Tuesday, August 31, 2010


The source of your restlessness.
In the Sufi tradition when God was asked why he created the world God said that he was a hidden treasure and he wanted to be known. So maybe even God wants to be known. I have thought long and hard on restlessness. Many people are restless without any apparent reason.Perhaps it is because
the real self wants to be known. It wants you to know how good you are. Sometimes it surfaces and even feels displeased with you. It even makes you feel guilty if you do stuff that is below your true standard.

Your true self is none other than your very own conscience.

Even when your self is totally buried in a cloak of a -2 brain generated self image and when you know your self as an all important being(self image) your true self expresses itself in the form of your conscience. Don't believe them if they tell you that it is a voice telling you that you are wrong. It is your very own true self. In fact when you and your conscience are on the same page then and then alone are you a full self master.

This quality of your true self is a real gift of Mother Nature. Even when your self is cloaked by your self image your true self emerges and becomes conscious when ever you are thinking of doing something bad or when you do do something bad. It feels restless before, during and after the bad act. It is trying to tell you that you are up to no good. That you are doing something below your dignity and makes your self image feel guilty. Similarly for anything good your true self feels good and genuine pride.

If you continue to do bad stuff your true self gets more and more buried in your false self image. There comes a stage where the self gets weak and slowly disappears below your consciousness. But your self is real. Even at that buried level it expresses its frustration in the unconscious mind. It curses you and creates actual physical tension in your body. It takes away your peace. No amount of drugs can calm you. You don't understand but it is your own true self whose life you have choked and harmed. All your bad stuff becomes a tiring load for your true self. It becomes your emotional baggage. You loose the real treasure of life itself. You don't even get to know your own self. You don't even know your own desires. Your true self is a slave of your phony self image which rules your life. You think you know yourself. All you know is your self image which is generated by your -2 and -1 brain. All the labor is done by your own body, all the hard work, but all this struggle all the bad stuff you do to acquire more and more is for your phony self its not even for you. All your pleasures are fake and you know it. All the bad stuff you do you do to harm your own true self. You don't even know what real happiness is after all you are a phony. Your pleasures are phony. Your fake life is an act as it is all made up. You will not know the pleasures of a selfless being. The pleasures of becoming your conscience, your true self. As you grow older you realize your hollowness. So you start doing charity. It is a step in the right direction. It is like giving water to an almost dead plant. The true self starts to get some energy. So you start to feel good. I would like to suggest that you do good till the holy cows come home. Maybe by the time you are about to say good bye to your true self you get the pleasure of knowing, understanding and becoming your true self. Maybe there is yet hope for you and if you do enough good Mother Nature may just about forgive you and when you pass away you may see the white light.

Those of you who are +1 get to experience your +2 self more often.

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