The theory of unifing emotions.
The deep mostly secret core of man's 'virtual' self is the root cause of all emotions that spring from the emotional nature of the virtual core self. Every emotion depends on and is colored by our ability of how close to reality we can behave, where especially thinking is also action. The spring board of our emotions stem from the virtual nature of our self. All 'emotional emotions', because we also have 'physical emotions' that manifest in physical pain and pleasure, spring from just one source - the nature and quality of our developed humanness potential. All emotional emotions boil down to how we answer the question, 'Who am I?' It is all about self image. It is all about the quality of our brain!
Please consider the following:
A Premature brain will project a premature self image/mind/I. This premature self image will generate premature emotions. The inside out emotional impact on the personality of the person will come from the properties of the premature brain. Thus the source of all emotional intelligence related emotions is virtually the premature self image. Similarly the immature brain projected immature self image is the source of all emotional emotions. The same for mature and super mature brains.
Thus the single source for premature emotional emotions is an omnipotent and or omnipresent self image.
The single source for immature emotional emotions is a immature, that is mostly a corrupt self image.
The single source for mature emotional emotions is a mature, mostly trophy self image.
And the single source for a super mature emotional emotions is a selfless self image, that is an image less self.
The self image determines the very core nature of all emotions. For each individual the source is fixed. It comes from the nature of the developed brain potential. As the brain develops the self image develops and the emotions develop.
The applications of this concept of exposing the self image as the unified and single source for all emotional emotions is huge, especially for education. It means to change the quality of emotions en mass we need to change the quality of the self image, not just for individuals but also for groups and countries.
All 'emotional emotions', because we also have 'physical emotions' that manifest in physical pain and pleasure, spring from just one source - the nature and quality of our developed humanness potential. All emotional emotions boil down to how we answer the question, 'Who am I?' It is all about self image. It is all about the quality of our brain! In fact emotional intelligence boils down to the same factor: Emotional Intelligence quality is determined by how we answer the question, 'Who am I?' Super mature emotional intelligence is a fully actualized self image less self.
The question is how does the self image control emotions? The self image acts as the sentry at the get where the outside in information is coming in. It takes this new information and cross references it with its old stored information about similar past situations and decides what this new information is all about in the light of the past experience.
When one has an omnipotent/omnipresent self image the self centered self image perceives everything from its own self centered perspective. Self centerdness is the basic theme of its thinking and behavior. All emotions spring from this self image. Similarly when one has a immature and corrupt self image the basic emotions spring from this corrupt self image. Again the mature self image has its own trophy self image which generates its own set of basic emotions. The super mature self image less self generates its own emotions.
Emotions spring from who we think we are, what we think our capability is, what we deserve, what we think of others and what kind of idea we have about what we think we know about the ropes of life.
No wonder -2 premature self image people have a -2 life. Because they are too over confident about themselves they invariably have misguided emotions about the situation at hand. And immature people have -1 life as their corrupt self image generates -1 emotions. Mature self images generate mature emotions that create a trophy self and a life long struggle for a trophy life. A self image less self creates its own +2 super mature selfless emotions.
It is the self image that determines how the person is going to feel about the situation it is in. As Dr. KVSS quotes the following:
Wechsler defined intelligence as “the global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.
I would like to state that the self image can be defined as the factor that determines the quality to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.
The connection between self image and intelligence is very profound. It will not be too far fetched to say that ones self image is ones intelligence. At least that ones intelligence flows from one self image and is the chief factor that determines the quality of intelligence: the bottom line intelligence quality of emotions.
Again 'Wechsler defined intelligence as “the global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.'
Think the word capacity here is a little fuzzy and the more clear word would be 'enabling ability'. So I would restate the above statement as:
I would define intelligence as “the global 'enabling ability' of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.' Where this enabling ability stems directly from the self image.
( I have defined intelligence as an innate, though in most individuals only partly developed, ability/property that enables all other abilities.)
Monday, August 30, 2010
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