The brain is like a flower and wisdom is its fragrance. Can you even explain and teach fragrance no matter how many ways it is described. The only way you can know fragrance is by smelling the flower. Again in order to have fragrance you have to cultivate the flower. For superior fragrance you will have to nurture the flower by giving it better fertilizer, watering appropriately, exposing it to the right amount of sunlight etc. Similarly to cultivate wisdom you will have to find ways of educating the brain to a super mature emotionally intelligent level. A super mature brain radiates wisdom effortlessly just like a rose produces fragrance naturally. A super mature brain is a wise brain. So when you read books on wisdom its like reading books on fragrance. As my friend Eddie Morrow from Houston said you will really know as much about fragrance after reading the book as much as you knew before reading the book.*
'The Tao described in words is not the real Tao. Words cannot describe it. -- Tao Te Ching
In spite of all the research being done on wisdom, there is no standard definition of wisdom. The very concept of wisdom is fuzzy. Some attributes of wisdom are clear like one who possesses wisdom has a mastery over his own human nature, has a good knowledge of others and of human life in general. He is humble and treats others with love and respect. His humility creates a life long quest for learning and a very high threshold for getting insulted or getting angry. He perceives himself as part of a larger entity. Setbacks are a part of life and an opportunity for learning. He is immersed in the now and yet he is detached from actual setbacks in life, where he may lose much but emotionally he remains calm. He perceives reality just as it is and not from his own or any one else's angle. He is altruistic.
Wisdom it is clear is almost as complex as the human mind. It is also clear that a person becomes wise when the very physical nature of the human brain develops into a very superior quality, super mature brain. In other words if one develops a super mature brain, the super mature brain projects a super mature mind which generates wisdom naturally and effortlessly. The mega question here is are we interested ultimately in defining wisdom or in developing superior minds? And would you rather know what wisdom is or would you rather have wisdom? Just like: would you rather know what it means to be a millionaire or would you prefer owning millions?
Compare the researching of the mind with researching water. The researchers seeking to know water took a different route. They did not ask why water is water. They researched the properties of water and how these properties could be harnessed. Today from the water wheel we have gone to harnessing the energy of the hydrogen atom. Imagine if the scientists were only researching why water is water where would the water industry be today. Even if we do know why water is water we will still only be able to harness its properties. Harnessing the properties is what counts in terms of actual benefits. Shouldn't we take the same water route to researching wisdom?
Therefore a more scientific and practical approach would be to research how to develop wisdom by creating curriculums that can teach and develop emotional intelligence to the super mature mind level.
I have defined wisdom, that we are all trying to define and understand, not by its inherent nature but by its inherent qualities (focusing on how wisdom is produced rather than on what it is). I have defined wisdom as that highest quality of the human nature that is generated by the highest super emotionally intelligent mind. It is clear that to develop wisdom one must develop ones emotional intelligence to the super mature mind level.
As there are four levels of the mind from premature (-2), immature (-1), mature (+ 1) to super mature (+2), the aim is to identify and teach only +2 values from at least birth onwards. For those who already have -2, -1, and +2 values ingrained in their minds we must use all the means available and develop new means to deprogram the mind of theselower mind level values.
Superior upbringing creates the highest level emotional intelligence. Taking clues from +2 upbringing we can create a whole wisdom curriculum complete with lessons and exercises that teach +2 brain power values that will transform the brain into a wise mind. Ignorance and knowledge both change the brain physically. For the new generation we must ensure that parents, teachers, mentors are all aware of wisdom education. They say that one wise person has a tremendous effect on his surroundings imagine whole communities, groups and even countries running on brains that generate wisdom.
One has to physically transform the brain so that the brain becomes a brain that is powered by and produces wisdom. This can be done as we have the knowledge. Lets get together and create a new subject that teaches wisdom.
Current wisdom teaching is mostly educating people to do good deeds and even educating how these good deeds can be done. But doing good and becoming good are two different entities. I am proposing making the human brain so super emotionally intelligent that it knows and understands wisdom and becomes wise. Wisdom is like the fragrance of the rose, you can describe the fragrance all you want but you cannot know it until you experience it by smelling a real flower. In order to create the fragrance you have to focus on growing the healthy rose. In order to create a wise human being focus on developing the brain to its best possible emotional intelligence. While discussing wisdom and wisdom education the main producer of wisdom, the brain is not even mentioned. You can know wisdom all you want but unless your brain develops to its full emotional capacity you cannot become wise. So one can teach wisdom by showing the student how to actually physically change his brain into a wisdom producing organ.
