An esteemed Prof. has said that my work is a copy of the work of Maslow!
We are all trying to make our individual knowledge universal and when these statements are made they should be proven right.
I am addressing this blog to our esteemed friend.
Let me first say that I admire your knowledge base and your humanness and I respect your total devotion to expanding knowledge.
Let me start by your quote:
"I will neither reject or endorse your WISDOM EXPRESS hypothesis. OneMy observation is your hypothesis is not original, but is similar to hypotheses presented by previous authors. One book expressing similar hypotheses and which I have on my bookshelves is "Forms of Intellectual and Ethical Development in the College Years: A Scheme", by William G. Perry, Jr. (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. New York, etc, 1968). If you want to succeed with your agenda you need to recognize what previous workers have done and/or demonstrate your hypothesis has been developed from original research data you gathered and interpreted. I see no evidence in your blogs you are recognizing what previous workers have done, nor do I see any evidence in your blogs your hypothesis is based on data you collected and interpreted. You may have some valid ideas, but you are not presenting those ideas in a way scholars can accept."
First and foremost I never said that my work is totally my own. My work is based on one simple hypothesis, 'That human nature is partly developed in the womb' and as it is learned it can be unlearned.' I have also said that there is nothing new in what I am saying because this knowledge first appears in Indian mythology 5000 years ago! Even this science of emotional intelligence is not new. A very prominent minister of higher education said to me that he is very interested in this new science of emotional intelligence. There is nothing new about emotional intelligence except that the field has now come into the focus of main stream education and that as a result of more and more researchers the field is now adding more insights and new angles to the knowledge base. Wisdom is the highest stage of emotional intelligence and it is as old as the Egyptian book of the dead, the Torah, The sayings of the first Prophet Zoroaster, the Sufi saints especially Rumi and the Spanish sage Gracian etc., etc., etc.
I have also said that I was blessed with my knowledge by a Hindu goddess Durga Mata and I give credit to her for my work. I know all this sounds unscientific but my main foundational knowledge came to me in a flash and a lot of the fog and fuzziness got lifted from my understanding of what life is all about. To me I got it from Durga Mata and in the West, you call it inspiration. I am assuming that she gave me this knowledge. But aren't assumptions part of our daily lives?
Much of the fundamental knowledge of philosophy and even science is based on half baked knowledge. Even the best drugs that are approved and have gone through the most rigorous trails still sometimes prove to be defective and are recalled. And they all have side effects. Till we know exactly what human nature is, aren't we assuming a lot which may or may not be true? Since we are assuming a lot about human nature that is fuzzy why not assume as fact those angles that give us the maximum benefits? By assuming that human nature is part of our genes and that it is innate the best we can do is try to manage and control our basic animal nature. How does managing love,relationships, trust, wisdom etc. sound? A managed life is better then a mismanaged life but an authentic life does not need management, it just is.
All I am asking is that by assuming that human nature is learned in the womb we open up a whole new treasure trove of practical benefits.
How can I build up so many concepts without providing any scientifically practical proofs? Simply because I think we should keep researching the truth but in the mean time we must accept and seek not just what is scientifically right but what is benifically right.
I have a very simple common sense formula.
I am proposing some simple common sense solutions.
1) Lets focus on just the best possible answers instead of the ultimate answers.
2) In all those questions of life where the answer is either/or lets examine both the scenarios and accept as the truth the one that has the most benefits!
3) Even where we have multiple answers we can examine all the scenarios and accept as the truth the answer that has the most benefits.
5) Till we can get to the actual truth, which we must keep researching, we must accept as truth what ever assumptions give us the most benefits. In fact we already do this in many ways. For instance we prefer over confidence to under confidence because over confidence is better and more beneficial than under confidence. Even though reality based confidence is the true path to super mental health.
6) Until we know and develop the ability to understand the truth we must accept that assumed truth which has the most benefits and that helps life the most.
Even my following proposition is not an original concept of mine!
1) Lets focus on just the best possible answers instead of the ultimate answers. This is what is being followed by religion and by governments.
As the religious prophets, philosophers, government leaders all believed that one was either born wise or one acquired wisdom by old age through experience or one could learn the wisdom way and follow it; so they proposed the third and easiest way to a life of wisdom. The religious prophet took the route of persuasion by way of carrots and sticks. The government leaders realized that persuasion was ineffective to make people behave responsibly so they enacted laws that citizens have to follow or be punished. So in effect they all took the path of the best possible answers/way to make society viable.
Again while half a glass of water is always half full and half empty at the same time we are told to see it as half full simply because seeing the positive side is better than seeing the negative side. Seeing the positive side simply has more benefits even though it means seeing only half the truth.
'"I will neither reject or endorse your WISDOM EXPRESS hypothesis. - Prof. Clausen.
