Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Health, wealth and happiness.

Health, wealth and happiness are the three basic goals of life.
We must make sure that we pursue these goals from a +2 super mature mind. And we must also take steps to ensure that our future generations are educated fully in achieving all three of these goals. It has been observed that we educate our children really well when it comes to teaching them how to create wealth. We don't give them a good grounding in health. And for happiness we break their key to happiness by giving them a trophy self image. As a result many Americans grow up to be able to create wealth but their health is neglected and for many even burdened with smoking and drinking. And as for happiness we struggle all our lives to satisfy our trophy self image to no avail.

We must create as strong a curriculum for health education as we have for creating wealth. And for happiness and emotional happiness we must create a compulsory subject that teaches emotional intelligence.

Senator McCain or Senator Obama? Who has more wisdom?

Throughout history the biggest factor for positive change has been wise leaders. Wisdom is the key to all great leadership. The question is who amongst the current hopefuls for The White House is more likely to take the country forward powered by more wisdom.

I don't know if I am qualified to write this knol. I have been an enthusiastic supporter of Senator Obama. I have taken out my 'Wisdom Express' in his favor all over the tristate area. I have also contributed money and time to his campaign by going door to door for him. I am here for the last 22 years and ever since I became a citizen I have voted democratic.But I have stayed away from active volunteering. However when I studied the brain/mind of Senator Obama I saw pure wisdom. This is a historic chance and I want to do all that is within my powers to make America great again by ensuring that wisdom lives and rules from The White House. Being Indian born I feel having got all these privileges and opportunities I owe it to the wisdom of this great country and the greatness of our fellow Americans to give my views as objectively as possible. If you feel I am wrong then you are welcome to write your own comments or reviews.

1) Which one is more qualified for the job?

This is the most important question. It is the sum of all questions. The two basic factors are experience and education(which includes emotional intelligence education which creates wisdom; this is the main answer we are seeking here). In experience Senator McCain scores better than Senator Obama. But this advantage becomes questionable when even with all this experience Senator McCain still made this huge blunder of voting for the war in Iraq. A trillion dollar blunder along with a worse incalculable blunder of wasting such precious lives of Americans as well as lives of Iraqis and other nation's lives. When it comes to formal education Senator Obama is the clear winner. He passed all his exams brilliantly placing at the top. Senator McCain graduated at the near bottom of his class. Senator Obama clearly wins this first question.

2) What is his current experience?

We must always examine the current experience of the candidate as the latest indicator of his current mind. Lets grade their campaign performance. I would give Senator McCain a B+ and Senator Obama an A. Senator Obama wins this question.

3) How motivated is he?

They are both equally motivated so this question is a tie.

4) Is his heart and mind on the same page?

Senator McCain is more liberal than the conservative base of his party. As a maverick he had no base of his own so he has had to adapt his positions. Thus his heart and mind are not totally aligned. As for Senator Obama what you see is what you get. His heart and mind are on the same page. This question is a win for Senator Obama.

5) How much real success has he achieved working with others?

Even though Senator Obama has the same quality of working with others Senator McCain has a longer history of working with others especially across the aisle. This question is won by Senator McCain.

6) Does he use spin to impress others?

They both use spin. This is a tie.

7) Does he behave differently in private than in public? 8) Does he loose his temper? 9) Does he show the same respect to all including his assistants?

Senator McCain is known to lose his temper. This is a clear indication that his wisdom is acquired through experience. Acquiring wisdom through experience means acquiring the attributes of wisdom which is not quite the same as across the board wisdom. Senator Obama is known not to lose his temper. A clear indication of across the board wisdom. This question is won by Senator Obama.

10) Is he a good listener? I suspect Senator Obama is the better listener but I don't know enough so I will call this question a tie.

11) How is his health?

This question is won by Senator Obama.

12) Is he humble?

Senator Obama is more humble. He wins this question.

13) Is he a life long learner?