Again we are obsessed with defining knowledge in understandable, within the paradigm of science terms. We want to know the ultimate answers. I say lets try to find the best possible answers given the limits of our mind capacities. We are obsessed with trying to know what wisdom is. Somehow the main issue of wisdom is below our radar screen. Wisdom is a final product of a learned skill.Wisdom is more like learning to become a sports champion. Becoming a champion means actually a physical transformation of the body. The body becomes healthy and agile. Similarly wisdom education is training of the brain to make it more healthy and agile! Wisdom is also like one learns to become a doctor. There is training involved, though currently, it is mostly (unfortunately) informal training, and it need not be this way. Just like we have sports colleges we can have brain developing colleges.
Wisdom is practically the bonus of a emotionally super mature brain. The focus of teaching wisdom has to shift from developing wisdom to developing the brain to its highest emotional intelligence capacity. IT IS THE QUALITY OF THE BRAIN THAT DETERMINES IF THE PERSON WILL BE WISE OR NOT.
Currently main stream education can't teach self mastery because we can't define the self in scientific terms. Similarly we can't teach wisdom, we can only describe its attributes. And until we can define wisdom at least main stream education will not teach wisdom. Wisdom can be defined exactly as that character trait of the mind that is produced by a fully developed super mature brain. Wisdom can be cultivated by developing the highest qualities of the brain. We must start research programs that seek ways of how to cultivate these qualities and transform the brain into a +2 super mature emotionally intelligent mind.
Which is better the quest to define wisdom or to make people wise. We can make people wise by focusing on lessons and the process of deprogramming and reprogramming the brain. Focus on creating lessons that will improve the brain quality and wisdom will emerge automatically.
Its like the current wisdom education is telling someone who has a immature corrupt mind to be honest. He is not capable of honesty so the only way you can stop him from being corrupt is by deprogramming his brain!
Keep in mind that wisdom is wisdom. Wisdom is not a miracle. It does not provide perfect answers. It provides the best possible answers. Wisdom will provide you with the best possible answers but you still have to learn to implement them. You will still have to learn the ropes of life.
*No wonder main stream education cannot even pin down the definition of wisdom. They try to cultivate wisdom by teaching wisdom. Wisdom cannot be taught. Wisdom is generated by the higher quality brain. The question is are we interested in defining wisdom or in becoming wise. Would you rather learn exactly who or what a millionaire is or would you rather be one? Lets focus on developing the brain into a super mature +2 brain and wisdom will blossom automatically.
The brain's developed capacity determines the person's developed wisdom capacity. Educate your brain into a super mature brain and wisdom will emerge automatically.
One of the few intellectual giants Confucius knew exactly what wisdom is. He said that you can either learn wisdom (learning from one's parents, teachers and mentors is the most natural and the most easy way as the child has to be taught and trained anyway. So teach the child wisdom knowledge rather than ignorance knowledge), you can learn wisdom behavior and thus act wisely or you can become wise through long term experience.
Imagine your mind to be a garden. Teaching wisdom in a natural and unconscious way while the brain is still young is like flooding the brain garden with a cool, soothing and a magical wind that prevents weeds from even appearing in the garden and letting fruits, vegetables and flowers of the highest quality prosper, multiply and grow. Teaching the attributes of wisdom is like the garden has fruits, vegetables and flowers that are growing along side weeds. As a result the good produce is corrupted and the space is crawling over with weeds(ignorance). So learning the attributes of wisdom is like trying to take out the weeds by pruning the weeds. So the roots of the weeds are still there. All you can do is prune each weed one at a time and try to replace it with a fruit, vegetable or flower plant. Unless you take out the roots all you can do is keep pruning the weeds. That is you keep trying to control the ignorance.
Controlling ignorance is not the same as having wisdom. Its like controlling the beast instead of getting rid of the beast(brutal , basic human nature). Wisdom education is more complex(in later life) than learning math and science. In math and science you simply replace ignorance with knowledge. In the case of wisdom education it is like you have already boiled an egg and now you have to unboil it. You brain is changed physically. It is already creating emotional and electrochemical reactions in set patterns. This is because the brain acts on memory. It is the unhealthy memories that are buried deep in the unconscious that stop the brain from becoming wise. Therefore brain education is really about taking out these negative memories from the unconscious. There are many ways of getting rid of unhealthy memories. You can find most of these ways on the internet.
Wisdom is all about having a selfless self image. Healthy +2 memories create a healthy +2 self image. Unhealthy (-2, -1 and +1)memories create an unhealthy (-2, -1 and +1)self image. The goal of wisdom education is to create a +2 super mature self image. So wisdom education is about changing one's self image from +1 to +2 (at least for most Americans). Wisdom education is really brain changing therapy which simply boils down to changing your self image from a +1 trophy self image to a +2 selfless self image.
