Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How to know, understand and become your true self.

How to actualize your full brain/mind potential and not just become normal but super normal.
The human brain/mind works in images. We develop a self image, an image of others and how things are and work in the real world. The most important image pattern that we develop is that of our own self. As the brain/mind level develops it improves the capacity to perceive reality. Due to a host of factors some get stuck at the premature level. Others get stuck at the immature level. Most Americans get stuck at the mature level. A significant section develop their mind level to the super mature stage. However most Americans can be at the super mature mind level by taking the steps to actualize their full brain/mind potential. In fact a huge section of humanity/Americans struggle due to being stuck at a lower brain/mind level. They don't know how to get out of their emotional mess. At the very least if we can awaken this section it will be quite an accomplishment.
The human mind/brain develops towards its full potential very, very gradually. As soon as the brain/mind becomes conscious in the womb it starts to figure out its own self. In the beginning all it is aware of is it's own self so by default it builds up a self image of being omnipresent. In the protective womb environment it gets a constant positive feed back of love, warmth and security. So it gradually builds up a self image of being omnipotent. Imagine how as an adult you will feel if no matter what you did you felt successful and happy.

So at birth the child is born feeling omnipotent and omnipresent. The new after birth environment of the child gradually shapes the new self image.The way the brain/mind is wired is that when your newer life is more enjoying you forget the past and you start feeling happy in the present. If the present life for the child is unhealthy and painful then the child starts to develop a confused self image. Especially at the early stages when the child still feels omnipresent. So it blames itself for the mistreatment. And as the current life is unhappy and painful it starts to daydream of the past womb life and sticks to the earlier self image of being omnipotent. Just as a dethroned king still feels like a king in his mind. So instead of the new after birth reality gradually reshaping the self image the abused child gets stuck with the fetus level self image.

If the child's upbringing is healthy the new happier life makes the child gradually forget the past self image and a new self image is shaped by a nurturing and loving environment. Even though the child feels dependent it still feels happy that the powerful parents are at its beck and call. It feels utterly dependent and humble yet it is an enjoyable dependence full of pleasure. A nurturing environment makes the child love its life and it starts to live in the now/present. By the time the child is 5/6 years old it is well on its way to becoming wise and developing into its full potential.

However even though most parents are loving and responsible, especially here in America, they try to fulfill their own unrealized dreams through their children. They were brought up by their parents on the belief, "You are the best" and as very few really can become the best they get frustrated and depressed with their own successes in life and so they try to achieve their dreams through their children. As a result most of us grow up with a self image of being the best. This trophy self image is what prevents us from becoming our true self. Our trophy self image sets the agenda of our life. We struggle all our lives to accumulate as many trophies as possible and yet we can never be satisfied as there is even more that we don't have.

The bad news is that the majority of Americans are stuck with this trophy self image and the good news is that we are just a few steps away from becoming our true self.

In order to become your true self you will have to take steps to clean your brain of the emotional baggage that your parents have planted in your brain and then you will not stop there you will take the following lessons to become your true super mature self.

a) A full chapter explaining the goals of wisdom education, starting with a scientific definition of wisdom. Please read my knol 'wisdom'.

b) A chapter on human nature. Topics like 'womb-conditioning' and 'womb-reality'. Please read my knol 'human nature'.

c) A chapter on the brain and mind, the difference between them and how they work. Please read my knols on these topics.

d) A chapter on the self image and the real self. Please read my related knols.

e) A chapter on upbringing. Please read my knol, 'The key to wisdom'.

f) A chapter on the quantifying of the mind. Please read my knol 'practical applications of quantifying the mind' and my invention 'EIQ Tests' (Please forgive me for this phony title; 'EIQ Tests' are not my invention).

g) You will do actual exercises like the following:

1) Quantify the bottom line of your brain/mind level. Exercises that reveal how much of the mind is controlled by the brain.

2) Exercises to know exactly how much of your true self is cloaked in your self image.

3) Exercises that reveal the differences between how you perceive your Actual Reality and Personal Reality. And how the two can be brought on the same page. Including the formula for success. Please read my knol on Success and Failure.

4) Know how to quantify the range of your possibilities. Quantify the range of your dreams and expectations. Quantify the range of your actual knowledge/preparedness for the task at hand.

5) Find out your self image in actual reality terms. Quantify your self image.

