Thursday, August 26, 2010

Why it is time to retire and redefine our current concepts of brain, mind, intelligence, emotional intelligence, consciousness, human nature and self/

The Biggest Reality We Must All Wake Up to: The Self Is Not Cast In Stone. The I Is Improvable. Human Nature Is Not A Fixed Entity.
The mega question is how do we make sure we are +2 super mature, as individuals, groups and countries? By knowing exactly what the brain, mind, intelligence, emotional intelligence, consciousness and human nature are made of. What are their physical and emotional properties and qualities. And equally important what is the relationship between these entities. What is the source of their power. What is it that makes them what they are. How can they all be developed into a super human value generating quality.

The most important is not just to be able to answer the question , 'Who am I' but equally important to ask, 'Why am I the way I am?', 'Why am I not super mature and how can I still become super mature?' And for parents to ask, 'How can I make my child super mature?' 'Should I make my child have a trophy self image like myself or should I bring up my child as champions are raised? For parents with older children and for teachers and mentors the mega question is 'Where is this child in terms of emotional maturity? And how can I bring him to become set on the road to super maturity?'

1.Fundamental Human Nature/Self/Mind/I/Self Image is 'womb-conditioned' at the Fetus Stage, molded by the 'womb-reality'. (I have quantified the fetus stage of the brain development by -2)

From very early on, even when the brain structure is being formed in the fetus stage, the self, the I, the mind, consciousness gradually wakes up to a personal reality (P-R) regarding the nature of the self, the inner reality and the nature of the physical environment, the outer reality. As at that early stage the crude brain is being developed and the basic wiring of the brain is being laid out the self concept develops of the self being omnipotent and omnipresent. That is it considers itself as all powerful. This happens because for all normal fetuses the constant positive feedback is that of love, warmth and security. It is like suppose you as an adult always got positive feed back in all you did. Imagine a golf champion who won every time. Now imagine a golf champion who is a champion in all sports and in all aspects of life too. The top singer, the top banker, the top artist no matter what field and every field it is just you. How would you feel, well this will give you a glimpse of how we all feel in the womb. On top of this all you know is that you alone exist. So you feel not just the most important, you feel that you alone exist. Thus you are the only one that counts. It is with this inside out P-R that we are born.

It is clear that the foundations of basic human nature are almost cast in stone by the brain being physically and emotionally molded by the womb's physical environment; which has a physical and emotional impact on the brain. At the most fundamental level the affect of the womb environment [I have termed this Womb-Reality (W-R)] permanently changes the brain. The three basic emotions of love, warmth and security are well set. These become the fundamental drives of human nature. This molding of the brain by the W-R, I have termed womb-conditioning (W-B). Every brain is womb-conditioned.

Fortunately the womb provides a very deep physical and emotional cushion and baring the fetus' of those mothers who take drugs, smoke or indulge in too much physical activity, even long drives and exposure to too much loud sound; like attending very loud concerts or music during pregnancy the fetus' first stage develops normally.

1.2 The Second Stage of Brain Development - The Child Stage (quantified by -1)
It is the physical womb environment that has a physical and emotional impact on the brain, whose basic structure is built on the genetic code of the genes. After birth the child faces a new environment. At first the brain blocks out the new reality by sleeping out the new reality and dreaming that nothing has changed and it is still living its old life. That it is still omnipotent and omnipresent. As the brain starts to be awake more and more the new outside in reality starts to sink in. At first the child clings to its feelings of omnipotence and omnipresence. Post natal life is happy for all normal children. As the womb was cramped, there was stale and smelly fluid. There was no tasting of goodies. The new life brings hugs and kisses, open spaces, baths and cleanliness and above all, all kinds of tasty food. Even the pleasure of sucking breasts. As the new reality sinks in it brings real pleasures in real time in the now. Thus the child's brain focuses on the now. It literally forgets very very gradually at the conscious level that it is omnipotent and omnipresent. These feelings go deeper and deeper into the unconscious. Gradually the child realizes that it is helpless and totally dependent. Yet as life is beautiful for the new positive feed back brings a vast treasure trove of new pleasurable experiences. So the child starts to feel like a zero. Yet it begins to feel the power even in this dependence as pleasure is coming to it without effort. Thus it again feels good about itself for it still thinks that it is all existence, thus it feels that the source of the pleasure is its own self; as it is still not fully aware of others.

