Thursday, August 26, 2010

How the Tao can be explained in words.

To explain the Tao in words we have to explain the process in words that creates the Tao.
Creating wisdom is like creating electricity. You cannot create electricity on its own. You have to create the electrical generator to create electricity. The generator for wisdom is the brain. And as only the +2 super mature brain can generate wisdom so we must take steps to create +2 super mature brains. The road to wisdom is the road to creating a squeaky clean brain so that wisdom is generated naturally. Creating the +2 super mature brain can be explained in words. Wisdom education is education that helps the brain shed its EBG (Emotional brain garbage). How to shed EBG can be explained and taught in words.Contents
'The Tao described in words is not the real Tao. Words cannot describe it. -- Tao Te Ching
The Tao described in words is not the real Tao (The Way to Wisdom) because wisdom itself is a fuzzy and not a fully understood concept. As you cannot...
The important question is so far how is wisdom possible?
There are three traditional ways to wisdom as follows:
1) One is born with wisdom (actually wisdom is acquired by an emotionally and physically healthy womb life and a emotionally nurturing environment.)...
2) One becomes wise through experiencing the reality/truth of life over decades.
3) One tries to learn wisdom by trying to cultivate its attributes. This is the hardest way because it is like trying to cultivate the mango without...
So what is the solution to this dilemma of not being able to teach wisdom directly?
First lets define wisdom as clearly as possible.
What is wisdom?
Wisdom is generated by the highest quality of the emotionally developed brain. It is the highest stage of emotional intelligence. Super mature...
Emotional intelligence is a force of nature that determines the process of self realization. It is an ability in/of the brain that develops through...
The material that generates wisdom is the same material that generates consciousness and this material is the ‘I’ in you, the ‘me’ in me. This...
2) The -1 immature stage where the brain’s emotional and physical potential is gradually developed over six more years of childhood. Those who have...
3) The +1 mature stage where the brain’s emotional and physical potential is gradually developed over 12+ more years. However even those who are...
4) The +2 super mature stage where the brain’s emotional and physical potential is gradually developed automatically when the trophy self image is...
When the first stage's development is unhealthy the brain emotionally gets stuck at this -2 premature stage. The brain not only emotionally gets stuck...
Therefore it is very important for parents to take the right steps and be fully aware of what is required to ensure a healthy conception and a healthy...
Fortunately most fetus' have a healthy womb life. When the second stage is unhealthy the brain emotionally gets stuck at the -1 immature stage. The...
The most common stage of emotional intelligence development in America is the +1 mature stage. Parents who have been brought up on the false belief...
Those who bring up their children by making them become the best help develop their child's emotional intelligence to the +2 super mature level. This...
One of the biggest hurdles to making clear what is wisdom is the well entrenched beliefs about wisdom - wisdom is only for prophets and sages; it is...
Creating wisdom is like creating electricity. You cannot create electricity out of thin air. You have to create the electrical generator to create...
To explain the Tao in words we have to explain the process in words that creates the Tao.
At each stage the brain tries to figure out its own self and the nature of reality. Depending on the feed back it forms an image of it's own self and...
The first stage premature self image is supposed to ease into the second stage immature self image which is suppose to ease into wisdom. This does not...
In the case of those who are stuck at -2 premature stage the best that we can hope for is to help them learn to manage their EBG generated brain...
Thus wisdom education is education that helps the brain shed its emotional brain garbage (EBG). How to shed EBG can be explained and taught in words.

'The Tao described in words is not the real Tao. Words cannot describe it. -- Tao Te Ching
The Tao described in words is not the real Tao (The Way to Wisdom) because wisdom itself is a fuzzy and not a fully understood concept. As you cannot describe wisdom in words you cannot describe the way to wisdom. How can one cultivate something if it is not clear what he is cultivating? Once it is clear what is wisdom then the road to wisdom can also be clearly defined.