This question is a tie. Even though it bothers me that Senator McCain wont take the time to learn computers.

14) Does he inspire you?

This question is a tie even though Senator Obama has a bigger majority of inspired followers.

15) Does he have a boxed-in ideology?

This is a tie.

16) Is he jingoistic?

Senator McCain is definitely jingoistic. Senator Obama wins this question.

17) Is he ridged in his perceptions?

They are both flexible. This is a tie.

18) Does he trust other experts to do their jobs?

This is a tie.

19) Does he delegate?

This is a tie.

20) Has he crossed any red lines in the past?

I don't know enough to answer this question.

21) Does he own up to mistakes?

Senator Obama owns up mistakes more but I am not sure of Senator McCain. So I cannot answer this question.

22) What kind of upbringing did he have?

The taste of the pudding is in the eating. Senator Obama seems to have the better upbringing as he has across the board wisdom but lets give them both a tie.

23) How good is he in taking expert advice?

Both are brilliant in taking advice. This question is a tie.

24) Does he have any original ideas?

They both have original ideas. This is a tie.

25) How does he handle failures and setbacks?

Senator McCain has demonstrated remarkable resilience. He came back to win his parties nomination from virtual defeat. This one goes to Senator McCain.

26) How does he handle personal finances?

I guess this is a tie.

27) What kind of advisers does he have?

Senator Obama has more above board advisers. Senator McCain has more lobbyist advisers. Senator Obama wins this question.

28) Does he accept contributions from above suspicion sources only?

This question is won by Senator Obama.

29) How green is his house and vehicles?

This is a tie. As I don't know enough.

30) How good is he with his family?

This is a tie.

31) Can you say he is altruistic?

This is a tie.

32) Is his personality made up of substance or spin?

This is a tie.

33) Does he act or react?

This is a tie.

34) What kind of confidence does he show?

Senator Obama seems more confident. But this is a tie.

35) Has he used his campaign chest wisely so far?

This is a tie.

36) Does he inspire you?
This has been answered above.

37) Can his advisers tell him when he is wrong?

This is a tie.

38) Does he research the issues as an insider?

Senator Obama seems the winner here. Senator McCain does not seem to go into learning the internet or take lessons on the economy.

39) Does he articulate his messages?

Senator Obama is the winner here.

40) Does he mean what he says?

Senator Obama is the same inside and out. Senator McCain has to appease the conservative base even though he is not on the same page with them. Senator Obama wins this one.

The most important decision a Presidential candidate makes is his choice of his running mate. Senator Obama has chosen a heavy duty candidate and Senator McCain has chosen a light weight. Here too Senator Obama is a winner.

You can also add your own questions.

As this knol is to find out who is wiser of the two Senator Obama comes out the winner. I may be wrong but this is what I sincerely feel. I do think that Senator McCain is just as brilliant and he perhaps deserves to win due to his sacrifices for the country. But given the current choice this is an historic opportunity to put a leader whose brain is powered by wisdom.

In fact President elect Senator Obama's wisdom is developed naturally which means he is across the board wise, wise to his entire core being and Senator McCain's wisdom has come through experience which means it is spotty. Senator McCain is wise in some ways and still unwise in other ways. Please read my knol 'An introduction to wisdom'.

So please decide for your own self. Don't take my word for it.
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EBT (Emotional Brain Treasure ).

An adult mind grows to trust another when the other delivers the desired results. One begins to trust those who give a positive emotional feedback. Similarly when one goes to a new neighborhood and has good results the person feels safe. If one gets robbed in some neighborhood one becomes suspicious of it and tries to stay away from it. From very early on the fetus tries to figure out its own self. Almost for nine long months it is aware of only its own self. So it gives its own self credit for all the good feedback and it blames itself for all the bad feed back. Thus it grows up trusting itself or being suspicious of itself. Fortunately most wombs are extremely heavy duty cushions and most fetus' end up feeling extremely good about their own self.