1.3 The Final Stage of Brain Development as Mother Nature Intended Through Correct Upbringing.
With this Correct Upbringing the Child by the Age of Six is Well Set on the Road to Becoming Super Mature ( Quantified by +2)

Gradually it begins to realize that there are others. First it recognizes its mother and considers her part of its own self. It considers itself and the mother as one and all others as others. When the mother child bonding is near perfect the child gradually begins to realize that the mother is 'other' too; but as it has for over a year thought of her as its own self and has loved her as its own self; even while feeling separate from her it still loves her as much as it loves itself. In a perfect upbringing when others around the child also give a pleasure feed back it transfers the same self love to the others. Thus even as a child it feels love, warmth and security. Even more so than it felt in the womb. As the pleasures as a child are many more it feels powerful and self important even in its humbleness and even in its 'zeroness'. A selfless, trusting, loving human nature takes hold.

1.4 The Third Stage of Brain Development as it Often Happens Through Unhealthy Upbringing.
If the mother dos not give it constant positive feed back the child starts to feel the pain instead of pleasure. Because it knows its own self only it blames the pain on its self thus bringing in fear, confusion, hate etc. It hates its current unpleasant and painful life and blames its own self for it. As in the early stages it considers its mother as part of its own self it begins to hate the mother also and as it becomes aware of others it begins to hate them also. Especially when it begins to become aware of its own separateness from others and if at this very time it experiences pain it begins to blame not its own self but the others as responsible for its own misery. Thus the foundations of a faulty, unhealthy human nature are born. Where the child grows up blaming others and society for its own life.

Depending on the severity of the pain it tries to run away from its life situation. As it cannot run away physically so it runs away mentally. At the very early stage when it believes that it alone exists it starts to imagine that the current life is not real and that it is not helpless and dependent; that it is still omnipotent and omnipresent. The foundations of psychosis are established. The child becomes psychotic. Its mind clicks to its notion of being omnipotent and omnipresent. Thus the psychotic mind thinks its own self as above the law and everyone else below the law as if it alone exists.

When life is painful at the time when the child is aware of being a separate entity and becomes aware that others exist it blames others for its misery and pain. A corrupt and hateful human nature is born. It tries to run away from its unpleasant situation but as it cannot it builds up a self image of being super important and that it deserves the super life. It feels that it deserves better and that it will and should get what it deserves. So it goes about to correct the wrongs that society has bestowed on it by hook or by crook as it considers the good life as a birth right due to being extra special. Thus a corrupt human nature is born.

1.5 The Third Stage of Brain Development as it Routinely Happens When Parents Implant Their Own Trophy Self Image into Their Child's Brain. (quantified by +1)
Those who provide a loving and responsible upbringing without any form of prejudice set their child onto the road of super maturity. Unfortunately the majority of people have been brought up on this belief that they are the best. As most cannot become the Bill Gates or the Tiger Woods of their profession they feel frustrated with their own life successes. So they struggle and struggle to fulfill this belief that they are the best. When they fail they think that even if they could not realize their own dreams they will achieve success through their children. So they repeat the same mistake that their parents made with them. They instill this same belief in their children. The child grows up feeling it is the best. Thus the child grows up with a trophy self image and the struggle cycle of desperately wanting a trophy life begins all over again.

The affect of a trophy self image are not all bad. When a trophy self struggles to create more and more trophies it actually works more, producing more and more tangible goods and money power. Thus spending more and more on better and better quality products. Thus the whole economy benefits. As more money is generated all around even the government collects more taxes. So the government has more money for the infrastructure. Which has a positive rippling effect on the economy. The cycle lifts up the economy more and more. However it is seen that often the most successful also happen to be super mature.

1.6 The Third Stage of Brain Development as it Routinely Happens When Parents Implant Their Own Narrow Belief System Into the Child's Brain. (quantified by -2 and -1 depending on the severity of the implanted beliefs)

The brain gets stalled at these levels as the child is indoctrinated with beliefs of group, creed, caste or even color prejudice. Basically this is a form of 'Omnipotence Transference'. As in I am not omnipotent and omnipresent but my group/country/brotherhood/belief system is. As if the other different belief system is not just as good. Depending on the severity this lodges from hate to an earnestness to peacefully convince all others to their own belief system. Most wars are due to this horrible implant. The huge war machines are due to this implant. From defense budgets to terrorism, wars and many crimes of hate are due to this implant. Unless the waring factions wake up to this implant there is not going to be any peace unless one party totally annihilates the other.