The important question is so far how is wisdom possible?
There are three traditional ways to wisdom as follows:
1) One is born with wisdom (actually wisdom is acquired by an emotionally and physically healthy womb life and a emotionally nurturing environment.) This is the best way to acquire wisdom. There are lessons here on how to treat pregnancy and how to create the right emotionally and physically nurturing environment for a wise upbringing.
2) One becomes wise through experiencing the reality/truth of life over decades.
3) One tries to learn wisdom by trying to cultivate its attributes. This is the hardest way because it is like trying to cultivate the mango without cultivating the mango tree.

So what is the solution to this dilemma of not being able to teach wisdom directly?
First lets define wisdom as clearly as possible.

What is wisdom?
Wisdom is generated by the highest quality of the emotionally developed brain. It is the highest stage of emotional intelligence. Super mature emotional intelligence is wisdom. Where does super mature emotional intelligence come from? It is generated by the super mature brain. And what makes a brain super mature? A brain that is emotionally and physically nurtured to become super mature; so the road to wisdom is the road that makes the brain super mature.

Emotional intelligence is a force of nature that determines the process of self realization. It is an ability in/of the brain that develops through basically four stages of life. From the fetus to the child stage to the adult stage and in some to the master stage. At the master stage emotional intelligence becomes wisdom. It is an ability that develops through emotional education; it is the most important part of every one's education. The fundamental lessons are learned by the nurturing womb environment during the fetus stage of life and then during childhood the education is through hugs and kisses and the loving upbringing or through neglect and pain. The next stage is through a mixture of actual building up of a self image based on the concept of, 'You are the best' or in many cases by making the child become the best through real learning of the ropes of life in particular areas. By the time the child is 6 years old his emotional intelligence route is well set.

The material that generates wisdom is the same material that
generates consciousness and this material is the ‘I’ in you,
the ‘me’ in me. This material/substance is what every human
being is made of. It is given to us as a seed, as a potential. The quality of this ‘I’ is determined by the quality of the developed wisdom potential.
The actualization takes place through the brain’s development
shaped by the womb environment, by one’s upbringing, and,
equally important, through parental beliefs ingrained in the children.
If your education is right then you become your true potential that is your true self. Your true self projects wisdom naturally where wisdom is projected by the fully developed super mature brain.

Developing wisdom literary means actually changing the physical quality of the brain. And the brains quality is determined by the actual EBG (Emotional brain garbage) in the brain. No EBG in the brain means the brain is wise.

The brain passes through four stages of development as follows:

1) The -2 premature stage where the brain’s emotional and physical potential is gradually developed over nine long months. A healthy womb life results in the brain emotionally being ready at birth to live in the now and to absorb the impact of a nurturing childhood upbringing. Most people move on emotionally to the next brain level.

2) The -1 immature stage where the brain’s emotional and physical potential is gradually developed over six more years of childhood. Those who have a healthy upbringing emotionally move on to the next stage.
3) The +1 mature stage where the brain’s emotional and physical potential is gradually developed over 12+ more years. However even those who are given a healthy upbringing are also made to arrest their further emotional intelligence development by cultivating a trophy self image for the child by telling him that he is the best.
4) The +2 super mature stage where the brain’s emotional and physical potential is gradually developed automatically when the trophy self image is not cultivated. This happens when the child is not told that he is the best but is made to become the best through proper healthy upbringing. The brain at this stage has developed its full emotional intelligence potential and it generates wisdom.

When the first stage's development is unhealthy the brain emotionally gets stuck at this -2 premature stage. The brain not only emotionally gets stuck at this stage it actually physically remains under developed. And this physical nature of the brain at this level is very hard to change through brain therapy/reeducation. As all brain activity involves an electro-chemical process, the very nature of the undeveloped brain at this stage practically blocks any learning; by producing the same unhealthy electro-chemical reactions. At this premature stage the physical changes are so well entrenched that it is almost impossible to change the physical brain to become super mature.
Therefore it is very important for parents to take the right steps and be fully aware of what is required to ensure a healthy conception and a healthy womb life for the fetus. Because no amount of wisdom education will be able to fully reeducate the brain into physically changing itself into a super mature brain.