At birth the child feels omnipotent and omnipresent. Slowly it dawns on the child that it is not only not omnipotent it is actually dependent on others for everything. When life out side the womb is nurturing and healthy the child starts to discover new pleasures, from breast sucking to hugs and kisses. From tasting new flavors to open spaces. To baths and cleanliness. The child starts to associate total dependence with heavenly bliss. It starts to develop feelings of humbleness. It even begins to totally get absorbed in the now. The more comfort the more trust it has in its own self and in its life. Gradually as it starts to notice that it is not omnipresent it starts to associate its own happiness on its close relatives. So it begins to trust its own self as well as all others. The foundations of its own self begin to emerge. By the time the child is 6 years old its brain is running on full knowledge power and it is well set on the road to becoming emotionally super mature. It begins to feel and actualize the true self.

In the womb because of the nature of the womb environment the feed back to the fetus' brain results in an unrealistic over confident self image. After birth the child is hit very very gradually by the actual reality of life.
If the new life is happy the child begins to enjoy its helplessness. It associates its dependence with all kinds of new pleasures and thus begins to feel happiness in its helplessness. It begins to enjoy humbleness, the key foundation on way to emotional super maturity. As life is a pleasure it soaks in all the pleasures of life. It does not want to run away from it. It enjoys life in the now another key foundation of emotional super maturity. Thus if life after birth is again a constant positive feed back the child's brain/mind is well set on the way to emotional super maturity. The most important affect of this life of pleasure is that the self itself emerges into the consciousness of the child. There is no need for the child's brain to take refuge in the past and try to cling to the feelings of omnipotence and omnipresence. So there is no need to build up and cling to an image of being omnipotent and/or omnipresent. They are quite comfortable with an image of their true self which at this stage is dependent and helpless. Thus it develops feelings of humbleness the key quality of selflessness.

The ancients were able to observe that many children show signs of being wise from very early on. So they concluded that one of the ways to be wise is to be naturally endowed with wisdom. The truth is that those children who are emotionally and physically nurtured in a healthy and loving environment don't need to escape from their current happy life so their brain does not need to block out the pleasant current reality. The brain does not need to mentally escape from the current life, so it does not build up any escape factors. It has no need to develop a phony self image to take mental refuge in it. It builds up its image on reality, on truth and on its true self. Its current life of pleasure exposes it to experience love and its underlings like respect/confidence in self and others. The brain is like a vessel. When life is happy for the child its brain keeps building the past happy memories with the newer happy memories. Happiness gets entrenched into the physical brain structure creating its own memory patterns. The brain fills up with EBT (emotional brain treasure), the emotional force that powers and projects super emotional maturity.

If its life after birth is unhappy and painful then it emotionally withdraws inward and instead of developing its true self it sticks to the early feelings of omnipotence. So instead of developing its true self it begins to form a phony and confused self image. As the current life is painful and unhappy it dwells mentally in the past. Thus creating a disconnect from current life. Instead of living in the now it dwells in the past, clinging on to the earlier omnipotent self image. Its current life of pain and unhappiness exposes it to experiencing hate and all its underlings like anger, doubt, jealousy etc. These feelings over time entrench themselves into the brain structure causing actual physical changes in the brain. The brain fills up with EBG ( emotional brain garbage ).

But there is good news and bad news in the way America brings up her children. Most American parents provide a nurturing environment to their children. So for the first few years most American children stay on the right path toward accumulating EBT. The American child enjoys its early life, living in the now and building up its true self and does not need to take refuge in a phony self image that is a result of experiencing pain. But long before EBT changes physically the infrastructure of the brain the parents indulge in omnipotence transference. The parents try to fulfill their own unrealized dreams of being the best through their children. Thus they introduce an element of falsehood into the brain of their children. Thus instead of developing their true self the children develop a phony over confident self image. Thus replacing part of the EBT with EBG in their brains.