2.The Practical Applications of Knowing How the Brain Development Is The Factor Behind the Development of the Mind/Self/I/Mentality/Personality/Human Nature/Consciousness.

Before a couple decides to have a child they must be given a mandatory course on the above factors. In fact all marriage licenses must be approved only when both partners pass an upbring test.

It is Extremely Important That We Fully Take into Account How the Brain Development Creates Different Levels of the Mind/Self/I/Mentality/Personality/Human Nature/Consciousness.

The Mega Question.
It is very clear that it is the brain quality that decides the Mind/Self/I/Mentality/Personality/Human Nature/Consciousness. Thus it means when we want to create +2 quality Mind/Self/I/Mentality/Personality/Human Nature/Consciousness we have to develop our brain to the +2 quality. The mega question is how do we improve our brain to become +2 super mature?

As prevention is better than a cure we must ensure that parents/teachers/mentors/society/group/country implant the right human values in their children brains. Next the teachers must be equipped with the knowledge to see which student is at which level on the road to super maturity. From the way the student behaves emotionally the teacher can detect what kind of upbringing the child is getting.

The mega question is how do we make sure we are +2 super mature, as individuals, groups and countries? By knowing exactly what the brain, mind, intelligence, emotional intelligence, consciousness and human nature are made of. What are their physical and emotional properties and qualities. And equally important: what is the relationship between these entities. What is the source of their power. What makes them super mature. What stalls their development. What is it that makes them what they are. How can they all be developed into a super human value generating quality.

The most important is not just to be able to answer the question , 'Who am I' but equally important to ask, 'Why am I the way I am?', 'Why am I not super mature and how can I still become super mature?' And for parents to ask, 'How can I make my child super mature?' 'Should I make my child have a trophy self image like myself or should I bring up my child as champions are raised? For parents with older children and for teachers and mentors the mega question is 'Where is this child in terms of emotional maturity? And how can I bring him to become set on the road to super maturity?'

In fact in the very early stages of life the lessons of emotional intelligence are given by hugs and kisses. And Pre-K children must especially be handled by love and attention. The teacher must look for signs of swinging moods, shyness, how social the child is, how aggressive and if it feels happy or cries easily. Whether it is physically healthy. One good indicator is to watch carefully the facial expressions of the child when the parent comes to pick him up. Is the child eager to be picked up. Does it elicit no reaction or even if it feels sadder when it sees the parent come. Another indication is does the child look into the teachers eye when spoken to or does it look away. All this feedback must determine how the child will be handled. It may even be necessary to talk to the parent and show them evidence of emotional abuse even if there is no physical abuse.

One thing is very very clear Mind/Self/I are all extremely inter dependent on each other, when we are talking about emotional maturity. In fact they are so very very close that they cannot be distinguished from each other. For all practical purposes they are all one and the same entity. In fact my mind is me. My self is me. My I is me. And my Mentality/Personality/Human Nature/Consciousness for all practical purposes is also me. The 'me'/I/self/mind are all defined by the mind's emotional maturity. As we do not exactly have a very clear idea of the mind so we can see our mind in the shape of our self. Because human minds work in images. We do not see the actual reality we see an image of actual reality so in the case of the self we see our self image. What we take our own self to be is the indication of the level of our self/mind/I/self image.

The Biggest Reality We Must All Wake Up to.

The Self Is Not Cast In Stone. The I Is Improvable. Human Nature Is Not A Fixed Entity. The Mind Can Be Changed.

3. Let Us Start By Defining Each Aspect Of Our Being.

3.1 The Human Brain and Mind. What They are and How They Work.

The brain is an organ of the body that like our heart and lungs. The brain has two functions. One is to unconsciously run the body organs. The other is to again unconsciously project a self conscious mind. The brain is busy creating again unconsciously the electrochemical reactions that project consciousness. Consciousness that is self consciousness. This self consciousness we call the mind. The mind figures out its own self image by being conscious of the body it is projected by. The mind begins to have a patterned self image. It begins to associate its own self with its looks, its status in society, its respect in society.