Fortunately most fetus' have a healthy womb life. When the second stage is unhealthy the brain emotionally gets stuck at the -1 immature stage. The physical brain even at this level remains underdeveloped and though it is hard to reeducate the brain later, at this stage early detection will make it possible to reverse the damage. Especially as during the first 6 years of life at a very earlier stage the child is brought into pre-K and even earlier day care. Thus the child's emotional development is exposed to trained teachers and mentors, while it is being set. There are many ways in which unhealthy upbringing can be detected. The key here is to train teachers to detect any emotional and physical abuse so that the unhealthy upbringing can not only be stopped; it can be reversed.
The most common stage of emotional intelligence development in America is the +1 mature stage. Parents who have been brought up on the false belief that they are the best continue to pass on to their child this, 'I am the best' belief in the hope that their own unfulfilled dreams will be achieved through the accomplishments of their children. Wisdom education is the easiest for this level of the brain. But this vital flaw in upbringing results in a trophy self image for the child and all his life the person either struggles to fulfill his trophy self image generated aspirations or goes into depression and/or drugs to compensate for his imagined shortcomings. Thus it is very important to wake up America to stop this practice that results in a trophy self image.
Those who bring up their children by making them become the best help develop their child's emotional intelligence to the +2 super mature level. This is the stage where the emotional brain and the physical brain both develop to its full potential. The brain's physical and emotional quality at this level is as as pure as it is supposed to be with the brain free of all physical defects that generate lower level electro-chemical reactions.

One of the biggest hurdles to making clear what is wisdom is the well entrenched beliefs about wisdom - wisdom is only for prophets and sages; it is not for the common man. We must be made aware that wisdom is the undeveloped raw potential of every human brain. The brain’s potential is like a seed which when nurtured properly it physically develops to become a fruit bearing tree. And the attributes of wisdom are its fruit. Man has defined wisdom from its attributes. So man teaches wisdom by trying to cultivate/teach the attributes of wisdom. The DNA of the attributes directly comes from the DNA of wisdom, just as fruit can come only from the fruit bearing tree. Thus it is almost impossible to create the attributes of wisdom without directly creating wisdom itself. (No wonder main stream education has mostly stayed away from teaching wisdom)
Creating wisdom is like creating electricity. You cannot create electricity out of thin air. You have to create the electrical generator to create electricity. The generator for wisdom is the brain. And as only the +2 super mature brain can generate wisdom so we must take steps to create +2 super mature brains.
To explain the Tao in words we have to explain the process in words that creates the Tao.

At each stage the brain tries to figure out its own self and the nature of reality. Depending on the feed back it forms an image of it's own self and an image of the nature of the world. At the first stage it is the womb-reality {W-R} (womb environment) that shapes the self image and the image of the nature of reality. At birth the brain is fully womb-conditioned . The child is born fully feeling omnipotent and omnipresent. If life after birth is again healthy full of hugs and kisses and constant positive feedback then the affects of womb-conditioning {W-C} get gradually erased and the self image and the image of reality is shaped by the new after birth life. If life after birth is unpleasant, then to escape the current emotional and physical pain the brain of the child in it's imagination longs for and clings to its earlier happy womb life. Thus it does not let go of it's feelings of omnipresence and omnipotence. At the womb stage these feelings of omnipotence and omnipresence are normal and these feelings are gradually supposed to get erased but as in some cases these feelings linger on, now they become the emotional baggage/garbage ( I have termed this as EBG/emotional brain garbage) for the -1 immature stage of the brain.
The first stage premature self image is supposed to ease into the second stage immature self image which is suppose to ease into wisdom. This does not happen because the EBG that is supposed to be shed is carried over to the last stage of development. It is this EBG that is stopping the brain from becoming +2 super mature. So in order to make the brain +2 super mature we will have to develop brain exercises and lessons that help shed EBG.
In the case of those who are stuck at -2 premature stage the best that we can hope for is to help them learn to manage their EBG generated brain power. At -1 immature level they will need professional brain therapy. At +1 mature stage my lessons, other more professional self mastery sites, yoga classes etc. can do the job.

Thus wisdom education is education that helps the brain shed its EBG. How to shed EBG can be explained and taught in words.

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