From then Senator Obama to Senator Kerry to the wife of Senator Kennedy, from Mayor Booker to Prof. Chomsky and many, many others, all have expressed their admiration of the Wisdom Express. I will give you a $1000.00 if you can prove that my Wisdom Express is not an effective vehicle to make the world a better place. And you are doing this because you assume that I do not acknowledge others! Well your assumption is wrong. I have said it again and again that I am just a medium and that I write in a trance. I have also said that I have read everything and anything that was ever written on wisdom. I am a very seriously addicted serial researcher/reasoner, who is interested in ultimate answers but is in a hurry to extract the best possible benefits from the best possible answers. I will take whatever benefits I can even if the benefits come from mere assumptions of the truth of life as long as the benefits are not just assumed and are real. And that I chew and digest, cross reference, reflect and sleep over insights and knowledge from science, philosophy, religion, common sense, tradition, culture and even poetry. I take an idea expressed in science and try to digest it from a religious angle and try to explain it from the best and most beneficial angle possible. All my observations are based on what others have said before me.
And you won't endorse my Wisdom Express simply because and I quote, 'My observation is your hypothesis is not original, but is similar to hypotheses presented by previous authors.' Yes my hypothesis is not original and it is as old as the Hindu religion. None of the other authors are original either on this particular subject!! We all have taken the original Hindu concept and tried to extract the juice of knowledge from it. Well at least on this topic of wisdom my juice has real practical health benefits, emotional as well as physical and my wisdom insights have practical applications in all the other fields of the mind sciences, especially the science of life and the science of emotional intelligence education.
My mentor Prof. Chomsky once said to me that my work will never be accepted because I am all over the knowledge field (just as he is). Well what can poor Sajid do? My topic of emotional intelligence is such that emotional intelligence is the factor that enhances and enables all other factors of life! My hypothesis effects all the other mind sciences because half the power of the mind is emotional intelligence and emotional intelligence is a factor in all human behavior. Bring me any topic from any of the mind sciences and I will produce my own original angle complete with practical benefits! My work even improves how to combat crime and even terrorism! Perhaps I am the first one to even say that the focus of self mastery is wrong. I am perhaps also the first one to say and show that wisdom education is possible not just for individuals but even for groups and countries!
Again you are saying that, 'One book expressing similar hypotheses and which I have on my bookshelves is "Forms of Intellectual and Ethical Development in the College Years: A Scheme", by William G. Perry, Jr. (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. New York, etc, 1968). If you want to succeed with your agenda you need to recognize what previous workers have done and/or demonstrate your hypothesis has been developed from original research data you gathered and interpreted.'
Yes his work may be similar but my work is based on the emotional brain development of the fetus. My work has countless practical benefits. Has Perry quantified the brain/mind the way I have done? Has he proposed /coined new concepts like 'womb-conditioning' and 'womb-reality'? Has he or anyone else for that matter, said that wisdom is a fragrance of the brain? Especially concepts that have tons of real benefits? Has he said that we can see our mind and that the self image is the face of our mind! Has he proposed all the practical applications that I have proposed based on my hypothesis? Has he invented a new kind of therapy - my self image therapy? Has he said that human nature is due to womb-conditioning? Has he coined the concept of omnipotence transference? Has he... Has anyone else interpreted the Bible like I have and extracted beneficial insights from it the way I have? Like my knol: Gd said to Moses, 'I am who I am." - Exodus 3:14 or 'People will stagger...and wonder...searching for the word of the LORD, but they will not find it.' - Amos 8:12 Who else has said that the aim of emotional intelligence education is to uncondition the mind/brain of womb-conditioning. I can go on and on.
If you wanted to compare my work then one person whose work is similar in one respect is A Maslow's. He is the one who said that psychology must not only be about the study of emotional ills it must also be a study of healthy emotions. He talks of an hierarchy of emotional needs. As each lower level need is fulfilled the individual 's need becomes the next level need. He also talks of a person will experience peak emotions at the highest need level. I am saying that each persons emotional need is to find and become his true self. I am saying why everyone should become his/her true self and why they do not get to become their true self and even how they can become their true self. In my book at the super mature level the peak experience is 24/7. Maslow describes progress as fulfillment of needs I describe progress as the brain shedding emotional brain garbage at each stage to finally reach the super mature stage with no emotional baggage.
I have paid the price of almost 40 years of researching wisdom day in and day out (come to think of it actually over 50 years as I stated at the age of about 9 or 10) for every single day. I consider my self as an expert on wisdom. I stumbled onto it by accident! I was horribly miserable realizing that I was extremely shy and nervous. As a result I had to deal with the monster of depression day in and day out. I discovered that by focusing on other then my shyness I would feel good. So to get out of my misery I took up research and got addicted to it. I soon got the first experience of a kick when I discovered for myself that schizophrenia starts at the fetus stage! I have all the proofs to show you that I way way ahead of anyone else in the world on this. My life became addicted to finding more and more original insights. Finding something new and original in the field of the mega questions of life is like no other pleasure in the world at least for me.