Every human starts with their brain being conditioned by the womb environment (this I have termed 'womb-conditioning'). Assuming that the the womb life and the genes are healthy every child is born with a self image of being omnipotent and omnipresent a -2 self image. If after birth life is again healthy then the child slowly forgets the feelings of omnipotence and omnipresence and starts to enjoy feelings of being the center of attention even though the child feels totally dependent on the elders. Its -1 self image gradually takes hold. Gradually -1 feelings of being dependent now gradually give way to a +1 trophy self image due to the parents implanting the thought in the brain that the child is the best.
Sometimes the child's self image can get stuck at -1/+1 in spite of the parents love and attention. This is due to unhappy incidents during early childhood and early teen life. This can be due to physical injury or parents fighting or the child witnesses riots etc. These painfulmemories keep playing in the persons mind causing the self image to be stuck at -1/+1. So wisdom education is about taking out these unhappy memories from the person's mind and the self image automatically moves on to a +2 self image. Its like a boat's anchor is stuck to something and the boat cannot move on. So you have to free the anchor and the boat will move on. Similarly one has to deprogram the brain of the negative upbringing and negative baggage/memories so that the brain can become super mature by ridding itself of it's emotional baggage.
Wisdom education is really brain therapy which is simply changing one's self image, but if you don't believe me and want to go about learning wisdom by the conventional route; by learning the attributes of wisdom then go first for humbleness. Humbleness is the key to wisdom; it will open the doors to love, grace and all the other qualities of wisdom.
As an American you are either a +2 mind already or a +1 mind/brain. At +1 just imagine the magnificence of life that you are missing. Just imagine yourself as a person of wisdom. This +2 quality you and this +2 quality life is still possible. Just as The Bible says you will have to be reborn! You will have to retake those steps and relive your early life in the contextual mindfulness of your true self and your current circumstances.
Since ancient times man has been intrigued by wisdom. The ancients knew the importance of wisdom. However in spite of all the research they could not figure out wisdom. So they tried to teach wisdom by teaching it attributes. Even to this day we define wisdom more or less as the ancients defined wisdom. As a result the current wisdom education is just as it has always been, a very long process that has mixed results. Since over a 1000 years wisdom was considered too complex to be taken up as a complete subject on its own. In the current era Dr. Vivian Clayton took up the research of wisdom but even she gave it up after many years of serious research because she found that wisdom was too fuzzy to understand. She made the same mistake that every one else makes. When it comes to wisdom research we stand on the shoulders of Aristotle to look for further clues to understanding wisdom. Well in the case of wisdom Aristotle's shoulder should have long been abandoned.
"The brain is a real physical entity. There is nothing fuzzy about the brain. The brain can be developed into a healthy physical and emotional entity. It can be developed to the level where it will generate wisdom." -Sajid Khan
The way main stream education understands wisdom today has a big effect on how wisdom education is pursued. As we don't know exactly what wisdom is we try to understand wisdom through its attributes. And we teach wisdom's attribute like love, respect, honesty, grace more or less by showing the benefits of these qualities and by persuading the student to realize that acquiring the attributes of wisdom is good for the student. Thus we teach each quality one at a time and mainly through persuasion. However when the brain is at a lower level the very being of the person is composed of ignorance generated qualities. The very essence of the person is composed of -2, -1 and +1 attributes.
Suppose a person is fundamentally -1 and you persuade him to become good what you are actually doing is telling him to behave in a +2 manner, the best he can do is pretend and act +2. Pretending to be +2 and being +2 are two different qualities. Thus he does not change from the inside he just takes on the role of a +2. He struggles with his inside being -1 and just pretends in society of being +2. Thus his wisdom education is never authentic. All he learns is a mask of wisdom behavior that covers his real -1 being. No wonder there is no enthusiasm in universities to teach wisdom education as current wisdom education falls far short of making the student wise.
Wisdom is a quality that sprouts automatically when the brain becomes emotionally super mature. At the premature level the brain sprouts ignorance. At the immature level it is a mixture of mostly ignorance along with some wisdom. At the mature level it is a mixture of ignorance and mostly wisdom. At the super mature mind level it is wisdom. Thus real wisdom education means educating the brain to become +2. Which is attainable by deprogramming the brain of the root causes of ignorance. Taking out -2 ignorance elevates the brain to -1 ignorance. Taking out -1 ignorance elevates the brain to +1. Taking out the trophy self image of +1 results in the brain becoming +2.
