Thursday, August 26, 2010

Compound Self Image

Three different mentalities combine to project each individual inside-out personality, which is also influenced by the out side in situational reality.
In most individuals the self is made of 3 separate personalities. Perhaps there is no literature on the fact that each personality is composed of mostly a mixture of the personality generated by the brain, the personality generated by the mind and the one true personality. It is understandable because we are still fuzzy about the differences between the brain and the mind so we don't know what character traits are being generated by the brain and which by the mind. The brain mind relationship is indeed complicated and many times their emotions overlap.

We mostly perceive our emotions as stemming from our own self. In reality emotions come from the brain, mind and the true self. These shape our inside out personality. And the compound personality is shaped by the out side in feed back. If the out side in circumstances are negative then the inside out personality is also affected. Thus the self is a mixture of the brain generated self image, the mind generated self image, the true self and the situational self image.

Lets examine how we answer the most crucial question of our life: Who am I?. The brain answers this question depending on where the brain is stuck. If it is stuck at the premature level, even when the body is at the adult stage the answer the brain delivers is, "I am omnipotent, I am above the law, I am the only one that counts." The mind knows that the self is an adult and it even knows the limitations of the body and the nature of being part of society so it answers the question as, "I am not omnipotent and am in fact dependent." But depending on which image is backed by more power the brain or the mind, it over rules the other. And thus the behavior is decided by one or the other. Sometimes both the forces are equal so the person is confused. Depending on how good or bad the behavior is the true self acts with pride or guilt as the case may be. The true self expresses its self in the form of our conscience. It is always humble and selfless.

The brain at the premature stage perceives the world from a me, me, me angle. It even projects the mind as a self image that is also preoccupied with the same lopsided self importance. The brain keeps the mind on a leash confining it to its own area of interest. But the true self is there all along and so from time to time it flares up as our conscience.

The brain at the immature stage perceives the world from a still selfish angle where it knows its limitations, but feels that it does not deserve these limitations, it tries to get it all by hook or by crook. The mind is aware of the legal complications to it breaks the law only very cautiously. The true self again feels guilty.

The brain at the mature stage feels like a trophy. The mind goes along, but within the law. It understands that one can acquire a trophy life by acquiring knowledge and through work, work and more intelligent work. The true self is at this level more or less on the same page. The hunger of the brain is insatiable and so the mind is over worked as the brain and body are both over worked. So there is tension between the brain and mind at the mature stage. And as the true self is not greedy the true self does not enjoy all the trophies the mature self collects and so the happiness is quite a bit phony. And the person wonders why he is not fully happy with his trophy filled life.

The brain at the super mature stage projects a super mature mind and what ever the mind perceives the brain accepts. The mind at this stage is not only the boss it is the true self as well. There is no conflict and no tension between the brain, mind and the true self, they are all more or less one.

So the mega question is how does one become a master self inside out and outside in. The first step is to develop ones brain to the super mature level as the assets and liabilities of our personality are with us 24/7. Then with a super mature emotional personality we tackle the ropes of life.

Always remember that no matter how big an emotional hole you are in you can gradually come out of it by aligning your self with your mind and with your conscience. Your emotional holes are caused by your brain being stalled at a lower level due to the emotional brain garbage that your brain is powered by. Gradually remove the EBG and the brain starts to develop to a higher and higher level. Thus projecting a higher level mind/self/I.

When your brain is in charge of your mind you become confused, thus your mind becomes confused and worried, embarrassed and tense etc. The mind emotions add to the misery. Take your mind away from feeling miserable. Instead focus on accepting the situation for what it is and find out how you can use your mind to make your brain free of the emotional wounds still festering in the unconscious brain. There are lots of ways of how to clean up the brain which you can find in books and on the web. If the situation is dire then seek professional help. But understand baring severe premature cases most emotional holes like the trophy self image can be taken care of.

"Money is not taught in schools. Schools focus on scholastic and professional skills, but not financial skills. This explains how smart bankers, doctors, and accounts who earned excellent grades in school may still struggle financially all their lives." - Robert Kiyosaki

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