In the beginning when I first published my findings that the human mind is womb conditioned and that human nature is due to conscious womb-conditioning I was roundly ridiculed by the experts. But like all addictions I was having too much fun and was keeping my depression at bay by discovering more and more practical applications, even physical inventions that one can hold in ones hand! I came up with the idea of a breast shaped milk bottle and a womb-crib for the new born. It was only when Prof. Popel of Berlin University discovered that the fetus has REM that all of a sudden I became a first page journalist. My papers were still not accepted by research journals but I continued to publish in regular papers and magazines.
However thank you for your recent post and your invaluable insights on my work. You are right, I need to make it even more clear that I am simply interpreting the work of others from a different angle. My approach is that when it comes to mega questions of life we devote too much time trying to make sure our research is evidence based and the work is accepted only if it has gone through many trails and studies. I am saying that in the mean time lets make it benefits based. It is like we wait for the full loaf of bread. I am saying why not accept half a loaf in the mean time? Especially in either/or scenarios why not accept an interim answer based on scant evidence but that has practical benefits? Why not accept as truth those assumptions that give us practical benefits?
After all since time immemorial mankind has been asking for beneficial insights. From Pascal to our times Steven Pinker have been asking for a theory any theory that can make our lives better.
You have kindly said that you want to help me write better knols. Please do me a favor, please review the following knols:
1) Why do I keep describing so many of the concepts in psychology and even philosophy with so much confidence without an...
2) How to become wise - Part 1: My first book of 200 Twitter knols.
My main work is based on the premise that the human brain/mind is womb conditioned; Where womb conditioning is the cause of basic human nature. That human nature is not innate and it is partly learned/shaped by the conscious physical and emotional experiences in the fetus stage. Is William Perri's work the same? Has anyone else defined wisdom as I have and said that wisdom is a fragrance of the brain?
I admire the fact that you want to bring the guild and the foundation together. I would like to do the same. I cannot succeed in my agenda without the help of established and credited knowledge leaders like your self and the guild.
The Wisdom Express was appreciated by the likes of the then Senator Obama and Senator Kerry. The Wisdom Express is not about me. It does not go about saying Sajid invented this and that sajid is a pioneer in that. It is simply about making the world aware that wisdom is a potential that can be developed in all physically normal brains. And that the best governments are the ones that have wise leaders. Also those who join and are willing to work with me I am ready to make them as full founding members. If you agree to work with me on the Wisdom Express then it is not just founded by me. It is also founded by you.
I have said again and again that I am just a medium and most of my original writings I do in a trance. I give credit of my knowledge to Durga Mata. I really believe that she blessed me with this knowledge. This must be strange for the West but is common in the East. Tell me is there anyone else who has said that wisdom is a fragrance of the brain. This little observation opens up vast opportunities for creating lots of practical benefits, in understanding man and a new direction in education.
Has anyone else quantified the mind like I have? You can now measure emotions. But I attribute it all to being blessed even by Jesus, and Moses.
You are right that I am very possessive of my main ideas. I do not invite co-authors for my knols like Wisdom and 'Knowing the difference between brain and mind'. I thought of gradually inviting partners so that my work would continue. I first thought of Kalle but he blows hot and cold. Then I thought of Panos and he thought I was trying to raise funds through our foundation for myself. Then I thought of SKS but he started baring me from his knols. Now I think I will gradually invite others, especially younger people. I am thinking of PG. My problem is I have dozens of relatives and friends who all want some credit and association with my work and I want to now publish at least half a dozen books based on my knols and then who shall I say is the author?
Before I invite anyone else, I would like to invite you as a full partner on my 'Wisdom Express' knol. Would you like to accept. In fact I had invited Krishan Maggon as a partner because I admire his professionalism but he said he does not know anything about wisdom.
Maybe my profile turns people off. I am going to change it right now.
But you must realize that all this is a result of over 35+ years of research where I have devoted many hours every single day to researching emotional intelligence. I must say I am just addicted to it. All my highs come from discovering and uncovering any new angle of the mystery of life.
From very early on I was very depressed because of being extremely shy and nervous. I wanted to escape from my misery and when I discovered that by focusing on observing my own self I felt less depressed. so focusing on myself became an addition. Focusing my self on myself led to a few interesting insights. I gradually realized that the self that was doing the observing was my mind and the self that was being observed was the brain. Eventually I realized that the self is a compound of the one projected by the mind, the brain, the real self, the situational self which is a projection of factors such as the physical condition of the body, the security situation which for most is the financial situation like a steady job or joblessness, the spousal relationship etc. (It is amazing I see no articles on our compound self on the main web. If you search only my compound self knol comes up on the topic of the compound self, sometimes as #1 and sometimes up to the 3rd page).
