The question is how do we too become omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence?
Some of the most common qualities of Gd as mentioned in the Holy Scriptures include omniscience, omnibenevolence (perfect goodness), divine simplicity and eternal existence. Jesus is the very personification of what is perfection in human terms. The scriptures are stressing again and again that humans should develop the same mind as was in Jesus Christ. The question is why would the scriptures ask for something that was not possible? It is clear that the scriptures are telling us to become the mind of Jesus because it is humanly possible. But the question is how it is possible to actualize the divinity of Jesus in us?
The first step for us humans to understand is, what is expected of us, is to comprehend what omniscience means in the context of our life. Omniscience means to be able to understand our full humanness potential in terms of how much of the divine qualities we can actually actualize.
One of the most important elements one must understand about Gd is that He is divine simplicity that means He is one whole unit of goodness. He is not made up of attributes in the sense that He has these attributes but that these attributes are Him. He is omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence. It is like it is not like Gd is something else and He has goodness in Him. He is goodness. He is divine. He is made up of pure divinity. He is omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence. All His attributes are him. As we are also made in His self image our own image of our self must be omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence.
The question is how it is possible for mere mortals to not have omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence but to become omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence.
The first thing to understand is that Jesus represents what is humanly possible in terms of Gd's manifestation on earth. Jesus was able to become in his humanly form omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence. And the scriptures are saying that we must be the same mind as Jesus. So we have to perceive and become our self as omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence as humanly possible.
The question is how do we too become omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence?
Again the scriptures are saying that there is a Trinity. There is Gd, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. And that we are made from the Holy Spirit. Thus our core self is indeed made up of omnibenevolence (pure goodness). So why is it that most of us do not turn out as omnibenevolent?
According to the scriptures we are made in the image of Gd. We do not perceive actual reality, we perceive its image. When it comes to knowing, understanding and perceiving our own self we perceive the image of our actual self. And according to the scriptures our self is created in the image of Gd! So our actual pure self should have the same mirror image divine qualities as Gd. We should each be omniscient, omnibenevolent, divine simplicity and eternal existence, so the question is how do we become all this?
The first step we have to take is to become omniscient that is all knowing in terms of 'who am I' and how I can become who I am. So please consider the following:
1) I am made from the Holy Spirit.
2) I am not one who is something else and not one who just has the character traits of the Holy Spirit.
3) My true character traits are that I am omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence, as I am made in the image of Gd.
It all boils down to how we perceive our own self. So let’s start with understanding the very process of perception. Perception is a process that occurs in the brain. The quality of the brain process depends on the developed brain potential. And it is a scientific fact that the human brain works in images. For convenience sake I have divided the brain development into the following four levels which I have also quantified, where each level projects a different self image, where, as the miracle of consciousness is such that each self image that the brain projects is self conscious. Thus it can look at the very brain that is its source, as an observer and can also look at its own self inside out and outside in, while at the same time it develops its character traits according to what it perceives its own self to be:
1) Premature brain (-2) has the capacity to project a -2 premature self image. The premature self image projects a self consciousness that has premature -2 character traits. The 'I' at the -2 level perceives itself as omnipotent and omnipresent. The -2 self image is totally self centered and has a brutal nature. Humans that are stuck at this level manifest themselves as dictators and tyrants. At this stage of the mind the child
considers his own self as all reality. In his mind he alone exists. Ones own self is all that counts. Others don’t count at all as they don’t even exist. Humans especially leaders who are stuck at this emotional mind level consider themselves as all important and they build huge monuments to themselves and stash away money in illegal accounts neglecting and robbing the common man and the country. To achieve their own goals they abuse their power, commit atrocities and abuse human rights. In spite of all the illegal wealth and power this mind level leaders are very insecure. They spend a disproportionate amount of money on their own and their countries security. For these leaders they alone are above the law and everyone else is below the law. Except for the very few cronies of the leader the rest of the country lives in poverty and life remains a constant struggle. Many countries in the world are ruled by this -2 mind level leaders. We must wake up the world to their -2 emotional mind and its consequences. Others at this mind level become hard core criminals and still others become mentally ill and depend on society for survival.
b) Immature brain (-1)... an opportunistic nature that will break the law if the individual thinks that he can get away with it. At this stage of the brain level the teenager thinks that even though he has no power today his time will come and but he deserves the best today. He will try to fulfill his lopsided dreams by hook or by crook. He considers himself as most important and will do everything to make it so if he feels he can get away with even committing illegal acts. Humans whose minds are stuck at this level are extremely corrupt. They build up illegal fortunes at the cost of the country and the fellow men. Most third world countries have this level brain, leaders.