EBG is of two kinds. EBG - 1 is when the child is trying to flee its unhappy life and so as it cannot do it physically it withdraws mentally into a past life of happiness thus building up EBG in the brain. This form of EBG creates a phony over confidence. EBG - 2 is when even though its life is happy in the now the parents introduce a future picture of great success thus shifting the child's focus from living in the now to preparing for the future. The current life becomes secondary to the preparation for the future. This creates two problems. One the child's focus shifts from living in the now to dreaming about the future, so a disconnect from reality occurs. And it begins to accumulate EBG that powers a trophy self image. Thus instead of developing the true self the child develops a phony trophy self image. EBG - 1 generates a phony over confidence to compensate for the helplessness and doubt from the current unhappy life. EBG - 2 generates a phony over confidence as the child has total trust in the parent and so when the parent says that the child is the best the child believes the parent.

However EBG - 2 is not as bad as EBG - 1. EBG - 2 creates a very ambitious self image. And often children are encouraged to focus on their preparation for the future. And many do just that and do become the best possible. Also as the trophy self image has a never ending desire for more and more successes the person keeps on working for more and more. Even though this over striving and over working takes its own toll in exhaustion and worries etc. the positive part is that the extra efforts produce extra goods. In fact I talked to a high government official and he said to me that without a trophy self image America is not America! America is where it is because of this constant working for more and more! But when I said to him that with a clear cut policy of consciously creating super mature emotionally intelligent Americans we can not only produce more we can eliminate all the problems that are generated by a trophy self image. He agreed that we must wake up the country to this harmful affects of planting EBG - 2 in our children brains. We must deliberately implant only EBT in our future generations.

If only I could wake up America to the toxic affects of EBG -2 and the magical affects of EBT, I will have achieved the full purpose of my life.

Sustainable Wisdom.

Examining all the causes and not just the economic causes for the current economic mess.
Homer-Dixon, Boutwell and Rathjens use financial terms to describe resource consumption. Depleting resources faster than they can be renewed is "the consumption of the resource's 'capital'." Accordingly, a "sustainable economy" is one that "leaves the capital intact and undamaged so that future generations can enjoy undiminished income." - Quoted from 'Writing from A to Z' by Sally Barr Ebest...

"America is an 'omnipotence transference' driven society."- Sajid Khan

Given the current economic crisis the pundits will explore every cause and purpose all kinds of solutions for this mess. I am afraid that only all the economic angles will be discussed and we will continue to neglect some of the major causes that have contributed to this crisis. We are in this economic hole today not just because of the greed of Wall Street. We are in this mess also because many of us Americans have used our rising home equity to gratify our phony trophy self image. Now that the home prices have fallen and we owe more to the bank than our house is worth we don't know what the solutions are. Lets hope that the current 700 billion dollar bail out package is designed to give us home capital spenders/wasters a second chance(Though it looks like just the top guys will get bailed out).

This is a very dark cloud, over our country and over many of us. At both levels we have to examine very closely the silver lining of this dark cloud. The silver lining is to wake up to our current life style and see what behaviors we need to change. Please read some of my other knols including the knol, 'Me'.

The Govt. must reflect on what they are doing that is chipping away at the very 'capital base' of our country. Our leaders must realize that every dollar that is wasted cannot come back. And if billions of dollars are printed they may come back but these dollars will pull down the value of all the dollars that are already in circulation. In effect there will be inflation and as the dollar value goes down the net capital of the nation will also go down.

Also the current mess is not only real it is as much in our heads as well. We tend to think in black and white terms. The actual reality is gray. All is not lost. The mess is only a very tiny % of our overall economy. If this money is used wisely it may even reverse the housing market trend. We need a huge army of volunteers who can go out there and identify each and every house owner who is in trouble and by how much. The Govt. can help these particular individuals by compensating the banks to the same tune as the amount the banks forgo to the mortgage holders.