But far more important it begins to figure out its own emotional status. It is the mind that answers the all important question, 'Who am I?' It is the mind that has an idea of the total sense of the self in the shape of the self image. One can argue as to how can an image think and be self conscious? It is the same argument as to how consciousness rises from the brain. It is a very complex process that takes place in the brain. This process projects consciousness that is self conscious and that has an image of its own self. This self conscious self image is for all practical purposes the I in me and the I/you in you.

The important point here is to realize and understand that this I/self that is projected by the brain for most people it is not the real I. The real I is projected by the pure and fully developed brain, A brain that is powered by living in the now. That perceives the out side in knowledge just the way it is without letting the lower brain capacity distort the understanding and pollute the outside in reality with the inside out entrenched pattern. (From my knol BRAIN & MIND.)

3.2 The mind is a projection of the brain. It is the boss of consciousness. Its like the brain is the rose and the mind is its fragrance.
The mind runs the show of living, behaving and acting out life within the parameters of the script provided by the brain.

Do you know your mind? Your mind is not a part of your body like your eyes, hands and feet but your brain is. Your mind is a projection of your brain. Your mind is the real you. Your mind should be in charge and in full control of your brain. You must become the boss of your brain. When your mind is fully developed it creates your life's box. THE BRAINS JOB IS TO TAKE CARE OF RUNNING THE BODY ORGANS. IT CAN MOSTLY FEEL. THE MINDS JOB IS TO PERCEIVE AND SEE. SO THE BRAIN CONTROLS ALL THE BODY ORGANS AND LETS THE MIND BECOME ITS MASTER AND GUIDE. IT’S LIKE THE BLIND MAN LETTING THE MAN WITH SIGHT GUIDE HIM. REAL MIND EDUCATION IS EDUCATION THAT ENABLES THE BRAIN TO ACCEPT ITS OWN FULL CONTROL BY THE MIND.

The brains script writing abilities are restricted by the amount of emotional intelligence that the brain is able to produce. It is this emotional intelligence power that powers the mind. Each progressive stage of the brain is actualized as the earlier emotional intelligence is replaced by a more mature emotional intelligence. The brain is the projector that runs on the power provided by the developed emotional intelligence producing potential.
The brain is a physical body that develops into a super body when the exercise it gets is provided by super mature parents. When the exercises provided are by premature, immature and mature parents then the brain develops physically into a projector that projects a premature, immature or mature mind/self. (from my knol Mind)

The mind knows. The brain understands. When the knowledge and the understanding are both the same then they together project perfect awareness. The bottom line awareness is the awareness of your own self. True awareness is the true you. It is absolutely essential that you know the difference between knowing and understanding if you are to answer the question, 'Who Am I?' Because you don't, 'Get It' by merely knowing. You have to know and understand your true self. Only then can you become awareness itself. Your awareness, your self can even be and is mostly a mixture of your mind generated true self(pure knowledge) and your brain generated self image(understanding). So which is superior knowing or understanding? It is both. Both are essential sides of the same coin, just as half a coin is more or less useless currency. When both are +2( super mature level) they become one and then they both work in complete harmony. From my knol Know the difference between brain and mind; knowing, understanding and awareness.

3.3 Intelligence.
Intelligence is an organic tool that every brain is equipped with. It is an innate property of the brain. It is a tool that the brain uses to find love, warmth and security. It comes with the territory of the brain. Just like the ability of money is to acquire goods the ability of intelligence is to to acquire experience, knowledge and understanding of ones own self, others and what the world is and how it works. The brain runs on intelligence. The intelligence factor or 'g' as Charles Spearman proposed is like a potential garden with the chance to nurture lots of seeds which are innately in the 'field of the brain', into fruit bearing trees. Where the trees are the mental abilities. These brain abilities that are cultivated grow into intelligent abilities and the ones that are neglected atrophy and wither away. Intelligence is an across the board ability of the brain which is reflected in and which determines the quality of verbal and non verbal behavior. The quality of cognition is determined by the quality of the brain's developed intelligence. It is the ability to view life and everything else in it from the real actual reality perspective. It determines the quality of perception. It is the brain's innate nature to have the intelligence potential. (from my knol Intelligence:It is an innate ability/potential that enables all other abilities.)