Just as you cannot teach wisdom by teaching wisdom you cannot take out ignorance by trying to take out ignorance. Taking out ignorance which is a fragrance is possible only by removing the reasons why this ignorance is generated in the brain in the first place. Thus you have to remove all the buried memories of the negative upbringing episodes that are still running in the unconscious brain. Each negative incident has to be relived and experienced again in the light/context of the persons current life. Thus wisdom education is more of a therapy than a regular education.
*Wisdom is like the root of the tree and its attributes are the branches. We try to cultivate the branches without cultivating the root. Non main stream institutions have been trying to teach wisdom with mixed results. Main stream institutions see these mixed results and get discouraged to start wisdom education of their own. Also they don't dare teach any topic that they cannot define within scientific terms. Well I am now defining wisdom as the fragrance of the fully developed emotionally intelligent (+2) super mature brain/mind. I have found that the attributes of wisdom are generated automatically by a fully developed emotional intelligent brain. Just as a premature -2 brain will automatically generate ignorance a fully educated brain will generate wisdom.
The brain is a real physical entity. There is nothing fuzzy about the brain. The brain can be developed into a healthy physical and emotional entity. It can be developed to the level where it will generate wisdom.
What is wisdom made of ?
Wisdom is selflessness.
Wisdom is selflessness. Selflessness is wisdom. If we have to choose just one attribute of wisdom to create a +2 super mature brain that generates wisdom it is selflessness. Selflessness is real. Just as a self image is real selflessness is real. Selflessness is the quality one acquires when the true self emerges. The pure self is selfless. Just as wisdom emerges when the brain is free of all ignorance selflessness emerges when the brain stops from generating a self image. To acquire wisdom one must get rid of his self image and his selfless being will emerge automatically.
Just as love, grace, sacrifice, charity are attributes of wisdom we can say these attributes are the attributes of selflessness. Because of the way we continue to define wisdom in ancient terms we end up being confused and fuzzy about wisdom. In spite of all my knols on making clear what wisdom is; it is going to be an uphill task for me to get the mind sciences to agree and take advantage of my insights on wisdom. However selflessness is a human nature quality that is very crystal clear. There is no fuzziness or confusion about selflessness. So we can say that wisdom education is education that teaches a person to become selfless. Which means wisdom education is education that enables a person to get rid of his self image/images.
The self image is generated by the emotional garbage/baggage that one acquires through one's emotional brain/mind development. And getting rid of the emotional baggage enables the self image to dissolve and the pure self to emerge. A self that is selfless.
Please read my knols on how to remove the emotional baggage and the related literature.
Why in spite of all the great books on explaining and teaching the attributes of wisdom we still don't become wise?
First and foremost we have this image of wisdom (that we need to change) that wisdom is either a gift from Mother Nature or it is acquired over a long period of experiencing life. We are supposed to be either born with wisdom or we learn to become wise after lots and lots of serious learning and lots and lots of real life experiences. Also because we see that non mainstream education institutions like ashrams struggle for years and are still not very successful at producing much success. So we don't have much confidence in wisdom education. We thus believe that wisdom cannot be learned and certainly not learned as a subject in school. Even universities have the same view. There is not a single main stream university that has wisdom as a complete subject.
Wisdom is a complete quality. By learning its attributes you cannot become wise. Suppose you want to be wise and you know that you cannot become wise so you decide to become wise one attribute at a time. Wisdom has vast attributes that cannot even be explained in words! Trying to become wise is like trying to become a millionaire. By saving a thousand dollars at a time it will take you for ever to become a millionaire. Love learned through books is nothing like the love generated by wisdom. Love taught through books is worth a 1000 dollars. Love generated by a +2 super mature brain cannot be counted in money.The difference is the difference between time and eternal time; between life and eternal life (Remember wisdom cannot be explained in words so how can wisdom be taught, through books, when it can't even be explained through words?) . All these books and knols teaching about love for nature and about you becoming a good human being teach you through words. They try to convince you that being honest and loving and charitable is good for you. So they try to make you aware of what is good for you and try to persuade you that you become good.
It is as good as persuading a man with the means to build a log cabin to build a marble palace. It will never happen. You may be persuaded to behave wisely which is not as good as becoming totally wise but it is better than behaving in hate and ignorance. A consciously controlled wisdom behavior is all that is possible with the current way of teaching the attributes of wisdom, through books and lectures (and knols).
The real problem comes because Mr. Ignorance(emotional baggage/garbage) is well entrenched in the unconscious brain. What Mr. Ignorance makes you believe is backed by emotional, chemical and electrical power. Mr. Ignorance generates a self image. This self image has its own agenda. This self image has its own attributes that are well set. This self image generates and lives by its own reality. So the persuasions and sermons are mere words hitting against a well entrenched wall of ignorance attributes that were acquired over a long period of time backed by the full power of the unconscious mind.