Also the Govt. can pass a law that makes interest rates as little as possible across the board. All complex mortgage packages that the common people cannot understand must be banned. All the terms must be in very simple language on just one page. No fine, tiny, hard to read clauses.


Your id is your basic desire to recreate womb-reality, your 24/7 womb life. Your unconscious desire to regain womb life. Its like a dethroned emperor trying to get his kingdoms back.

The so called id is our basic unconscious urge to have the best of everything, a life of total pleasure. Freud called it as our sex drive. I strongly suspect that the id is our unconscious drive to recapture and recreate to the extent possible our life as we experienced it in the womb. In the womb we had a constant life of feeling love, warmth and security. This constant positive feed back 24/7 created in us feelings of omnipotence. by the time of birth we were well acquainted with a life of effortless pleasure. Especially as we got used to these feelings of love, warmth and security as as a result we built up these feelings of omnipotence and omnipresence.
So as we grow older we continue to miss and continue to seek this lost and most pleasurable womb life.

To the extent possible we seek love by trying to get as famous and as popular as possible. To recreate warmth we try to make our life as comfortable as possible. We try to acquire as many comforts as possible. To recreate security we try to have as much wealth as possible. As we also experience sexual pleasure in the womb we try to seek as much sex as possible.

Having developed these feelings of omnipotence and omnipresence over nine long months just imagine the impression on the brain of the extremely subjective fetus. As they say the first impression on an adult mind is the last impression; imagine the impression of this constant positive feed back on the tiny subjective brain of the fetus. No wonder the womb reality (environment) shaped self image and the womb reality shaped impression of how the world is, is the force that powers our basic drive - our id. Our id is shaped by womb-reality. Our brain is womb-conditioned (shaped by the womb-realty).

Instead of devoting our life to our true self's genuine goals many of us are driven by our id - the emotional desires that are leftovers of our earliest and most undeveloped, primitive stage of our brain. We let our id shape our desires and our life. We struggle for our id.

Perhaps some of us can be woken up to our premature brain powered basic behavior. It is a big drag to our adult life when we devote our time to go back to our premature life and to recreate womb-reality. A reality that is no longer possible, a reality that will at best be phony with its phony pleasures; especially when real life, real pleasures and a life generated by a +2 super mature mind can be a reality. So know your id and take steps to master it. And make sure that your future generations are free from its clutch.

Instead of being a slave of your id; understand and take steps to remove the very causes that created your id. Which means uncondition your mind of womb-conditioning. In fact one can say that emotional intelligence education consists of unconditioning the brain of womb-conditioning.

In fact our id is our basic human nature.

Objectivity is the key to wisdom; the key to objectivity is selflessness and the key to selflessness is a squeaky clean brain free of all EBG (emotion

Objectivity is the key to wisdom; the key to objectivity is selflessness and the key to selflessness is a squeaky clean brain free of all EBG (emotional brain garbage ).

The most fundamental quality that one must cultivate in order to achieve wisdom is objectivity. The ability to observe and know outside reality exactly as it is without any changes due to built in preconceived patterns. All information must be observed and understood inside out by the observer but also inside out from the perspective of the object observed. One must be able to know and understand all matters of life inside out and outside in from every perceivable angle. From one's own angle, from the angle of the other person or object and above all from the bottom line angle of actual reality. All this is possible through selfless objectivity, when there is no id or ego to perceive actual reality by distorting it through personal built in prejudices.

"Many faults escape our own eyes; and weak judgments consists, not in failing to detect them, but in refusing to admit them when pointed out to us." -

"Many faults escape our own eyes; and weak judgments consists, not in failing to detect them, but in refusing to admit them when pointed out to us." - Michel De Montaigne
In the light of all the mess America is in today we must examine all the causes that have led us here. It is extremely hard to give up old habits; it is even harder to give up traditional habits that are given to us by culture. On top of that habits that have worked well so far. This American tradition of looking at the glass as half full while the glass is really half full and half empty at the same time. Another tradition of, 'I can if I think I can' as the mantra for success. And this tradition of bringing up one's child on the notion of 'I am the best' thus creating a trophy self image for the child.

