Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Knol Factor

'I will strive to make the 'knol factor' for real life what googling is for the internet'!
We will make the knol factor as important as the wisdom factor in life. The knol platform is a stroke of genius. The knol creators have tapped into that part of the human creativity that lies dormant and would never have come out otherwise. It is rightly based on the idea that the common man has a tremendous potential for innovation. This is a global world and all across the globe solutions can come from anywhere and everywhere. This concept of 'Knol Factor' as a reality is already emerging but what we have to do is consciously speed up its birth on the global stage.

We have been provided with the knol platform to flush out the hidden knowledge that may have never come out otherwise. Take my own example. I couldn't have published so many articles in magazines and newspapers. Even the best columnists get published only twice a week. Some times I have posted up to 5 knols in a day.

My own reading is that knol wants us to help provide the knowledge of life and everything else in it so that the world can turn the corner to a better life. From the ignorant to the sage all are welcome. As long as it helps someone, even if this is your own self. You can buy, sell, promote, recruit, share, help, seek help, advise, seek guidance, start a school on knol, start a radio show, post a weekly magazine, news letter, research journal and of course even propose marriage on knol! You can do anything on knol as long as it is legal and it helps mankind. They want knol to be a foundation of knowledge that is a positive factor in life and everything else in it. They want to change the world through global knowledge that comes through every nook and cranny of the world. They want to give and have given every effective idea no matter in which remote corner of the world a chance to go on the global radar screen. And the beauty of it all is that even if it takes a million phony or ineffective or even plagiarized ideas to get one that makes the world a better place then it is acceptable to them. It is like the saying that a princes has to kiss a thousand toads before she finds the one who is a prince!
So they let all the toads of ideas kiss the knol platform for that one princely idea! What an ingenious way to flush out the cutting edge secrets to a better world!

SKS's knol title, '' is very indicative of the way knol is set up. Intentionally or unintentionally knol has emerged as a living, evolving entity just like life is emerging on our planet. It is from chaos and anarchy that democracy and our society has emerged and is still evolving. Nature is trying every which way to create the diversity of life, knol is doing the same in the field of knowledge.

Knol has not reached the adolescent stage and it is up to us knollers and knol help to work together as joint parents and nature/nurture knol into becoming, 'The Knol Factor For Life And Every Thing Else In It.' Just like the Wisdom Factor'.

Given this tremendous opportunity it is our duty to help knol achieve their goals. I would like to make a pledge, 'I will strive to make the 'knol factor' for real life what googling is for the internet'!

On another note a friend of mine suggested that he wants to hire a writer to improve the writing of my knols. I told him my Knols are original. They are alive. They are real. They are wise and +2. My knols are snatched out of the jaws of Mother Nature himself (MN likes this). They breathe, they even give their own babies. Sometimes they come to me in a dream. And just like life itself my Knols are not perfect.

'It is the cutting edge knowledge factor contained in knols that makes the 'knol factor' for real life what googling is for the internet'!
The knol factor provides mankind the means to achieve ones individual, group and country's full humanness potential. It is the knowledge contained in knols that makes the knol factor the wisdom factor in life. It is the UN of the knowledge world.

What is knoling/knol and how is it different from googling?
My reading of the knol platform is that knol and knoling is emerging as a noun and verb just like googling.
The knol creators have tapped into that part of the human creativity that lies dormant and would never have come out otherwise, it is rightly based on the idea that every and any common man has a tremendous potential for innovation. So when you are knoling you are searching on the web for cutting edge and new ideas that expand our knowledge horizons at the individual, group and country levels. While in googling one can look for any and all kinds of information from finding a location to what is life and everything in between.
When one says 'knol it' it means find on the web the latest angle on some particular knowledge and/or to find the newest horizon of this knowledge.

Knol is based on Mother Nature, on the model of life itself. There are hard and fast rules in nature where within those rules nature allows all kinds of emerging possibilities. This life on earth is mother natures open ended experiment. Knol is an experiment to flush out knowledge from any and all the nooks and crannies of the globe. As I have said in my knol 'the knol factor', a princes has to kiss a lot of toads before she finds her prince. So knol is open to all and any ideas to find the rare gems that will make knol a verb and one of the factors of life just like the wisdom factor or the education factor. This is the way life on earth works, it is racing towards perfection and so is knol. It is very important for us knollers to realize their objectives and consciously steer knol in that direction!

I know a time will come when Knol help will have to decide to separate the chaff from the grains. They will have to retool their alograthim to be able to bring not just the princes on top but the original princes on top. Most here are rewritten and re polished toads! But life is about toads and princes and they all have their place in the hierarchy and we must respect them both which is what the knol platform is doing!.

The Rules of Decorum in Public Forums.
In any public forum we have rules of decorum. The knol platform is also a public forum. I think the time has come to hammer out together some rules of decorum for the knol platform.
Rule # 1: There is no room for any personal feelings by participants against each other. We have to respect each and every participant and even support the individual rights of those who do not agree with us.

Rule # 2: We can air our differences of opinion on the ideas expressed. All criticism must be confined to the knowledge presented. It is not sufficient to just say the other person's idea is wrong. One must present proof through facts to refute any idea.

In conclusion I would like to add: The knol platform is a world stage for sharing knowledge. Wikipedia has the same objective. Then why do we need knol? Wikipedia is about sharing accredited knowledge; knowledge that is well defined universally. Knol's aim is to go beyond that. Knol wants to know what is your interpretation of accepted knowledge. And if your interpretation expands the frontiers of knowledge then that is what knol is all about...

The many meanings of 'To knol it':

1) Bringing your article to the level of cutting edge knols. By 'knoling it' you will be researching, cross referencing, reviewing, mulling over it, digesting it, sleeping over it, making your brain and mind work on it independently and together in full awareness, putting the article under the microscope objectively and subjectively to carve out a knol quality paper or article.

2) It also means to publish your own original idea on the knol platform.

3) 'To knol it' also means to compare and cross reference and review your idea with the knowledge contained in the published knols on the same subject.

4) To knol it also means to consider the knol factor in the context of your behavior and life.

5) It also means to introduce the knol factor in your life as in 'I am going to knol my life'. Which means I will use the knol factor to life my life.

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