Tuesday, August 31, 2010

This is a petition to the world leaders to make wisdom education compulsory from preK-12 and beyond. Dear reader please support this petition.

The road out of the current world mess is possible through wisdom education; and we must wake up the world powers of education to this neglected opportunity.
There is so much mess in the world today that we don't have a very clear idea where to start. From the financial quagmires at the govt. level to personal poverty, from depression to wars. In all this mess there is a huge section that is still thriving. These are mainly professionals who have built up their earning capacity through proper education and are either well employed or well self employed. Many amongst these are well adjusted to life in any and all circumstances. The distinguishing factor here is that these people are professionally and emotionally well adjusted. They have developed equally their regular intelligence and emotional intelligence. These are the ones who have been exposed to a nurturing upbringing; in fact they are the lucky ones who had the chance of responsible elders who provided them with a super healthy upbringing. Thus creating a super healthy emotional and physical brain.

However it is the ones who were exposed to an unhealthy upbringing that cause the mess to themselves and thus have a rippling affect on all society; and the bigger mess caused by those who harm others.

The human brain/mind runs on intelligence and emotional intelligence. Both are equally essential for a healthy life. While we continue to research ways and incorporate the latest findings into newer and newer courses to create more and more advanced and cutting edge regular education we more or less neglect emotional intelligence education. We leave to chance the upbringing of children. As a result we continue to create brains/minds that are either premature, immature, mature and some super mature or a mixture of these levels. Look at the price society at large has to pay for all the -2 people that we let create. Look at the price that whole nations are paying for their majority of people being -1. Look at the price the US is paying for creating +1 minds.

Look how peoples are still fighting wars with -2 and -1 brain power values as if after using the same negative brain power values for hundreds of years and both sides losing, the result next time or this time will be different.

Look at the law and order situation in many countries. Don't you think that much of this current mess in the world is due to lack of wisdom education? Look at some of the second/third world countries where corruption is an accepted way of life. Imagine these same countries where the majority of the people were wise. Imagine America where most people are +1, if we were mostly +2. Imagine a world where most people were wise would the world be in such a mess? We can not only try we can make the world more wise by introducing a complete subject that teaches wisdom. We already have disciplines that create/teach emotional healing. We have to apply the same principles to create super emotional healing.

We now have enough information to put together a whole new subject, just like math and science, complete with lessons and exercises that teaches wisdom - the highest stage of emotional intelligence. Please read my other knols on wisdom.

This knol is a petition to all the world leaders from President Obama to the leader of the UN, world leaders and all the movers and shakers of education. We want them to wake up to the urgency of introducing wisdom education as a compulsory subject.

We would like to request all knol authors, knol managers and readers to please add your name to this petition. Also as we need millions of signatures please if possible print out this petition and collect as many signatures as possible. I know we are a dedicated group and together we can change the world. We can even bring peace to the Middle East once we get going here.

We are hoping to present this petition to all the above mentioned VIPs including the education ministries and important centers of learning all over the world.

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