Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The mind/self/I/me/consciousness/personality/mentality/human nature are all a transformational process.

The mind runs the show of living, behaving and acting out life within the parameters of the script provided by the brain.
Become aware of the fact that our basic self, our basic human nature, our mentality, our mind is not fixed. Our genes, our early emotional environment and our physical health all combine to create each mind. Which we perceive as our self. It has been long ingrained in us that our mind, our self, the 'I', the 'me' is a fixed entity that we have to know, understand and learn to control and manage. We accept as fact that our basic human nature, the character traits of our mind, our self, our 'I', our 'me' are a fixed part of our genes. As we take for granted our perceived self for who we are, we accept our self, our mind, the 'I' as we know it and with a lot of struggle learn to live with our assumed self/mind/I/me. We do not even try to recalibrate our self perception as we believe it is cast in stone and is assumed to be unchangeable.

The mind runs the show of living, behaving and acting out life within the parameters of the script provided by the brain. The brains script writing abilities are restricted by the amount of emotional intelligence that the brain is powered by. Each progressive stage of the brain is actualized as the earlier emotional intelligence is replaced by a more mature emotional intelligence. The brain is the projector that runs on the power provided by the developed emotional intelligence potential.
The brain is a physical body that develops into a super body when the exercise it gets is provided by super mature parents. When the exercises provided are by premature, immature and mature parents then the brain develops physically into a projector that projects a premature, immature or mature mind/self.

The fact of the matter is that the mind/self/I/me is a transformational entity. It is ever changing. As the brain is exposed to a different reality over time the accumulated experience changes the mind/self/I/me.

At the fetus level the mind/self/I/me is of the premature quality(-2). (Remember experiencing your self at this level?)

At the child level the mind/self/I/me is of the immature quality(-1). ( At least at this level you definitely thought of your self differently then now?)

At the adult level the mind/self/I/me is of the mature quality(+1). ( This is probably where your self is today)
At the guru/master level the self/mind/I/me is of the super mature quality(+2). (Some of you are here already but the question for the majority is, if you are not at this level do you want to be of this super mature quality self/mind/I/me/consciousness?)

One can clearly see that the mind/self/I/me/consciousness over time changes. The self's human nature over time changes. The potentially ideal life would be for the mind to keep giving up its present mentality/nature/self/mind/I/me/consciousness and gradually ease into the next level mentality/nature till ones mind expands into and becomes a super mature(+2) self/mind/me/I.

So the question is what has stopped you and is stopping you from becoming +2?

Our genes, our early emotional environment and our physical health all combine to create each mind. Which we perceive as our self. It has been long ingrained in us that our mind, our self, the 'I', the 'me' is a fixed entity that we have to know, understand and learn to control and manage. We accept as fact that our basic human nature, the character traits of our mind, our self, our 'I', our 'me' are a fixed part of our genes. As we take for granted our perceived self for who we are, we accept our self, our mind, the 'I' as we know it and with a lot of struggle learn to live with our assumed self/mind/I/me. We do not even try to recalibrate our self perception as we believe it is cast in stone and is assumed to be unchangeable.
This first step we have to take is to become aware of the fact that our basic self, our basic human nature, our mentality, our mind is not fixed. It is not a physical object. It is a process. It is a transformational entity.It is a projection where the quality of the projection is determined not by our fixed genes but by our developed brain quality and this brain quality can be improved to the highest level. To the level where the true self becomes a reality. So please do not struggle to control your phony self image/mind. Put all your energy into learning how to to dump your phony self/mind and how to emerge into your true self. It is possible and it can be done.

Understand that the brain is like an engine and the initial fuel/experience that powers the brain gets set into the brain's physical infrastructure. Just like the first impression for adults is the last impression. This initial 'out side in' experience during the first 6 years of the child's life creates a perpetual accumulated memory that keeps playing like a broken record. The old fuel/experience becomes a self perpetuating emotional and physical power that projects the mind/self/I/me/consciousness.

In an ideal upbringing each new stage of life is happy so the brain is engaged in the here and now and keeps filling the brain with newer and newer memories. It is only when the current 'out side in' experiences are painful and unhappy when the brain gets nostalgic and longs for the happier times. The old happier memories become the refuge to avoid the current unhappy life. Thus a disconnect with reality occurs and the self/mind/I/me/consciousness does not want to give up the power/fuel/experiences/self image/mind when life was better. So the old experiences generated self image gets continued to be projected even though the actual age of the person has become adult.

Thus the culprit is this old broken record like memory that keeps powering the current mind/self. By taking out these memories we can free our brains from projecting our lower level self/mind. We do not need to replace old memories with new memories. The new memories have to come from the moment to moment experience in the now to which the Emotional Brain Garbage ( EBG ). free brain is always already exposed to. Thus to get rid of the stale fuel we have to take out the EBG in our brains. Once there is no foul, stale fuel powering the brain, it stops projecting the self image and the true self emerges. The real you, the real mind gets actualized. The real self needs no management or control, the real self just is. It is of the highest pure quality of humanness. The Christ and the Buddha in us becomes real and we become our true potential.

One of the biggest misconception that stops us from even considering the fact that we do not really know our true self and that our human nature is not our true human nature is that if this is so then there is something wrong with us. And we are even more sensitive to the fact that our brain is defective. The truth is that our brain is like an engine that can be totally fixed, our brain is like a dish that needs cleaning. There is nothing wrong with our brain, nothing wrong with our true self. It is just that our EBG projects a phony self image that stops our true self to be free. So what is wrong is the EBG in our brain.

Further notes to be developed soon.

The true essence of our self is lost in our self image, our developed mind.

Grow in love, in everything into the Christ, Ephisians 4:15 A self examined life

We take for granted what ever answer our brain provides to the question ‘Who am I?’ We are for all practical purposes what ever our developed brain capacity allows us to be. This tragedy not only deprives us of a superior ‘I’ it drags us down. It is like in a business not only do you not get any profit and break even; you actually lose from your pocket.

When we want to become an engineer or a doctor we learn and learn till we have all the complete knowledge that one needs to become an engineer or doctor. When it comes to self knowledge we just accept what ever our brain tells us we are. We just assume the way we are as the way we are. Whether we are greedy or selfish, ambitious or jealous we accept these as our natural innate character traits.

From the fetus stage onwards our brains are looking for answers as to who we are. By the time the child is 6 years old the answer to this question is well set for the rest of the life. By the time we grow up the pattern of our self knowledge is as if the 'I' is cast in stone. Over time as we live with our own self, the ‘I’ we become extremely familiar with the inside out nature of our own being. We just assume that we know our self thoroughly. We accept what ever qualities the brain projects us to have. These assumed qualities create a self image that we accept as our true self. So instead of knowing who I really am, the real ‘I’, I know my self image as my ‘I’. The self image has its own character traits, which we believe as our own character traits. The phony self image becomes the essential part of our life that answers the question who am ‘I’. We accept our phony self image, we live with it, we let it dictate its own agenda. We struggle all our lives trying to fulfill its dreams. Take the motto of google , ‘Don’t be evil’ so when we know our self as our phony self image then even our somewhat good character traits are tinged with evil. So we assume that we are evil. Even google is assuming that there is an innate evil in us. So google’s motto is telling us to control our evil!

Every true self has the following character traits:

The self image has the following character traits:

When our mind is -2 we accept

When our mind is -1 we accept

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