Thursday, August 26, 2010

Philosophy Debate - 3: What is wisdom?Wisdom= Self Mastery = Emotional intelligence = Spiritual Intelligence.

"Man since ancient times did figure out that wisdom is the key to man’s emancipation and a good virtuous life. However man tried to define and figure out wisdom and as we did not succeed we decided to list all the attributes of wisdom. So the quest became, ‘How to teach the attributes of wisdom’. Now the very nature of wisdom is such that wisdom can be described as a tree where its attributes are the fruit of the wisdom tree. No wonder it is so very difficult and almost impossible to cultivate the attributes of wisdom like selflessness and humbleness; because it is the same as trying to grow my favorite fruit the mango with out growing the mango tree. No wonder main stream education gave up trying to teach wisdom". - From my knol 'Wisdom is a Tree'.
Wisdom - A definition
The brain is like a flower and wisdom is its fragrance. Can you even explain and teach fragrance no matter how many ways it is described. The only way you can know fragrance is by smelling the flower. Again in order to have fragrance you have to cultivate the flower. For superior fragrance you will have to nurture the flower by giving it better fertilizer, watering appropriately, exposing it to the right amount of sunlight etc. Similarly to cultivate wisdom you will have to find ways of educating the brain to a super mature emotionally intelligent level. A super mature brain becomes wise automatically. An emotionally super mature brain is a wise brain. So when you read books on wisdom its like reading books on fragrance. As my friend Eddie Morrow from Houston said you will really know as much about fragrance after reading the book as much as you knew before reading the book. - From my knol 'Wisdom'

Thus I have defined wisdom that we are all trying to define and understand, not by its inherent nature but by its inherent qualities (focusing on how wisdom is produced rather than on what it is. I have defined wisdom as that highest quality of human nature that is generated by the highest emotionally intelligent mind. It is clear that to develop wisdom one must develop ones emotional intelligence to the super mature mind level.
As there are four levels of the mind from premature, immature, mature to super mature the aim is to identify and teach only super mature values from at least birth onwards. For those who already have lower level values ingrained in their minds we must use all the means available and develop new means to deprogram the mind of these lower mind level values.

Just like what blood is to the body, emotional intelligence is to the brain. Depending on the kind of nurturing emotional and physical environment the brain is exposed to; emotional intelligence is potentially supposed to develop from ignorance to wisdom. In most individuals the development stops short of the final development into wisdom. It results in a mixture of ignorance and wisdom.

A quantification of the mind
I have quantified the mind. Thus all human actions and all human emotions are also quantified. I have divided the mind development into four basic stages as follows:
1) Premature mind of a new born child quantified with a value of negative 2.
2) Immature mind of a teenager quantified with a value of negative 1.
3) Mature mind of an adult quantified with a value of positive 1.
4) Super mature mind of a master quantified with a value of positive 2.

The main reason I first decided to quantify the mind was to be able to measure emotions and thus be able to bring them more fully under the domain of science. In fact I learned from a professor at Messiah College, where then Senator Obama and Senator Clinton went to talk to some priest; that Templeton University is currently looking for ideas how to define love in scientific terms! It is later I realized that quantifying emotions has dozens and dozens of practical applications. My formula has practical applications in especially all the mind sciences as well as all those sciences that have a human element in it, like economics as economics has a human element in it.

An example of a practical application.
Quantifying the mind means that every human activity is now quantified. Take the example of war and peace. War is a premature activity having a value of -2. State of war is an immature activity having a value of-1. Truce is a mature activity having a value of +1. Peace is a super mature activity having a value of +2. In order to achieve +2 results one must start with +2 ingredients especially if the supply of -2 ingredients on both sides is unlimited.. Take the example of World War 1 and 11. The first war defeated Germany with -2 ingredients. The -2 ingredients resulted in another -2 World War 11. Only the +2 Marshal Plan created the current +2 relations between the warring factions.

Some more applications.

There are many applications even in philosophy and sociology:

a) Do good because it is the super mature thing to do. Do not commit murder because it is the premature thing to do. Thus moral values can be quantified and based on pure science.

b) The aim of education becomes crystal clear. To teach formal education to create doctors, engineers and scientists etc. and another compulsory subject that teaches everyone to become a +2 self master.

c) As there are four levels of the mind there are four levels of people in every society and four levels of countries. Those that are at the lower level can be shown why they are at this level and how they can be educated to the +2 level. Thus groups and even countries can be taught self mastery. Laws, policies and priorities can all be graded and replaced with +2 activities. With a +2 mind even ordinary dead end situations become opportunities for over coming failures.

I have observed that the qualities of a super mature emotionally intelligent person, a self master and a wise individual are exactly the same. Thus you cultivate one you cultivate all three. If you can define one you can define all three. You develop self mastery education or wisdom education or emotional intelligence education and you will have developed education for all three. In fact even a purely spiritual human being has the same character traits as these other three! Thus the path to the holy grail of education since time immemorial: self mastery is now crystal clear.

Debate Section

SKS: I have a question. Who or what has defined these 4 levels of maturity you mention? Who defined that murder is bad? Is the moral law something defined by God or by humans?

SK: This is a very vital question. We already have these four categories for quite some time now. It is just not fully main stream yet. Remember the book, 'I am OK you are OK?'. The author describes the three levels of the mind: Child, Parent and Teacher. Actually for a long time now it is understood that there is also a fetus stage. A lot of people are now playing music to the fetus and trying to teach the fetus in other ways.

All I have done is quantify these four stages. Thus all emotions and behaviors can now be quantified. Thus love can be -2, -1, +1 and/or +2. And heinous crimes can only be -2 because they harm other human beings.

'Who defined that murder is bad?, This is a very crucial question. I am proposing that moral values need not come from religion. The moral character/behavior of a person can be judged by the level of the mind it is coming from. For instance murder is a -2 activity so it is bad. A +2 person will never commit murder.

So far moral laws are partly/fully coming from Gd. Thus they are coming from an entity that cannot be explained within the paradigm of science. So in order to bring moral values within the paradigm of science I am proposing: Let moral values be based on the qualities of the +2 super mature mind. Thus moral values can be defined by humans.

My proposal takes moral values from the domain of philosophy and puts them firmly in the domain of science. There are many practical benefits to making moral values scientific. Moral values will have one universal standard, no matter what creed or religion one follows. This will create many more feathers in the cap of making the world one family. Imagine every caste, creed and religion following the same universal and scientific moral standards. There will be less conflict and more cooperation and peace in the world.

The larger problem that my way solves is that Gd will have no longer several different interpretations. So a major source of bloodshed and conflicts will be replaced with just +2 moral values.

Imagine every group treating every other group to the same +2 moral standards!

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