Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Solving the energy problem; Mastering the free energy forces of Mother Nature.

The fulcrum of wind power is vacuum power.
Through knowledge we are able to tame and harness the forces of Mother Nature. We have enough knowledge to solve the energy crisis. From the earliest times the most important energy saver was the wheel. Then we created the levers, pulleys, fulcrums and engines. I think another very free force of Mother Nature is vacuum power. Through vacuum power we can create electricity. However if my 'Vacuum powered generators' (please read my knol of the same name) is controversial ( I have not tested it practically) we can still use the known forces of Mother Nature to create electricity.

Hydraulic pressure is known and is the most under utilized force of nature I have thought of creating vehicles that use the energy of fuel to push a lever that uses hydraulic pressure to multiply the force that is created by the fuel. Hydraulic pressure is time tested and we can use it on all kinds of vehicles. It will save us a lot of fuel and will cause much less pollution.

How about a dam that is supplied with water from an artificial lake? Where water flows down at tremendous force to turn the turbines to generate electricity in the regular way and the same water is collected at the bottom and put back into the lake behind the dam. The water is pushed back up through a system of hydraulic pressure, pulleys, levers, cranes and fulcrums. You want to take up my challenge? Get me a small amount and I will make a working model.

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