3.4 Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is the capacity/quality of the brain that answers the # 1 question for each one of us, 'Who am I'? This capacity is what determines the core context of our life! It virtually decides who one is. Emotional intelligence determines what we know, what we understand about our self and what we truly become. So emotional intelligence education is not about learning to manage our emotions it is about learning to become our true, pure core self (How does 'managing falling in love' sound?).
How we interpret our own self depends on the developed capacity of our emotional intelligence. What we are, what our core self is is determined by our emotional intelligence. Our self image is determined by our emotional intelligence. Who I think I am is determined by our emotional intelligence. And if we are not our true self then our emotional intelligence is wanting. (from my knol Emotional intelligence is property/quality of the brain that answers the # 1 question for each one of us, 'Who am I'?)

Emotional intelligence is a force of nature that determines the quality and process of self realization. It is an ability in/of the brain that develops through basically four stages of life. From the fetus to the child stage to the adult stage and in some to the master stage. At the master stage emotional intelligence becomes wisdom. It is an ability that develops through emotional education; it is the most important part of every one's education. The fundamental lessons are learned by the nurturing womb environment during the fetus stage of life and then during childhood the education is through hugs and kisses and the loving upbringing or through neglect and pain. The next stage is through a mixture of actual building up of a self image based on the concept of, 'You are the best' or in many cases by making the child become the best through real learning of the ropes of life in particular areas. By the time the child is 6 years old his emotional intelligence route is well set.
Emotional intelligence is the very nature of the brain; it determines the very essence of the brain. Emotional intelligence is a feature/component that determines the quality of the very nature of the brain; which determines the quality of the self - the quality of the 'I' in me and 'you'. It is the ability which when developed crowns the person with an authentic self. It enables the person to become one's real self.

Each stage the emotional intelligence education changes the brain physically. Where the most significant change takes place during the fetus and child stages. Most brain's physical pattern is set by the time the child is 6 years old.

It is the level of emotional intelligence that determines what the person becomes. It is the light that illuminates the path of life. It is that generator fuel, where the brain is the generator, that generates the amount of real life power. It is the fundamental force that enables one to become what he becomes. It is what determines how real the person will be and how real life and it's pleasures will be. It dictates the self's quality. It is the quality of sugar that sweetens the pudding of life. from my knol What is emotional intelligence?

As the brain goes through the fetus, child, adult and master stage; it projects a premature, immature, mature and super mature emotional intelligence. At the highest super mature level emotional intelligence has the same qualities as wisdom. Thus emotional intelligence at the super mature level is wisdom. Man from very early on has recognized this and has tried to teach wisdom. But the question is why is wisdom hard to acquire?

3.5 Consciousness
What is this consciousness? This quality of our being and how do we
become the finest quality human being? To be human is to be alive. And
life is above all a process and the quality of this process is
determined by the quality of the developed brain. The end result of this process is
consciousness. The brain's developed powers determine the the quality
of the consciousness. And the quality of consciousness determines the
quality of the humanness - the quality of the human's being. Thus to
become the best possible human being one has to create the best
possible physical and emotional brain which will produce as pure
consciousness as is humanly possible. (from my knol How does one become a wise human being: by making our consciousness free.)

It is our consciousness that controls us! In fact consciousness is the very core being in each one of us. The quality of our consciousness answers the most important question of each human life, 'Who am I.' Also it is this consciousness that is the 'I'. The other name of consciousness is the mind.
From my knol It is our mind that is the 'I' in me and the 'you' in you.

3.6 Human Nature.
Human nature is what defines you. As I explained in my other knol human nature is learned. And because it is learned it can be unlearned. As the basic dark side of our nature is considered to be natural, a part of our construction, we try to do the best we can, we try to learn to cage the beast. We learn to control our dark feelings. But controlling the animal part of our nature is like we have a tiger that we have to keep in check it still needs to be fed and taken care of. For instance the part that defines our greed forces us to work work work to prove to our self that we are the best. So we are always worried of loosing what we have and always planning what more we can have. In the meantime time is slipping away. Suddenly we awaken to alot of riches. We genuinely feel rich. (this is due not to the accumulation of wealth but because time makes us wiser). But we are also in for a shock, for the time has taken a toll on our bodies. We suddenly realize that riches cannot bring back our youth, our peak life. So we join seminars, listen to the advice of the likes of Deepak Chopra and read books by Steven Pinker. We try to live wisely and in the present. Before we pass away it all comes to us. We finally get it. Our human nature has become wise. OUR HUMAN NATURE HAS ACTUALLY CHANGED. (SO WHY DOES IT CHANGE IF IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE STRUCK IN STONE?).* We finally know what life is. But alas no amount of money will bring our peak life back. Why can't we see that wisdom changes our human nature and that human nature is not cast in stone?. (From my knol Human Nature (2).)