6) Quantify/analyze the average mind of an American/some particular person.

7) Quantify your behavior when you are angry/happy.

8) Quantify the wisdom of your politician.

9) Quantify the mind level of your spouse/some one else.

10) Quantify any given situation. Analyze and quantify all the whys and hows of your behavior emotional and physical.

11) Look at your brain as an outsider. What do you like about it? What you want to change about it? Learn how to change what you don't like. Please read my knols related to this topic.

12) Write an essay about your entire life with your brain/mind at -2, -1, +1 and +2 levels respectively. Find out the emotional and material cost of living at each of these levels.

13) Quantify hypothetical or any real problems you may have. How will -2, -1, +1 and +2 minds react/act to take care of the situation.

14) What action you need to take to get your child/spouse/rival to get them to act from +2 mind level?

15) Learn how you can change your group/country to become +2.

16) Learn why America is America, why India is India. Learn the brain/mind level of African leaders. Learn to connect the economic level to the brain level of countries/groups/individuals. Read my knol, 'Bottom line of successful countries'.

17) Each student will take a wisdom test to determine his brain/mind level. This test will be similar to the test in my knol, 'Senator McCain or Senator Obama?'

18) Students will be taught to focus on real issues and not trophy issues automatically by actualizing their true self. They will be shown how to optimize their true brain power.

I9) There will be brain power exercises as mentioned below.

20) The list of exercises goes on and on where we not only have to analyze all our given/learned and developed potential we will have to develop it to the highest +2 level possible by quantifying our potential and finding the gap that needs to be filled to make our brain sprout wisdom.

21) There will be actual 'brain garbage' cleaning exercises. I have mentioned these exercises in a few of my knols.

The question is how can you know if you are you or if it is your self image that is running your life? As I said in another knol if you don't know why the whole world does not belong to you(And you believe that is is rightfully yours) then the real you is controlled by your -2 premature self image. At -2 you need professional help, this knol cannot
help you. If you think you deserve the most by hook or by crook then you are ruled by your -1 immature mind. At -1 professional help will be a plus. Though joining a self mastery club etc. may be enough. At +1 you are really successful but you are not satisfied with your successes and you keep awake at night to make more and more then you
are controlled by your trophy self image. These knols are the best for you. If you are humble and happy with your life and you live in the now then you are your true self. And if you are not at this level you can become your true self.

To develop your brain into a physical power you have hundreds of opportunities. Your regular subjects like learning math and science improve your physical brain power too. Then games like chess are a good way. We now have hundreds of brain exercise games most of them on the internet. Even reading your books upside down and from the left to right exercises your brain. Learning more languages and listening to and learning to play music is a big help. Meditation and yoga are a good way. Word power books are a must. Learning logic and semantics is a winner. One of the best tricks for brain exercise is to study at least the essence of at least one subject other than your own special field. Math was the most important for me. I could not make out any equations and elaborate explanations of Burton Russell's 'Principle Mathmeticia' However once in a while I did get the outline of what he was trying to teach. Even the exercise of struggling to understand a difficult subject exercises the brain.

Having negative character traits like shyness* and lack of self esteem requires a different set of exercises. The internet is full of guidance on this. Suppose you are afraid of rats. What if I put a rat in your hand. The first time you will really be afraid. The second time it will be less fearful. A few more times and you will loose the fear of rats. Same way say you are afraid of public speaking just imagine giving a speech in front of a huge crowd while observing the reactions in your mind in a mindful way. Your fear will become less and less. Take all the tips from books on public speaking. Say you are afraid of someone bad mouthing you. Just imagine that you are in a crowd where this person is saying the worst things about you. Soon you will get used to the worst criticism and when the real abuse happens you will be well prepared to face it. The key is to over prepare and rehearse all your nightmares and fears. This way you clear your mind of the negative baggage. Its the negative baggage that holds your brain level down. For more serious emotional baggage please digest my knol, 'The most important lesson.' You might say that I am asking you for too many things to do. All I am saying is give your self just half an hour a day for wisdom exercises. And you don't have to do every thing that I mention here. Only what works for you and only what is needed for your particular baggage. Remember life is ticking away and you deserve a wise brain now before it is too late.

Don't let your lower brain level self image cloud your power, your strength, your source, your force etc., etc. ... Take the steps to actualize your true self. Please read my knols and other related knols to know, understand and become your true self.

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