipotence he clings to them. Just as a deposed king still feels like a king in his mind. What actually happens is that each unhappy experience gets lodged in the brain. The incident gets consciously forgotten but the emotions of suffering and pain and humiliation etc. color the persons self image. Its like the self is plastered with dirt that actually gets under the skin and almost replaces the self with its own personality; its own mental pattern, its own mentality. All this actually physically changes the brain. The good part in all this is that if you re-live all these unhappy and painful incidents the brain changes back into a higher quality brain which means that the brain starts to project a self image that is closer to your true self. To improve the quality of the brain one has to free the brain of all unconscious memories that are still generating pain and causing the brain to be stuck at the -2 premature level.There are many paths to getting rid of your negative unconscious memories but if you are stuck at -2 you need professional help.

2)) Immature brain (-1). This brain has developed to the extent that the person no longer feels omnipresent. However it still feels extremely important. It is well aware of its current helplessness but it feels that its time will come and that it deserves an all too important life. However if the current life is happy then it slowly forgets its self importance and begins to ease into feelings of humbleness. But if this current life is unhappy then each unhappy and painful incident makes it cling to its feelings of being extremely important, just like a king...So if one is stuck with a -1 brain then one has to recreate each incident and re-experience each emotion in contextual mindfulness so that the painful emotions lodged in the brain are removed and the brain can develop to the higher level.

3) Mature brain (+1). This brain (This is most likely your brain) has developed to the extent it no longer feels omnipotent and omnipresent. However your parents have built in you a phony over self confidence creating a trophy self image. Even though you know yourself you don't understand your self because your trophy self image is backed by electrochemical and emotional forces. This +1 brain is only a few steps from becoming a +2 brain. You have to focus your mind/you on this phony trophy self image in context of your current reality. The more you become aware of how and why your brain projects this trophy self image the more you will become you.

4) Super mature brain (+2). Learning to clean your conscious and unconscious memories/negative emotions that are lodged in your brain will make your brain pure and free of all emotional baggage. You will have changed your brain into a powerful organ fully under your control. You will be fully free of your self image. Your life your time will be your own.

So first and foremost understand that the most important part of your body is your brain. The quality of your brain determines the quality of your life, the quality of your life's box. Your relationships to your capacities of a parent to how much real pleasures and how much phony pleasures you are going to have will all depend on the level of your brain. The best part is that the emotional brain can be changed. It is very flexible.

The brain is complicated to the extent that it is the one that projects the mind. It is the brain capacity that projects the mind capacity. But part of the brain is self conscious, this is the part that becomes the mind/self. This self conscious part has the capacity to reflect and observe its own self. This is the miracle of life that self consciously one can change the self. Not by changing the self but by changing the brain.

Consider the brain as a movie projector. If it is a still movie projector with no sound then it will project a silent slow one by one image on the screen. If it is a black and white movie projector then it will project the movie it is capable of. If it is a regular color movie projector then it will produce the color movie. If it is a high definition 3-D latest movie projector it will give you the most satisfying movie experience of your life.

How does one go about understanding the brain? By becoming contextually aware of your true self/mind and by separating your mind (you) from your brain. In traditional Indian yoga one has to become the observer and the observed in order to understand ones self. Use your self/mind to focus on observing your self. Become aware that the one that is observing is the true you and the one that is being observed is your self image. Also understand that the self image is a projection of your brain. The quality of your self image will tell you the quality of your brain.

* The four stages are not crystal clear. One can develop a mixture of all four in all kinds of combinations and permutations. You may be at +2 with traces of -2/-1 etc.

Your brain development journey is similar to your learning your earning capacity. If you develop your education to be able to earn little then you will be dependent on society to survive. If your education is developed to merely survive then you will struggle all your life to pay your mortgage if you are lucky to have a house. If you have good education then you will have a good successful life. If you have +2 education you will have a +2 life surrounded by all the wealth to do all the good all around. Similarly if you build up your brain capacity to +2 you will have a +2 life.

Understand that your very quality of being, your quality of life and its pleasures. Your quality of the mind, your self, your relationships, your ability to experience living and using your time all depends on the developed capacity of your brain. You are understood and actualized by your brain, and the brain can only understand you as you if it has no emotional baggage in its recesses. This emotional baggage is the unconscious painful memories that generate the negative emotions that create and color your self image. Learn how to remove this emotional baggage and you will learn to become your true self.

Even the question, "Who am I?" is answered more specifically by asking the question, "Which level of the brain am I answering this question from?"


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