Mother Nature rewards those who know, understand and follow her laws. Her bottom line law is that no matter what, you must follow her rules of actual reality if you want her to reward you with her bounties. And Her fundamental law is that to really succeed one must know inside out and outside in exactly (as close as humanly possible) the exact context of any given situation. That is one must take the out side reality and understand it internally as close to actual reality as possible. The biggest question we must ask our self is what brought us to this mess. Can we examine all the causes and not just the 'wrong executive decisions' and greed as the only causes. And lets even examine the underlining causes of even wrong decisions and greed.

When one is surrounded by dark clouds one must look at the silver lining

Please excuse this rambling knol I do not know where it is headed.

Mayor Bloomberg.

Laws are a journey and not the destination. The welfare of the people is the destination and if we can get to the destination by breaking the law; then the law must be broken for the good of the people.
Mayor Bloomberg is an exceptionally talented financial wizard. While most billionaires have seen a decline in their fortune he has steadily added billions to his. He has also demonstrated that he is a very successful mayor. He has the technical know how to navigate the complex minefields of the political landscape of this greatest city in the world. No one who is out there can bring his capacity brain power to the job of mayor.

In fact Mayor Bloomberg is so brilliant that in current times he would be a formidable Presidential contender if he had chosen to run. Not least because of his billions. If the only reason he cannot become a Mayor for a third term is because of the two year term limit then I think the law should be changed for this one time. New York City needs him in these dire financial rapids. Laws are made for the welfare of the people. Laws in themselves are meaningless. Laws are a means to a better life and if there is a law that hurts the people then this law has to be changed or at least it must be ignored in this unique case. Laws are a journey and not the destination. The destination is the welfare of the people and if we can get to the destination by breaking the law; then the law must be broken for the good of the people. Mayor Bloomberg must be allowed to try for a third term.

After all he is not asking for an automatic third term just a chance to compete for a third term. Wisdom suggests that he be allowed to try for a third term. New York City needs him. We need his financial expertise. We need his brilliance in all fields. We need his experienced wisdom.

My Bottom Line.

As long as you take the existing ideas and reconstruct them into something useful then it is called standing on the shoulders of giants. My own hypothesis that is the root of all my ideas is as old as Indian
Mythology! There is this warrior Arjun a legendary fighter. It turns out that all the fighting skills that he learned he did it in his mothers womb! I just learned how to extract/decode practical applications and implications of profound truths that are mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. My bottom line is, 'Of all the people that you should know there is someone you should check out first - your own true self. Most people know their self image as their true self and so we have all these individual problem and even group problems'. Imagine this whole world where all interactions take place between true selfs! All inter relation problems stem from self image inter acting with self image. Even things like divorces happen because people fall in love with each others self image generated phony images. Because eventually reality rubs in and grinds the phony illusions and exposes not the image but the real self and so love starts to vanish into thin air. (You just gave birth to a new idea! We should have a questionnaire that asks if it is you who fell in love or is it your self image that fell in love and also are you falling for the real person or his concept/image in your mind,). Even bloated defense budgets can be traced to distorted group images - 'my flag is more honorable than yours'.
And inspite of all the strides that the science of the mind has made we still don't take fully into account the profound affect that 'womb-conditioning' (I have coined this word and the concept) has on the brain of every human being. There are thousands of books on the same theme of 'know thy self' there is nothing new here. However I am just adding that know how the very concept of the self gradually emerges and the roots of basic human nature at least partly can be traced to womb-conditioning. So know human nature in general and know your own human nature and all its causes; inorder to know who you are and why you are what you are. So that you can go back and take out any emotional baggage still churning in your brain.