Basic human nature is partly learned. It is mostly acquired when the child replaces its feeling of omnipresence with feelings of being a separate person.
We are researching the cause of cancer in order to find a cure for cancer. How come basic 'animal' human nature which is no less a curse than cancer is not being researched? What if basic human nature is learned and not innate? How come if human nature is innate then why do all humans not have the same level of human qualities. One might say that genes determine the difference. So why do siblings have such vast differences? One develops into a timid person and another develops into a bully. I strongly suspect that human nature is partly learned. (from my knol
Human Nature)

3.7 The Real I/Self.
The real 'I' is not changeable. The real self is not changeable. The real mind is not changeable. The real consciousness is not changeable. It is indeed fixed. It is the self image, the underdeveloped mind, the assumed I that is changeable. But it has to be done in the proper way, in the context of the true relationship between the I, the brain and the mind.

The most important factor in every life is the 'I'/self/me/mind. It determines our bottom line behavior, our likes and dislikes, our priorities, our emotional and even our physical health. Most of us are totally convinced that this self/I/me is a fixed entity. The quality of this 'I' we consider as fate. So we see our emotional short comings, our desires, our mentality and personality and we try to manage and try to adjust to our mentality. Fortunately for most of us we are able to adjust through trail and error. However many of us have this worry that there is something wrong with our self when we see that we cannot control our emotions. So we have a negative image of our self. We see our 'I' and we feel ashamed and guilty. We feel frustrated and nervous and shy. Instead of taking care of the problem many of us continue to suffer as we feel that our emotional holes are an innate part of our basic human nature. All these problems are caused by the underdeveloped brain that projects a phony self image and we take as our true self. Our true self is pure and from time to time we experience it in the form of our conscience. (from my knol The 'I', the Brain and the Mind.)

4. So What Is the Connection Between All These entities?

It is our mind that is the 'I' in me and the 'you' in you.
The connection between the brain, mind, consciousness and self image. Our mind is an image that can be felt and seen!
Today I just woke up with a deeper understanding of the connection between the brain and mind, emotional intelligence and self image. At any given time I am doing some activity like driving or waiting for customers in my antique shop I am always thinking about the basic context of human nature/consciousness. So when my mind goes to sleep my brain takes over and sometimes I wake up with a new or deeper insight into the mysteries of consciousness. Right now it is one of those magical moments when I am thinking that it is all coming together.

It is our mind that is the 'I' in me and the 'you' in you. When I am hungry my mind is hungry. When I am angry my mind is angry. When I am happy my mind is happy. When I am -2 my mind is -2! When my mind is -1 I am -1. When I am +2 my mind is +2 and when I am +1 my mind is +1. When I am tired my mind is tired! When I am dreaming my mind is dreaming! (from my knol . It is our mind that is the 'I' in me and the 'you' in you.)

5. The mega question is how do we make sure we are +2 super mature, as individuals, groups and countries?
By knowing exactly what the brain, mind, intelligence, emotional intelligence, consciousness and human nature are made of. What are their physical and emotional properties and qualities. And equally important what is the relationship between these entities. What is the source of their power. What is it that makes them what they are. How can they all be developed into a super human value generating /entity/quality.

The most important is not just to be able to answer the question , 'Who am I' but equally important to ask, 'Why am I the way I am?', 'Why am I not super mature and how can I still become super mature?' And for parents to ask, 'How can I make my child super mature?' 'Should I make my child have a trophy self image like myself or should I bring up my child as champions are raised? For parents with older children and for teachers and mentors the mega question is 'Where is this child in terms of emotional maturity? And how can I bring him to become set on the road to super maturity?'

