Brain power is intelligence power.It is amazing that intelligence is being described as a capacity! Yes intelligence is present in the form of capacity but capacity is not intelligence. Capacity just describes the state that the intelligence is in.
Intelligence is exactly like money. Just like the capacity to make money is not real money, intelligence as a capacity is not real intelligence. Intelligence is an innate, potential ability which when developed enables all other abilities.
Intelligence is an organic tool that every brain is equipped with. It is an innate property of the brain. It is a tool that the brain uses to find love, warmth and security. It comes with the territory of the brain. Just like the ability of money is to acquire goods the ability of intelligence is to to acquire experience, knowledge and understanding of ones own self, others and what the world is and how it works. The brain runs on intelligence. The intelligence factor or 'g' as Charles Spearman proposed is like a potential garden with the chance to nurture lots of seeds which are innately in the 'field of the brain', into fruit bearing trees. Where the trees are the mental abilities. These brain abilities that are cultivated grow into intelligent abilities and the ones that are neglected atrophy and wither away. Intelligence is an across the board ability of the brain which is reflected in and which determines the quality of verbal and non verbal behavior. The quality of cognition is determined by the quality of the brain's developed intelligence. It is the ability to view life and everything else in it from the real actual reality perspective. It determines the quality of perception. It is the brain's innate nature to have the intelligence potential.
"It is a word to describe the capacity we have to reason, learn, and apply knowledge"- Kevin Spaulding
/ɪnˈtɛlɪdʒəns/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [in-tel-i-juhns] Show IPA
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1. capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.
Intelligence is the tool that nature provides to meet effectively the needs of life. Intelligence is intelligence. It is not just a capacity by which it is generally described. Intelligence is exactly like money. Just like the capacity to make money is not real money intelligence as a capacity is not real intelligence. The capacity to make money is just an opportunity to make money and it is not real money. This opportunity can be successful or a failure and it does not ensure something that you can always have. Intelligence is that which one always has. It is like having money as opposed to having the capacity to earn money. Just like with money you can buy riches with intelligence you can buy quality life and everything in it. Intelligence power is like money power.
The brain functions on intelligence. It determines the quality of thinking and behavior. Brain power is intelligence power. Intelligence is the power that determines the running /functioning quality of the brain.
Cultivated passion is what triggers the development of intelligence in a particular field which results in the acquiring of competence in that field. Intelligence is reflected in all human abilities. Intelligence is factored in all human abilities and requires cultivated enhancement. Intelligence is to the brain what blood is to the body. It is the main function of the brain. The quality of the brain is defined by the quality of its developed intelligence potential. This intelligence potential is mostly vast and it can be stretched and stretched.
It is the source of the brains power to know, understand and become what one becomes, to understand others and to understand the way life works and is.
Intelligence is generally described by its attributes. It is not its attributes. The quality of the attributes is a function of the quality of intelligence. Intelligence is an ability that enables all other abilities. Intelligence comes with the territory of the brain as a potential that needs to be nurtured. Intelligence is the central and dynamic function of the brain. It is like oxygen that purifies the blood. It is the ingredient that creates quality in all other human abilities. Intelligence in the brain is like an unspecified bank account from which we can only take money as the money matures.
Intelligence is what the brain uses to learn the ropes of life by comprehending reality. It is of two kinds. One is regular intelligence that the brain uses to earn a living and the other is emotional intelligence that the brain uses to know understand and become whatever one becomes determined by the level of one developed/active emotional intelligence.
Intelligence is like a massive conditional bank account that nature provides to almost everyone. The conditions are that the individual will have to have his intelligence potentials nurtured and cultivated. Most people don't even know the extent of this massive intelligence account that is there for the developing. Thanks to the extremely high level of opportunities to develop regular intelligence we are able to create cutting edge doctors and scientists but due to the fact that we still have too much fuzziness in regards to emotional intelligence; most people end up using only part of their emotional intelligence account. And the nature of the emotional intelligence is such that you always have to have it. If intelligence is not the top quality then a lower quality is always there for the brain cannot function without intelligence. If the brain does not have the top quality emotional intelligence then it makes do with inferior quality emotional intelligence, which results in inferior quality life.
Also capacity can be translated into quantity which may not necessarily be quantity in terms of quality. Perhaps a better term may be potential that is specifically used in terms of quality? As in bad quality of ignorance and good quality of wisdom. Intelligence always has a component of quality. Intelligence always exists in some form of quality. As there are four basic levels of the brain there are four basic levels/qualities of intelligences. Because of the emphasis on quantity while defining intelligence even the IQ Tests are designed to test the quantity of information a person has. Intelligence is not about the amount of information a person has it is about the ability of how well this information is assimilated and used. Even a computer has information but can the computer have the right judgment to use this information in a different manner each time the situation demands different behavior. Intelligence is about judgment, about personality, about mentality...
I would like to quote a poem by Kabir one of the immortal sages of wisdom in India; who has written small couplets to explain his philosophy. This is what it means:
You do not become a wise human being by reading tons of books
You become a wise man by learning the two and a half alphabets of love!
The equivalent in English would be:
You become wise by learning the four alphabets of l-o-v-e.
As I interpret it Kabir is defining here not only that love is the key to wisdom it is also the key to intelligence.
So Kabir defined intelligence and wisdom better than all the current dictionaries like Wikipedia, Webster and Stanford University. They define wisdom by its attributes and they define intelligence as a capacity which translates into 'intelligence is about quantity' while intelligence is more about quality than quantity. Intelligence is not really about more intelligence and less intelligence even though it is mentioned like that. We say so and so is more intelligent. What we are really saying is that so and so's intelligence is superior in quality. Because intelligence is about the brain and the brain is not about bigger quantity brain and smaller quantity brain; the brain is about superior and inferior quality of intelligence/brain.
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