What will happen when you become your true self?

Your trophy self image mask will disappear. A huge emotional baggage will be lifted from your brain. You will know your self for the first time. Life will be an enchanting experience for you. You will not need sleeping pills to go to sleep. Your mind and body will feel rested and fresh. No one could make you angry anymore. You will love and respect every one regardless of caste or creed...

The actual reality in your life will be the same(though it will start changing soon for far better quality of life). Your own relationship with yourself, others and with your life situations will all become real. Even though your resources will be the same you will now use them wisely and as a result the results will be far superior beyond your wildest dreams and your resources will start to multiply. You will fall in love with your spouse for real. She will become the center of the universe for you. Your priorities will change. You will no longer have the need to prove to yourself or others that you are the best. You will understand life for the first time. You will live in the now. You will have no need for others to appreciate you and thus all you do for others will be for genuine help and not to show off that you are charitable. You will have true happiness, the pure kind that no amount of money can buy. You will become a very successful parent. You will raise your child as a true self and will not impose your own unfulfilled dreams on her. You will produce more with less effort. You will have quality time for your own life and your family. Your life will have a rippling affect on your family, community and country. Even though you will focus on the present you will create original insights in your chosen field for expanding the frontiers of knowledge for all mankind. You will do this by devoting at least two hours a day to research. You will be a serial researcher, always a student. You will take all known knowledge in your field and taste it, chew it, digest it, take it apart and put it back together in as many ways as you can and you will understand it. Then you will throw all kinds of questions at this knowledge and create your own insights. Then you will test these insights from all possible angles. Then you will take this insight and taste it, chew it, digest it, take it apart...you will keep on researching your own insights till you feel you can share it with the world. Then you will close your eyes and feel the eternity of life/the eternity of time. The eternity of Mother Nature herself. Not only will you be living your life in the eternal moment, your legacy, your research will live on for ever. You will have made a big difference in the lives of others. Your ideas will be shaping other lives for all eternity and your babies(your original works) will live on for ever. A part(your work) of you will become eternal.

I hope to give you an idea of what you are missing if you are not already at +2 super mature mind level. The real you are a much bigger deal than what your phony trophy self image can ever conjure up. take the road to wisdom and see for your true self!

Economic mess:The true nature of the problem.

To understand the current economic mess, to understand any mess we must find out not just the all too clear apparent surface cause; but also all the major and minor causes of the mess. Also we must find out the exact extent of the mess; we must not let the herd mentality take over and create panic. It is in a situation like this when we are looking at the glass as more than half empty that we should realize that America's glass is still not empty and that the glass size is itself huge. In spite of the Govt.'s trillion dollar expenses the amount the Govt. is putting up is a small portion of the GDP. Also the Govt. is set to buy up portions of the companies. Didn't I hear that it is now time to buy stock as it is at the lowest? America is like the Titanic. America is not just one ship it is an armada of Ships. Even if one goes down there are plenty left. Also America has the ability to build many more ships. The main idea is that we keep cool by looking at the big picture and invest...

Notice how the stock market is driven by the herd mentality. Its activities are described in just black or white terms. It is always either a 'bull market' or a 'bear market'. It is fundamentally always driven by greed and euphoria or fear. What is required is that all those connected with the trading of stocks must be given a sound course in ethics and emotional intelligence.

You can compare the current financial mess with a hurricane. What do you do when a hurricane hits your neighbor hood? You leave for a safer place and come back when the disaster is over. More important each company stock is like a separate house. When a hurricane hits it destroys some houses and leaves some intact. Similarly you make sure your portfolio is as diverse as possible. So you loose some and you save some. When a hurricane hits you don't sell your house. Similarly when there is a big slide it is always because of panic and because every one wants to sell at the same time. So the stock slides faster and faster. If everyone left the stock alone then the slide will not happen. So you don't join the herd you wait it out. Never trade out of fear as fear is a -1 brain activity and fear will always result in -1 results. And when every one becomes afraid it becomes a disaster and the herd mentality kicks in. Then it becomes -1 results on a mass scale. So when you are in it be in it for the long haul. It will take time but the stock market will recover.