Compound Self. - a knol by Sajid Khan
I found for myself that the self is not fixed, it is a process that is dependent on many factors and when we change these factors the self also changes. This observation that the self is a compound self opens up a vast opportunity not only to understand our selves better it even creates specific tools to create emotional intelligence education. We have an opportunity to use our mind and/or mind projected self to clean up the act of the brain and/or the brain projected self. Knowing the brain mind differences open up more doors to all kinds of practical applications in all the mind sciences, specially in education. No wonder when you search, 'differences between brain and mind' at least one of my related knol comes up in the top 5 searches. Upto 4 of the top ten are sometimes my knols.
Results 1 - 10 of about 71,500,000 for brain mind differences. (0.25 seconds)
Search Results
Knowing the difference between the brain and mind through everyday ...
Tell me if there is nothing original in my following knols.
1) The Third Eye; Everyone has it, including You.
2) The Schema of the Self. .
3) Entelachy..
4) Emotional Mind Power (EMP ): Emotional Brain Power (EBP ).
5) Compound Self.
6) "The Self: Understanding What and Who We Are" - Kevin Spaulding.
Related knols:
An open letter to all those who want to change the world.
Redesigning Philosophy to Master Life.
Why it is time to retire and redefine our current concepts of brain, mind, intelligence, emotional intelligence, cons...
The mind/self/I/me/consciousness/personality/mentality/human nature are all a transformational process.
There is quite a bit of a distinction between reading and learning. The more interesting question is what roles do th...
The differences in consciousness of the brain and the consciousness of the mind?
Emotional Brain Garbage ( EBG ).
EBT (Emotional Brain Treasure ).
Once again thank you for your feed back but it is essential that you prove me wrong or withdraw your statement that my work is a true copy of others. My work has practical benefits that stem from my angle and my angle and insights alone.
Look at the different angles that my simple hypothesis that the human mind is womb-conditioned brings to our Id, ego and super ego knowledge.
The foundations of our id are created during the fetus stage of brain development.
If you are saying that my hypothesis is copied from Perry or from anyone else then please prove it or withdraw this statement. I am not looking for an endorsement. I want an honest appraisal and if you feel my stuff is BS then I would love nothing better then to have my ideas ripped apart. And if you think that my work is a copy of others then also prove it.
If you or anyone else can prove that what I am saying is already there then I will just delete my knols and walk away from it all. Maybe the world is not ready for what I have to offer. Let others come later when the time is right and then they can put similar stuff together in bits and pieces for I doubt that we will see another person who is addicted to researching his/her own self 24/7! All I have done is extract universal lessons from my own brain/mind/self/self-image relationships.
How many people are there in my kind of situation? Millions and tens of millions though maybe not that severe.
But how many have taken their biggest nightmares and turned them into vast opportunities to know, understand and become their true self and then gone on to continue researching their own brain and the common factors of all brains? I do not know but I would like others to follow my path. Shy and nervous people have a distinct advantage because we can observe our handicaps inside out and out side in unlike the regular researchers who can mostly observe out side in only.
Remember the knol platform is about bringing the latest knowledge to all corners of the world. By providing templates of how to perfect life which really means perfecting the understanding of life and everything in it. Perfecting life begins by perfecting one own self which in the words of A. Maslow is self actualization, which is first mentioned in the ancient religious texts. How about if you reviewed the following knol as you your self said you would like to help improve my recommended knol. It is this kind of knol that the knol platform was created for and you should join me on this.
An open letter to all those who want to change the world.
If you are saying that my hypothesis is copied from Perry or from anyone else then please prove it or withdraw this statement. I am not looking for an endorsement. I want an honest appraisal and if you feel my stuff is BS then I would love nothing better then to have my ideas ripped apart. And if you think that my work is a copy of others then please prove it.
Maybe the world is not ready for what I have to offer. Let others come later when the time is right and then they can put similar stuff together in bits and pieces for I doubt that we will see another person who is addicted to researching his/her own self 24/7! All I have done is extract universal lessons from my own brain/mind/self/self-image relationships.
The following knol explains it further why my work is original and needed:
Why the lessons of my life will create the new frontiers for all the mind sciences and how they can help you.
If you or anyone else can prove that what I am saying is already there then I will just delete my knols and walk away from it all.
PS: I got a few more tricks up my sleeves and these will probably go undiscovered and undisclosed with me to my grave. Let others come later and spend tens of thousands of hours researching what I have already found. Let others find these gems of needed and essential knowledge. All my life I have got mostly ridicule and laughter on my ideas though some have hailed me as a prophet. But I guess I do not need this anymore and if my ideas are BS then you do not need it too.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
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