6. There are some fundamental realities that we must become aware of as a first step to becoming our true self.
The mind runs the show of living, behaving and acting out life within the parameters of the script provided by the brain.
Become aware of the fact that our basic self, our basic human nature, our mentality, our mind is not fixed. Our genes, our early emotional environment and our physical health all combine to create each mind. Which we perceive as our self. It has been long ingrained in us that our mind, our self, the 'I', the 'me' is a fixed entity that we have to know, understand and learn to control and manage. We accept as fact that our basic human nature, the character traits of our mind, our self, our 'I', our 'me' are a fixed part of our genes. As we take for granted our perceived self for who we are, we accept our self, our mind, the 'I' as we know it and with a lot of struggle learn to live with our assumed self/mind/I/me. We do not even try to recalibrate our self perception as we believe it is cast in stone and is assumed to be unchangeable.

The mind runs the show of living, behaving and acting out life within the parameters of the script provided by the brain. The brains script writing abilities are restricted by the amount of emotional intelligence that the brain is powered by. Each progressive stage of the brain is actualized as the earlier emotional intelligence is replaced by a more mature emotional intelligence. The brain is the projector that runs on the power provided by the developed emotional intelligence potential.
The brain is a physical body that develops into a super body when the exercise it gets is provided by super mature parents. When the exercises provided are by premature, immature and mature parents then the brain develops physically into a projector that projects a premature, immature or mature mind/self. From my knol The mind/self/I/me/consciousness/personality/mentality/human nature are all a transformational process..

7. What we need to do is to understand and teach wisdom.
After all these 1000's of years of trying to uncover the mystery of wisdom the current mavens of wisdom are still stuck in defining wisdom by its attributes. Whether it is dictionaries, institutions, web sites teaching wisdom from Wikipedia, to Stanford University, The Wisdom Page to the Britannica Encyclopedia they have all explained wisdom by its attributes. At least the author of the Wisdom Page admits that the understanding of wisdom is still fuzzy.
The understanding of wisdom is still stuck in the dark ages. Looking to define wisdom we still look back to all the earlier sages of wisdom. And as wisdom does not have a scientific definition wisdom education is not even on the horizon.
I have found that the character traits of a wise person are exactly the same as those of a super mature emotionally intelligent person. Now we have hundreds of papers and dozens of books on emotional intelligence written by the mavens of the mind sciences. So if we can define emotional intelligence in scientific terms we can define wisdom in scientific terms. Thus we can define wisdom as the highest developed stage of emotional intelligence.
Even the character traits of a self master are the same as those of a wise human being. As self mastery is the holy grail of education we can now teach self mastery by developing the human brain/mind to its highest emotional intelligence level. Even a spiritual and religious master has the same qualities of human nature.
Wisdom is the key to global consciousness. It is the key ingredient that provides icing on the cake of life. And its absence is the cause of much of the current mess in the world from the economic mess to wars and every other problem in between that involves emotional intelligence; like divorce and drug addiction.
Look at the law and order situation in many countries. Don't you think that much of this current mess in the world is due to lack of wisdom education? Look at some of the second/third world countries where corruption is an accepted way of life. Imagine these same countries where the majority of the people were wise. Imagine America where most people are +1 mature, if we were mostly +2 super mature. Imagine a world where most people were wise would the world be in such a mess? We can not just try; we can make the world more wise by introducing a complete subject that teaches wisdom. We already have disciplines that create/teach emotional healing. We have to apply the same principles to create super emotional healing. from my knol An open letter to all those who want to change the world.

8. The Next Step Is To Define Wisdom.
Man since ancient times did figure out that wisdom is the key to man’s emancipation and a good virtuous life. However man tried to define and figure out wisdom and as we did not succeed we decided to list all the attributes of wisdom. So the quest became, ‘How to teach the attributes of wisdom’. Now the very nature of wisdom is such that wisdom can be described as a tree where its attributes are the fruit of the wisdom tree. No wonder it is so very difficult and almost impossible to cultivate the attributes of wisdom like selflessness and humbleness; because it is the same as trying to grow my favorite fruit the mango with out growing the mango tree. No wonder main stream education gave up trying to teach wisdom. From my knol Wisdom is a tree.