The only reason many do become wise by old age is due to the fact experiences of reality, of real life keep grinding the false self image, a very little at a time and over the years the person's self image becomes weak and the self emerges taking over the brain and thus the person by old age becomes wise.
Thus we must take steps to build wisdom education by developing lessons to remove the grip of Mr. Ignorance from the brain and gradually make Mr. Ignorance weaker and weaker by removing from the brain the emotional baggage one painful experience at a time.
There are many well established ways to remove the emotional baggage.
In my mind wisdom is very concrete. Wisdom is the fragrance of a fully developed emotionally intelligent brain. As a fragrance of a flower is very real yet very hard to define lets consider defining wisdom as selflessness. Selflessness is real; it is as real as the self image is real. Just as absence of ignorance is wisdom the absence of the self image is selflessness. As long as we know our self as our self image we will be selfish and will try to work our butt off to fulfill the desires of our self image - our phony self. When we have no self image there will be no phony selfish agenda to work for. Our true self is selfless; it has no phony agenda. Thus to get wisdom it is very clear that one has to get rid of ones selfish desires. There are two ways of doing this. There is the old way (the current way) of pleading and sermonizing the student to become aware of his selfishness and to realize what damage selfishness is doing to him and persuade him to give up his selfish behavior...
Then there is my way. Get rid of the root cause of selfishness - the self image which generates selfishness. Just as to get rid of poverty one has to develop ones skills to learn the ropes of a specific profession. Which means getting rid of the ignorance of that profession and replacing it with knowledge. In the case of selflessness one does not even have to make any effort to cultivate selflessness. Selflessness is part of the fragrance of the +2 super mature brain. Just make the brain +2 and selflessness will become your fundamental character trait.
Selfishness is also a horrible stinky horrible fragrance, a foul fragrance. It also cannot be removed by sermonizing. Its root cause has to be removed from the brain. Its root cause is the self image. And the power that generates and nourishes the self image is the emotional garbage that forms an emotional well set pattern. So cut this power source to the self image. Focusing on the self image (this is already being done through yoga etc.) is the same as focusing on grinding down the self image. It is effective and faster than persuasion but the real faster way is to dig out from the unconscious all the buried painful insults, humiliations, fears, hurts, pains etc. These painful memories are the power supply of the self image.
So wisdom education is learning how to remove ignorance. More specifically it is removing the self image to become ones true self. So it comes down to removing the root causes that supply power to the self image. The deep down painful episodes that keep churning in the brain unconsciously have to be brought to the conscious level and exposed to the current reality. Please look up related knols.
So please replace wisdom education with selflessness education if wisdom is too fuzzy for you. They are both the same thing. Maybe its like wisdom is the paper dollar and selflessness is gold. They are both just as good for the market place but perhaps gold is more heavy and more real for you.
In the case of the majority of Americans we are already at +1 mature brain level. So it is not as bad as it looks. It is in fact much easier. Combining with my way you must check out such programs as my friend Warner Erhard's (Hey Warner if you read this please get in touch) Est which is now called 'Forum', and seminars of Deepak Chopra etc. There are many more such programs and they are more affective than mere sermons.
*Its like persuading a poor man with no resources to go to work in a Bentley.
Wisdom is a destination. Wisdom education is a journey which can be explained in words. It is the end product of a process. You become wise after the wisdom learning is complete. How to get to the destination can be described in words. The process can be explained in words. Thus wisdom education is understanding and going through this learning program. Words cannot describe the actual wisdom experience but words can take you there. Words can make your brain wise. Words can give you instructions and show you the way of how to make you know which level/levels emotional garbage is powering your current brain; and how to remove this garbage from your brain to enable your brain to finally become +2 super mature. If you are lost, words can show you the way to wisdom. For most Americans we are already at +1 and the only thing stopping us from being wise is our trophy self image.
If you have not experienced falling in +2 love then I cannot describe in words to make you experience and understand what falling in +2 love means. You have to experience it for yourself. However what I can do is teach you through words to experience love from a +2 super mature brain level. (Believe me love experienced through wisdom where both minds are +2 is not describable in words; but I can prepare you for it through lessons expressed in words).
Wisdom is the fruit of a long process. If you are looking to grow fruit you will have to learn how to plant and when to plant the seed. What kind of fertilizer you will need and how much and so on... You will have to learn how to develop your brain to become a +2 brain. This education of the brain can very easily be explained in words.
