Monday, August 30, 2010

Understanding pure love.

Pure love if a force. It is real. It is the chief fabric of a pure life. It is the very foundation of a pure life. It is the secret to your spending your time authentically. It is the secret to pure happiness. It is bliss. It gives you the taste of eternity. It makes your life/time heaven on earth.

"Pure love is made up of one, just one ingredient - selflessness" - Sajid Khan

Pure love is a quality that provides the main ingredient to wisdom. And how does one achieve wisdom? By becoming emotionally super mature (+2)! By becoming selfless. The reason most of us know pure love and yet don't understand it is because our brain blocks us from 'getting' what pure love is. Our self image prevents us from becoming selfless. So our love always has a degree of selfishness. And as long as selfishness controls our behavior we cannot act selflessly and we cannot understand pure love.

This is why when a person who has a -2 self image he cannot understand pure love. Pure love means giving unconditional importance to the other person. A -2 brain is too steeped on cloud nine in his own self importance to be able to give any importance to the other person. You can lecture him all you want but his own feelings of being omnipotent and omnipresent will block him from understanding pure love.

A -1 person has a corrupt self image. He will always want to know what is in it for him for him to have pure love. He will always pretend and react as if he has pure love. He will never 'get it'.

A +1 person will get it. He will be in and out of pure love once in a while. But mostly his trophy self image will come in the way.

The only person who will have and is capable of 24/7 pure love is a super mature +2 person. He has no self image issues. There is no self image that blocks his fully developed mind from expressing selfless love.

This is the reason that persuasion and sermons have almost no affect on individuals. So if you want to know pure love raise your emotional intelligence to +2 level by getting rid of your whatever self image/images you have and by becoming selfless.

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