c) Mature brain (+1)... a responsible nature that respects the equality of all. At this stage the adult brain considers itself as first among equals. The person struggles to make the most for his own self. He works for his own family first. Humans who are at this level of the brain work for their whole nation but more so for their
own supporters, their own party and their own vested interests first. When it comes to international relations they put their own country above all else. When President Bush places jobs above carbon emissions he is coming from this mind level. Most developed countries are in this category. They especially over spend on defense to remain first in military power at least in their own neighborhood. So called super powers and aspiring super powers try to expand the range of their defense powers by spending even more to show off power beyond their borders. They spend more than they need on defense but they spend enough on other sectors where the economy benefits the whole country.
d) Super mature brain (+2) altruistic nature. At this level the brain develops to the highest level of emotional intelligence which is wisdom. The person considers himself as part of the whole human family. He considers everyone else as #1 irrespective of caste and creed, gender or economic status. Humans who manifest themselves at this level genuinely work for the whole country and also try their best to help other countries. They treat all alike with the same highest respect. For leaders at this level all the people at large especially the poor are worthy of more attention and financial assistance so their priorities and policies focus on education, health, infrastructure and economic growth away from defense. Such leaders bring economic
prosperity and real change in the lives of all the sections of society. The whole country becomes richer. Such humans are truly altruistic and humble. All their spending is rational. Their priorities are equally focused on education, health, and infrastructure and every thing in-between. This is the kind of self image every human must develop.
Thus the character traits of the super mature self image are the character traits of the self image that is made in the image of Gd. Thus the I can become omniscient, omnibenevolent, divine simplicity and eternal existence to the extent humanly possible. For after all we are not Gd; we are a mirror image of Gd.
At the -2 premature stage of brain development the I/self remains its -2 premature self centered -2 self image.
At this level we are not what we are supposed to be. Society tries to make this brain level behave in a selfless +2 manner but fails. It is like trying to make -2 equal +2.
At the -1 immature stage of brain development the I/self remains its -1 premature corrupt -1 self image.
At this level we are not what we are supposed to be. Society tries to make this brain level behave in a selfless manner but again mostly fails.
At the +1 mature stage of brain development the I/self remains its +1 mature, 'I am the best' +1 self image.
At this level we are not what we are supposed to be. Society tries to make this brain level behave in a selfless manner and mostly succeeds except for this level's trophy self image which controls and drives the life agenda.
At the +2 super mature stage of brain development the I/self becomes the +2 true self with all the character traits of a Jesus like +2 self image. At this level we are what we are supposed to be.
It is very clear that we must wake up to the fact that we do not understand the true message of Gd, that we are all made in His image and that the material that we are made from is the most divine and pure Holy Spirit. And that the way we are made is that it is our self image that determines who we are. And that all our spiritual and emotional problems at the individual and society at large level are due to our self image not being in the image of Gd.
So at the -2, -1 and +1 self image stages we are not our true self. We are a fake image of our true self. We are -2, -1 or +1 or a mixture of these, where we should be +2. At -2, -1 and +1 we are something other than what we are supposed to be. And here in lies the problem. When we are not omniscient about our own self then how can we be omniscient about others and about life and every thing else in it?
So the question remains how do we too become omniscient, omnibenevolent, divine simplicity and eternal existence: the very self image of Gd. We do it by taking the following steps:
1) By becoming totally omniscient about our true self image-less self.
2) By learning and taking the steps to develop our brain to the super mature level.
3) The super mature brain will project our pure self image that will be a copy of the divine self image.
4) Our pure godly self image will be naturally and effortlessly omnibenevolent.
5) And as we will not have the attributes of our pure self image and will be our pure self image with its quality attributes we will become divine simplicity.
6) And as the godly self image lives in the now our current existence will be in the territory of eternal existence.
Why our self education is all wrong.
Our whole education system when it comes to emotional intelligence teaching is based on our assumption that our basic character traits are fixed and that we cannot change our human nature. So we have this collective self image of man that our basic human nature is evil. Thus we accept that we are much less then a godly self image and so being less we have to control and manage this evil in us and as a result we create education that teaches us to control and manage our so called basic animal human nature. This lower self image generated evil in us is like a beast. We can keep it chained but it still has to be fed and constantly watched over. And it is not like a pet where we want to keep it. We want to destroy it but we do not even look beyond trying to control it as we think that it is part of us. We will have to wake up to the fact that it is part of our lower self image which we can change!
It is like it is not like Gd is something else and He has goodness in Him. He is goodness. He is divine. And as we have the same godly self image we will have to develop our divine self image. We have to be free by knowing the truth and by becoming omniscient about our true self.
It is very clear that for our self image to be in the image of Gd we will first have to develop our brain to the super mature level.
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