However you might say, how can one be serious about a destination when the destination itself is very fuzzy. How can you go on a journey when the end is not very clear and is confusing. Well the rewards of the journey are very clear and especially what experiences await us are even more clear. Its like taking a train ride from New York City to enjoy the Niagara Falls. The train ride itself along the scenic Hudson river is a pleasure trip in itself and then the boat ride into the falling water is indescribable for me. Experiencing life/time through wisdom is something else. Every one deserves it especially you; as you have already come so far with your +1 brain.
Even the problem of wisdom being too complex and fuzzy I have addressed. You cannot have pure love if you don't have wisdom. They both mean the same thing. So can you cultivate pure love? How about total sincerity? How about grace. All the attributes of wisdom are a key to wisdom. The most fundamental quality of wisdom is humbleness. But humbleness itself is a destination. It is a fragrance of the +2 brain. It is created when the brain is powered by selflessness. And selflessness is as concrete as pure love! There is nothing fuzzy about selflessness.
So is there anything concrete that we can learn that will give us wisdom? Yes there is - it is selflessness. Selflessness is as real as we are alive. Selflessness is as real as wisdom is real. Selflessness is wisdom and wisdom is selflessness. Just as wisdom is the absence of all emotional garbage in the brain; selflessness is the absence of any trace of our very own self image. So in order to get wisdom one must learn to remove the emotional garbage that generates our self image. And this learning process you can learn through words. So get to wisdom by becoming selfless. So make wisdom real for your self by way of selflessness!
Yesterday I was talking to the amazing super knoler Prof. Rao and he said that I need to write about the actual exercises that make the brain +2. My next focus will be to let my brain work on this. In the mean time there are many paths to taking the bugs /garbage out of the brain. Like yoga and taking professional help . There are excellent programs on the internet.
There is a need here to create an entirely new professional training course that will train emotional brain therapists with the specific task of developing +2 super mature minds; by digging out from the unconscious all the buried painful insults, humiliations, fears, hurts, pains etc.; they will be trained to become experts in removing garbage from the unconscious and conscious brains.
An introduction to wisdom.
Wisdom is that quality of human nature that is automatically generated by fully developing pure humanness that is present in all human beings. It is produced by developing the pure original core innate potential of most human beings. It is deeply embedded in each and every human being. When the religious elders are talking about the self being the same in all human beings. When philosophers talk of the essential goodness in each of us; they are all talking about the pure self that is generated by the +2 super mature mind.
Of all the intellectual giants of the past Confucius was one of the few who had figured out what wisdom exactly is. He had said that there are three ways to wisdom, you are either born with wisdom, you can pretend and behave as if you are wise or you can grow wise through long term experience. However I have found that wisdom comes through proper upbringing and that wisdom can also be taught.
I would like to suggest that there are four ways to wisdom as follows:
1) The best way is always the way that Mother Nature intends. This would be where each child's brain/mind collective is naturally developed into becoming wise. Effortlessly and unconsciously. Just like a child acquires his mother tongue one must cultivate wisdom. Just like prevention is better than a cure. It is better to prevent the child's brain from acquiring unhealthy ignorance and then making the same grown up child later to shed ignorance. It is better to cultivate wisdom, just as Mother Nature intended from the very start so that the brain slips into an eventually +2 super mature brain painlessly.
In order to do this we must prepare the emotional and physical state of each and every couple who want to get married. Maybe they must even get checked to see that the combining of their genes does not produce any mutant genes. They must be in peak health when they get married or when they conceive a fetus. It is absolutely preferable that the sperm and egg be in top health. Once the fetus starts to develop all precautions must be taken to insure a healthy fetus life. All drugs and smoking must be avoided. Even second hand smoke. The pregnant mother must avoid too much travel, especially fast travel in the later stages of the pregnancy. Low vibrations can also cause conscious unease to the fetus. All jerks and falls must be avoided. Even very loud music like attending jam sessions and music concerts must be avoided.
Natural birth must be tried at most costs. Because otherwise the sperm race will not take place and the true champion of champions will not be born. (Read my knol, 'Me'). At birth the temperature of the room must be close to the temperature of the womb. Decrease the room temperature only gradually over several days. As the child still has the fetus brain set, it is used to cramped space. So put him wrapped up in a sheet. If you want to keep the temperature low then wrap him in a blanket. Gradually as he adjusts to the new environment keep him as much as possible in your arms. In the womb he has felt constant love; warmth and security so keep giving him the same love, warmth and security as much as possible. In fact I have invented a 'womb cot' which I named, 'Shazia cot' after my niece. Tricking the child to feel that he is sleeping on the belly and breasts of the mother with the arms wrapped around him. I was not able to get the patent on this, so this is an abandoned patent which one of you may consider as your chance to become an inventor. Also please read my knols, 'Wisdom of champions', 'The key to wisdom' and ' Wisdom Bonding'. Mostly if you take all these steps by the time the child is 6 years old he will mostly be on his way to becoming wise. He will not need any more wisdom education. His brain will sprout wisdom as effortlessly and as unconsciously as he starts to speak his mother tongue. In fact President elect Senator Obama's wisdom is developed naturally which means he is across the board wise, wise to his entire core being and Senator McCain's wisdom has come through experience which means it is spotty. Senator McCain is wise in some ways and still unwise in other ways.