I have defined wisdom, that we are all trying to define and understand, not by its inherent nature but by its inherent qualities (focusing on how wisdom is produced rather than on what it is). I have defined wisdom as that highest quality of the human nature that is generated by the highest (+2) emotionally intelligent mind. It is clear that to develop wisdom one must develop ones emotional intelligence to the +2 super mature mind level.
As there are four levels of the mind from premature (-2), immature (-1), mature (+ 1) to super mature (+2), the aim is to identify and teach only +2 values from at least birth onwards. For those who already have -2, -1, and +2 values ingrained in their minds we must use all the means available and develop new means to deprogram the mind of these lower mind level values.
Superior upbringing creates the highest level emotional intelligence. Taking clues from +2 upbringing we can create a whole wisdom curriculum complete with lessons and exercises that teach +2 brain power values that will transform the brain into a wise mind. Ignorance and knowledge both change the brain physically. For the new generation we must ensure that parents, teachers, mentors are all aware of wisdom education. They say that one wise person has a tremendous effect on his surroundings imagine whole communities, groups and even countries running on brains that generate wisdom. from my knol W I S D O M.
9. Why wisdom is so hard to acquire.
Mother Nature(MN) gives us nothing except by deserving her bounties. She makes us earn the right to all good things in life. Staring with the sperm race we get the gift of life, the gift of time only when we ourself win this race. Only when we follow her rules do we get onto the road to wisdom. Only when each individual brings up his child according to MN's rules does the individual get blessed with a child that is well on way to the road to wisdom. In the case of wisdom it is the parent who has to follow the rules to make the child deserve wisdom. A significant section does bring up their children on the laws of MN*. However most people prevent this bounty from their children because we still don't quite understand what wisdom is.

So lets understand the nature of wisdom. Wisdom is an innate component of the human mind/nature that is like a natural urge that is almost alive and is certainly a force that wants to bloom and float its fragrance around and power the mind. Wisdom ability is as innate as our ability to acquire language skills. And just like language skills it is easier to acquire wisdom from an early age. Consider why a second language is hard for an adult.

When the child is being exposed to two or even three languages at the same time he is trying to comprehend say for instance the world house. In his mind he has no image of a house so he has no word that is associated with the house's image. When he is told that this image is represented by these two/three different words(all meanings representing house in different languages) there is no word in his mind that is associated with the house image. So the mind readily associates all two/three words with the house image. Its like an empty mansion(the huge brain capacity) is being occupied by three families.(Remember the human brain at childhood is 100% itching to be exercised unfortunately we let our brains capacity wither away). The potential glass of life(the capacity of the mind) is huge at this stage, it can turn wise or ignorant or a mixture as it is pure and the strongest at this stage.

Suppose you are 40 years old and English is your language. You want to learn French you will have to learn it by cramming each word (Of course there are now some natural learning methods out there) as say for instance you want to learn the French word for house. As soon as you try to put the French equivalent word in your memory/mind your English version word 'house' is well entrenched there. So it will take your mind much effort to accept the word house as it is called by its French name/word. As the whole English language pattern is well entrenched in the mind so putting in a new language pattern becomes very hard. Similarly as we grow older and our parents bring us up on a mixture of wisdom and ignorance it is this mixture that gets well entrenched in the minds. So even when in later age we try to put wisdom( We unfortunately still don't know wisdom exactly, so we try to put its attributes in our mind one by one). in our minds it is very difficult as the hodge podge of wisdom and ignorance is well entrenched in a mind that is at this age of 40 years more atropied then when the person was a child. Its like the mind at this stage is a bed sheet. It is full of germs(ignorance) and dirty spots(self image). So not only has the bed sheet got to be washed the germs have to be removed. At this age life's glass potential has already shrunk considerably. Also at this stage it's like the mansion has shrunk into a much smaller house(most people use only 10% of the brain the rest 90% gets atrophied by non use and disuse). And on top of the house being smaller at this age it is also occupied by ignorance. From my knol Why wisdom is so hard to acquire.




This knol is unfinished. It will be completed soon.
lessons of all this.

Psychotic = I am mad at the deep level but at the conscious level I am OK it is the world that is mad.
Neurotic = I am not fully OK but the society is responsible.
Normal = I am the best and can and will become the best.
Super normal = I am zero!

Most important is the relationship between the self and the self image.

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