Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Master your brain become your mind.

Know your brain, know, understand and become your true self.
Know the difference between your brain and your mind. Understand that your brain is a part of your body just like your hands are. Learn the difference between your self image and your real self. Learn to master your brain and become your true self - your true life/time/mind.

Know your brain know your mind

Join me in creating a whole new subject that teaches self mastery/wisdom/emotional intelligence.
Re: The brain is a part of the human body and how to make it possible to master the brain.
I have done research by combining the knowledge from Zarathustra and Aristotle, The Holy Books down to the latest research in the mind sciences. All the great minds tell us to be wise, to do good etc. There are many traditions on how to become a wise human being. My own method is totally my own and it is within the paradigm of science as follows: The question is how do we teach wisdom. Especially to those who have already developed -2, -1 and +1 personalities. How do we make them +2 individuals? In modern psychology in order to take the bugs out of the mind the individual is made to re-experience his past hurts as an observer as if the hurt is re-happening to some one else. Again in traditional Indian yoga when one is trying to answer the question ‘Who am I?’ one has to ask the question, ‘Am I the observer or the observed?’ The trick is to know and understand that the observer is the ‘I’ perceived through the mind and the observed is the self image which is generated by the brain thus bringing one's true self into consciousness while separating one's self (mind powered) from the self image (the brain powered, the mistake). Thus also realizing the differences between one's mind and one's brain. All the personality problems are caused by the self image which is generated by the under developed brain potential. The self image is an addiction. We must wake up and must know and understand that the addiction is due to the brain being stuck at the lower level which means it is powered by ignorance, ignorance that is well entrenched into the emotional and physical brain structure.
We must understand that the brain is a part of our body just like our hands and we must learn how to take control of of the brain. When we know our self as our self image our brain is in charge. When we are our self our minds are in charge and we control our brain.
Indeed the self is not a fixed entity. For each person it is determined
by the developed brain level. Most people don’t get to even know their
true self. They only know their self image.
And as for free will most people know only their desires dictated by
their self image which is projected by the developed brain power
which controls their lives. Only super mature, wise people have true
free will. Yet even they are limited by their physical and economic environment. This is why wise people and wise leaders(governments) are equally essential.
The human mind perceives through images. Each mind level defines its
owner with a self image. Each self image provides the answer to the
question ‘Who Am I?’ As there are four basic mind levels society and
all the activity in it is determined by the following four self
images as follows:
a)Premature mind (which is projected by not only the undeveloped brain power but also it is powered by ignorance.)(-2): I am everything others are nothing. People of this level become a menace to society. They end up as criminals, as dependent on others, some become mentally sick. They even end up as dictators and tyrants. The rest of society pays the price due to
ignorance powering these level minds. At this -2 level the utterly
egoistic self image is in full control. The brain is in full control of the mind.
b)Immature mind ( At this level it is a mixture of mind and brain) (-1): I am not the center of the universe today but I deserve to be and I will be one day. So by hook or by crook I will have all that I deserve one day. This mind level ends up being corrupt. All society pays for these -1 minds. Most third world countries operate at this mind level. This mind is powered by mostly a mixture of mind and brain.
c)Mature mind (At this level it is mostly mind with significant brain that is still powered by ignorance.)(+1): I am first among equals. As I am the best I must have the best and the most. So the person struggles all his life to prove to himself that he is the best. We pay a big price for this
mind level. Many become dependent on tranquilizers, neglect their
family show off their accomplishments and feel miserable of the
Joneses’. Their life is controlled by a self image of being the best.
Except for their lob sided self importance they are wise yet they are
caught in their own emotional struggles. They work hard and
accomplish much. They even help others. They are an asset to society.
Most Americans are at this level. With the right knowledge the current +1s can be made to become +2. Especially the very young and the future generation can be made to grow up fully +2. It is possible to make America and the world into a ‘wisdom land’.
d)Super mature, wisdom level mind (+2): Every one is equal. The
whole human race is one family. As I know my self and am myself I am
the lucky one, I am living and tasting the life of super maturity. I
must treat everyone else with utmost respect, love and understanding
as they deserve better for they don’t even know what they are
missing. Every moment for this +2 mind is eternity while the rest are
caught in past time or future fantasy. These +2 people are free and their wisdom potential is in full bloom. The pure self is in control. The mind is in full control of the brain.
This is the ultimate potential of every mind and it can be made
possible on a mass scale. A very significant section of society
in America is at this level. They just don’t know it because the
concept of wisdom is hidden in the belief that wisdom is an innate quality that one achieves gradually, mostly by old age or by being born like a Gandhi. I have a concrete plan to develop a whole new subject that teaches wisdom to all those who seek it. Wisdom can also be taught to entire groups and countries. Will you join me and help me and yourself in making the world wise?
Kind regards
Sajid Ali Khan Founder/President
The 4th R Foundation (Where the R is as in the 3 Rs of education and the R stands for Truth/Reality)
The Wisdom Express

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