2) One can learn the attributes of wisdom and learn the wisdom way and strictly follow the 'Tao' (path) of the wise. As Confucius said this is the easiest way even though it is not easy to control one's ignorance generated behavior.
3) You can become wise the most common way by getting your life experiences of reality to gradually wear off the ignorance that hides in your unconscious. This grinding takes place so slowly that by the time you start becoming wise you are already much past your prime and you can hardly enjoy being wise. To really appreciate and make use of wisdom you must be in peak health.
4) The fourth way is to join various programs through the internet. They will teach you by grinding down ignorance faster than the third way through mostly teaching you the attributes of wisdom and also some of them like The Forum they will bring some of your ignorance to the surface and weaken it. The Forum teaches you 'To Get It'. In my way I will specifically show you and teach you how to prepare your brain to sprout wisdom. I will focus fully on taking out of your brain all the filth and impurity, all the ignorance that chains your brain/mind collective to a lower level.
"Wisdom Knowledge Management Can Be Taught As A Subject Just Like Math And Science."
It is very clear to me that Ron Young has really achieved a milestone by taking the current information on knowledge and wisdom on to a new level. He has used the current knowledge and extracted the maximum benefits from it. The key word here is knowledge management. Cutting edge knowledge management is essential and best when it comes to technical know how. However when it comes to issues of human nature, emotional intelligence and wisdom then knowledge management is second best.
Love and wisdom are made up of the same raw material; the authentic being (self). How does love management sound? Wisdom/Love is the ultimate expression of being human; if it needs management then it is a controlled wisdom/love and not authentic wisdom/love. When one talks about managing wisdom then what one is really talking about is managing those negative emotions that prevent one from becoming wise. Which means that one is carrying emotional garbage in the mostly unconscious part of the brain; and in order to manage ones behavior wisely one has to learn to manage the negative forces generated by the emotional baggage. To become authentically wise one must learn to remove the emotional garbage from the brain. Wisdom management is like gold plated brass and wisdom is like pure gold. They may look the same but they don't 'experience' the same. They don't even produce the same results. In fact you can put value to wisdom management - it is tremendous; but pure wisdom is priceless.
So far 'wisdom management' is based on the assumption that all we know about wisdom is its attributes and how to behave wisely. Notice how all the articles on wisdom describe wisdom qualities, how and why one must behave wisely and what are the benefits of behaving wisely. Well I have researched wisdom for the last 40 years and I have discovered wisdom to be a fragrance that is the aroma of a brain that is educated and developed to the highest emotional intelligence level. Since ancient times man has been trying to define wisdom as wisdom. How can you define a fragrance? As my friend Ms. Rosemary said how you are going to know the taste of an apple if you haven't tasted an actual apple. I know that wisdom can come from special insights but I can show you that wisdom can also come from common (assuming that the wisdom knowledge that I have developed will be common knowledge thanks to goooogle and knol) and regular knowledge which can be taught in schools and through knol and regular seminars etc.
When it comes to emotional intelligence knowledge management is like you want to turn brass into gold. As you don't have the knowledge to turn brass into gold so you turn brass into looking like gold by gold plating the brass. So you have a cover of gold but inside it is still brass. No wonder we assume basic human nature to be animal nature that is innate and that can only be controlled. Well lets do an experiment give me 100 students who are well educated and have this outer plating of wisdom and who are able to manage their brute human nature. In a few seminars I can transform their brains to sprout wisdom. I will make their brains +2 emotionally super mature and they will become wise naturally.
Pure wisdom; Perfect 100% flawless wisdom.
It has taken me a long time thinking as to how can I describe pure flawless wisdom. Is such a thing even possible? Wisdom is a pure fragrance that is naturally produced by a fully developed brain. A fully developed brain is a brain with no emotional baggage. It is the emotional baggage in the brain that keeps the brain raw and undeveloped/underdeveloped; producing a mixture of ignorance and wisdom. The brain works from memory and when the brain is loaded with emotional garbage this emotional garbage provides the past entrenched patterns that determine the perceptions of the current reality. As the individual grows up life is changed. The circumstances that aught to be interpreted in the current reality are interpreted in old patterns by the brain. In most people there is always a disconnect between the brain and the mind which perceives in the now. The final perception is a synthesis of the brain and mind. In most people the brain continues to live in the past and even though the mind knows the present, only the brain determines the level of understanding.
