Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So the road to entelechy for the religious individual, the philosopher, the humanist and the scientist is through mastering one's emotions!
It first started with religion; mans quest to find and master his soul. Then the philosophers devoted their time to defining and mastering wisdom. Then came the humanists trying to understand self mastery and trying to create self masters. Them came the scientists trying to figure out emotional intelligence and now the race to create super emotionally intelligent individuals.

I have found that the character traits of the holy being, the wise person, the self master and the emotionally super mature person are all one and the same. They are all selfless. That is they do not have a self image. They are fully self actualized. Their entelechy is in full form. The only riddle that still remains is that we do not know if the soul is eternal or not. And if it is, due to the selfless nature of all four they are all going to heaven!
So we may take a different path to becoming a pure holy man, a wise person, a self master or an emotionally super mature being but the ultimate self in all of them has the very same selfless qualities. So if we want to become any one of these beings we can take anyone path and we will still end up as one or any or all of them. You can be a pure holy man, a wise person, a self master or a super mature emotionally intelligent person. Or you can be a combination of them or all of them.

Of all the four paths the most scientifically defined is the way of emotional intelligence. There are now hundreds of books on emotional intelligence and thousands of papers. Actually there were always books written on emotional intelligence it is just that the term was not yet coined. Earlier emotional intelligence was wisdom, self mastery and soul. But to keep our quest for creating a new subject that teaches these four within the paradigm of science we will have to create this subject through our knowledge of emotional intelligence.

By teaching and developing emotional intelligence we will also be teaching and developing the soul, wisdom and self mastery. So the road to entelechy for the religious individual, the philosopher, the humanist and the scientist is through mastering one's emotions! It all boils down to cleaning the brain of all emotional baggage which I have termed Emotional Brain Garbage ( EBG ). !!! It is the EBG in our brains that blocks our entelechy.

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