By you becoming you; you can come close to understanding the mysteries of life.
We still don't know how consciousness rises from the brain. We do not know the nature of time. Perhaps these fundamentals of life are beyond the capacity of our brains to understand. So lets develop our brains to the highest possible level so that we can at least be able to develop the attributes of consciousness to our best possible ability. Think of yourself as an holistic being. Become your true self by becoming what is knowingly possible and by acquiring the attributes of what is not fully known.
The ancients were very wise. When they couldn't define wisdom they broke wisdom down to its attributes. Similarly lets take consciousness and time and break them down to their attributes.
The best qualities of consciousness are to be able to know, understand and become ones true self. To be able to perceive others as equally important and to see the world just the way it is without any distortions, filters or prejudices. And to put yourself, others and how the world works in perspective. To know your self, to know others and to know the ropes of life. Now if you really want to know math then you will have to improve your knowledge to the PhD. level and beyond. Not only will you have to have a degree in Math you will have to become a mathematician. Similarly to have the best possible consciousness you will not only have to become a PhD in consciousness you will have to become purely conscious. That is you will have to perceive life herself in her pure form, in her sublime form; you will have to develop yourself to the level where you will become you.
How you perceive life depends on your brain capacity. The brain capacity at -2 is too focused on the self to really be able to understand life and everything in it in her pure form. At -1 the brain is too corrupted to understand pure life. At +1 the trophy self image blocks the understanding of pure life. At +2 life is not only understood the person becomes wise. Perceiving consciousness through the sense of wisdom is the closest one can come to perfecting consciousness and to understanding consciousness.
Again we do not understand the very core nature and cause of time. We do know that the highest quality of time is eternal time. So breaking eternal time down to its attributes we know the following:
1) Eternal time is extremely valuable. So develop your expertise in your chosen field to the best of your ability; develop your talents as Picasso developed his talents. (Please read my knolls on time/life).
2) Eternal time is eternal pleasure. Eternal pleasure concerns making your own self enjoy life to the maximum. How can you enjoy your life if your life's agenda is not even your own. If you are for all practical purposes your self image. Then your pleasures are phony and you are a slave of your self image. So learn to develop your brain to the super mature +2 level and become your true self and then your time and your life will be your own. All the life pleasures will be yours to enjoy.
3) Eternal time is in the present. Your self image is either focused on the past, or it is in a hurry to make you the best; so it is focused on the future or it is focused on a mixture of the past and future. So again become your true self and then you can live in the present.
4) Eternal time is spent in the service of all humanity so devote your time as much as you can in helping others and by making their time eternal for them. Through research, through inventions, through creating foundations and orphanages. Through eternal art, through honest public service etc.
So even if we cannot understand the core nature of the mysteries of life we can become the every embodiment of consciousness and then we can even master time to the extent it is humanly possible. Every thing just points to one secret and that is become your true self; become real and your consciousness will be of the finest quality and your time will be as close to eternal time as humanly possible.
Therefore we have to learn the ropes of life to make our time valuable and we have to develop our brain to super mature level.
Now that I have defined wisdom as a fragrance of the brain lets take steps to create brain exercises that will remove the emotional baggage from the brain.
As through my various knolls I have tried to prove that wisdom is a fragrance that is generated automatically when the brain is pure - when all the emotional garbage is removed from the brain. Give me the chance to prove to you dear knol reader that if you at +1 then through the right brain exercises you can become +2. You have nothing to loose but your emotional baggage, your life long struggle for happiness, your restless that you don't even understand... and you can become the master of your life/time.
By becoming your true self not only do you understand the understandable to the greatest extent that it is humanly possible you become the very embodiment of understanding.
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010
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