In most people the brain continues to live in the past and even though the mind knows the current reality; it is the brain that provides the more entrenched patterns of electro-chemical reactions that produce the emotional understandings. Even though the mind knows the brain does not understand. A man with pure wisdom is one who has no emotional baggage in his brain. When this happens the mind is in perfect control of perception. There is no cross referencing required with the brain. The brain is totally free of any past patterns. Thus there is no ignorance from the past to filter and color the current perceptions. As the brain also perceives the current reality as current reality; the brain and mind are perfectly aligned.
I looked through history to see who could I say was a perfect example of a 100% pure and flawless mind. Two minds come to mind, Buddha and Jesus. It is very difficult to decide as they are both the very personifications of wisdom. However please consider the following.
The best way for developing wisdom is the way that Mother Nature intends. This would be where each child's brain/mind collective is naturally developed into becoming wise. Effortlessly and unconsciously. Just like a child acquires his mother tongue one must cultivate wisdom. Just like prevention is better than a cure. It is better to prevent the child's brain from acquiring unhealthy ignorance and then making the same grown up child later to shed ignorance. It is better to cultivate wisdom, just as Mother Nature intended from the very start so that the brain slips into an eventually +2 super mature brain painlessly.
Wisdom is the all pervading quality of the developed brain and it is developed naturally when the brain is exposed to a pure and true environment ensuring that not even a trace of ignorance takes root in the brain. It is very clear that Jesus was brought up with in this pure nurturing environment. The Buddha's upbringing took place in an unrealistic environment where he was brought up in a cocoon of comfort and pleasure. He was even provided with the most beautiful girls for company and pleasure. His initial upbringing was as away from Mother Nature as ever. No wonder it took the Buddha over a decade of complete mindfulness to grow into wisdom. His wisdom was clearly acquired over a long thoughtful period of time. I will take naturally grown wisdom over carefully cultivated wisdom any time. It is like learning a language as one's mother tongue or acquiring it later. It is very clear to me that of all the beings of history I can say to the extent that I know wisdom that Jesus is pure wisdom. Whose life would you like to emulate trying to acquire wisdom? Naturally and effortlessly like Jesus or through decades of mindfulness like the Buddha? I would say Jesus' wisdom is 100% perfectly pure. Between the two I would follow Jesus blindly.
Since the ancient times all the prophets are telling us to follow 'the way', The Tao. One is supposed to follow the way in all respects of life 24/7. I am just trying to make the way more concrete. All my knols are explaining the bottom line theme that the Tao is real. It is not just a belief system. It is the way of wisdom. And I am trying to wake up the world that every one has the potential to become wise. It is an innate part of our human nature. I am trying to make the wisdom path/Tao an exact science. I know I have done it. I have removed wisdom from the realm of philosophy and put it solidly in the realm of pure science. The bigger task for all of us is to convince the movers and shakers of education from the political leadership to the education leadership to explore the possibility that wisdom is the fragrance, that results from a fully developed emotionally intelligent brain.
I am trying every way I can to promote my work on wisdom. I even joined the Obama campaign in the hope that Senator Obama being wise would be a good change for America and the world and I am proud that I did what I could to ensure that wisdom rules from the White House. I know he understands where I am coming from. I have endorsed him through my Wisdom Express and have supported him through my knols. I have knocked on doors for him and have distributed the Wisdom Express flier for him as well as I have done a wisdom test on him and Senator McCain. This comparison I have distributed all over the tristate area. I have even met Senator Obama a few times and have explained why he is an original and why he must stick to his pure substance. I know he is going to do something for our ideas. Also during this campaign I met Senator Kerry. We talked for some time and he even let me speak at one of the rallies. He has promised to meet me after the elections to see what he can do. I am getting ready to go meet him in Washington. In my equation it is people like you who must take up my torch because this is not for me. It is for the whole world. Just look around you, can you even measure the cost and I am not talking about just the emotional cost of being a few steps away from a wisdom powered life. Look at the economic costs of whole groups and countries running/ruining their brains/life on a group trophy self image.
I have quantified the mind thus all human activity is quantified. The self, wisdom and the highest form of emotional intelligence can all be defined within the paradigm of science. Now there is no excuse for maim stream education not teaching self mastery as a main stream subject. I have developed a plan to create text books that teach wisdom.
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