Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The nation of Israel: The rest of the world must respect them and even help them prosper for our own good.

The greatest prophet was Moses. He had more impact on the world than any other human being.
My main interest in life is the pursuit of knowledge related to life. The main source of knowledge for me has come starting with Zoroaster, the first prophet to the current leaders in the life sciences. Of all of these there are just two peoples who stand out, the Jews and the Sufi. The bulk of the known and acknowledged prophets have come from the Jewish people. As wisdom has been my main interest of research I have found that both the Jews and the Sufi have stressed the essentialness of wisdom. However the Sufi have confined themselves to the spiritual education of life. The Jewish prophets took upon them selves the task of creating the art of living spiritually and physically. Not only did they create the traditions of how to live life they also created the traditions of research, experiments and perpetual learning. Any wonder that per capita there are more Jewish noble prize winners than any other people; also 25%+ of all students in Ivy league universities in America are Jewish students.

If we were to trace the contributions of the different peoples for the current level of progress in the humanities and the sciences,all the major religions have contributed. The Hindus with their zero and the Muslims with the contributions in the sciences to the Christians with their contributions in every field. But if we were to trace the very foundations of civilization we will have to acknowledge the Ten Commandments as the source and power of our current civilization. Nothing has come before or after to top the law as laid down by Moses. If we study the constitutions of all the great and small nations of the world one can see the source of their fundamental ideas. They are all based on the law given by Moses.

Again it was Moses who showed the way how nations must become in order to thrive and prosper, he even showed how nations can be created from scratch. He showed the way by transforming his people into a nation by preparing them in the art of thriving in all respects. Please keep in mind this was no ordinary preparation. It was not just transforming a whole people used to living as docile slaves into an independent spirited entrepreneurs in all the required fields of statehood. He had to equip his people individually with the knowledge and experience in all the required specific fields so that the nation could be built up. He practically opened a huge university where he gave knowledge and practical training to create leaders, workers and citizens for the future nation. No wonder his people to this day are leaders in every conceivable field of life; thanks to the foundations that he laid in the Sanai desert! He made sure he pulled out all the stops to ensure a thriving state that would last for ever and not only out shine all other nations; he made sure that his people deserved the position of being the chosen! The foundations he created for the statehood of his people were so solid that his people became a nation ever since. Most other nations that have prospered have followed his cue. And those that have not followed his ideas have been left behind and are even today falling behind.

The Jewish people are great traditionalists. And as their traditions were laid down by none other than the greatest prophet Moses himself they had a head start in all aspects of life spiritual as well as worldly. One of their most cherished traditions is that they are serial researchers. Not only are they perpetual learners they are always trying to improve the knowledge base in every field. They have contributed more per capita to the advancement in all the sciences than any other people. One of the chief benefits of their wealth is the fact that a huge chunk of their assets go into research and development. Just look around the world and you will see that those countries who have woken up to heavy investment in research and development are the ones who are seeing real progress.

It is no wonder that they are also the richest section of society. In today's modern world education is the key to riches and the most educated end up with the most wealth. Those who have followed the Jewish way of life are also ending up wealthy.

The Jews are like a fountain that keeps sprouting new ideas; a fountain that benefits all mankind.Trying to disturb this fountain will mean a big halt in progress in all fields. Thus it is in the interest of the rest of the world that we support the Jewish people and even help them prosper not only for the sake of justice but for the real progress of the whole world. One key factor that anyone can clearly see is that those countries that have completely integrated the Jews are also the most prosperous. And those countries who have restricted Jewish freedom are the most left behind. Wherever the Jew is, not only does he make himself rich he even has a rippling effect on the whole neighborhood. They create employment opportunities and life benefits for many others. Gd forbid a poor Jewish neighborhood for everyone else also suffers.

Thus it is in our own vested interests to welcome Jews in every corner of the world. For wherever they live they bring opportunity and wealth to the whole neighborhood. We must not only welcome them we must provide every incentive to make them prosper, for their prosperity translates into more education, more research and development and above all more progress in all fields of life.

There is a hand of Moses in the creation of greatness in all the major nations of the world. Even the American constitution is based on the law provided by Moses. As the source of power in nations can be traced to the law of Moses the whole world is indebted to him and his people. We are ungrateful if we take advantage of his insights and at the same time not respect his creation of Israel.

I wish I had the time to write a whole book on the lessons of Moses in the art of creating prosperous and thriving nations, individuals, groups and companies! But I will share enough insights here to enable individuals , groups and countries to correct their ways in light of the insightful wisdom of Moses and the other Jewish wisdom collective. I wish one of my fellow knollers would write a book on my cue. I can share all my own insights and observations.

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