The stock market has gone this low because of real problems which have been exaggerated by the herd mentality. Just like water seeks its own level the American stocks will hit the rock solid foundations of the 13 trillion dollar economy and will sooner than later bounce right back up. So lets not panic and make the situation much worse than it actually is.

The fundamentals of the market are being dragged down due to fear. One must realize that no matter how bad the economy is it is still a 13 trillion dollar economy. If every one cools down and takes an objective assessment we will realize that the current situation requires some fundamental changes in the way stocks are assessed and traded as follows:
1) The PE value must never be allowed to be more times than a certain limit no matter how good the image of the company.
2) There must be a cut off line to how much the individual stock can be allowed to fall in a single day.
3) Each stock exchange must be closed for the day if the average falls below 250 points.
4) All complex calls and puts that the common man cannot understand must be banned.
5) All those caught in fraud transactions or misrepresenting company profits/financial health must be bared for life from the trade. Must be fined and must serve jail time.
6) There must be a salary cap for all top officials.
7) Bonuses must also have a cap.
8) There must be a ceiling on all back door bonuses like stock options for executives.

Every major firm must have an oversight office paid for by the gov. to watch the interests of the stock holders. I am no financial wizard but I know this that executives who are so well educated and who understand that they are in a position of public trust; they cannot be allowed to get away lightly when they betray this trust. All -2 and -1 behavior must be severely punished.

How to become the power of our life: by knowing reality just as it is.

Each word must also be put into contextual mindfulness.
It is essential that to unleash the power within our lives we must know the forces that power our lives exactly as they are. These forces are known to us through words. As words are names given to these forces unless we know exactly what these forces mean how can we fully tap these forces.

Not only must we know the intended meaning of these vital words we must even change the meaning in the light of new research and even when it suits and benefits our agenda to fully actualize our life potential.

It is believed in many of the scriptures that in the beginning was the word. One phenomena is very clear and it is that it is essential that we must be very clear in fact exactly clear of what each word means. We must be very clear of what each word stands for. In another words we must perceive each word just as its ultimate meaning is supposed to represent not in terms of understanding one word by getting it described by other words but by learning the word by its own self. Which means we must know each word just by its meaning. We must not have a self image of the word but the rope of what it is, what it stands for.

And we must also know the relationships of the different factors represented by words, that affect each other and how they are different as defined by their properties and functions.

There are some words in our lives that stand for and represent the very nature of our being. These words need to be understood in there full contextual reality and in their full situational reality. The deeper we know the meanings of the word is not enough we must know exactly what the word means and what is the context of the word in our life.

Each word must also be put into contextual mindfulness.

Here is a list of words that need to be made crystal clear.

1) Word: Word is just a name given to a thing or phenomena, physical or mental or both. So when we think of a word we must be able to comprehend its full meaning for what it represents. We must not get tangled into the words image by comprehending it through other words. We must know the phenomena just as it is.

It is such a huge project to place every word in contextual mindfulness so at least we must start by defining those words that virtually run our lives!
As I have been saying that our regular education is cutting edge and our emotional intelligence education is quite messed up and we will have to re-reflect and re-reexamine our emotional intelligence education goals. We will have to put our concepts of emotional intelligence in contextual mindfulness. Mindfulness should not be just confined to self improvement. My version of mindfulness which I have termed contextual mindfulness should be applied to all human problems including filling up the big holes in emotional intelligence education starting with taking a fresh look at the impact of how we currently describe the meanings of words.

To describe the real meaning of the word we must describe the meaning in contextual mindfulness by placing the meaning not just in terms of what it means but also in terms of what are its applications and implications. In other words what is the function of this word in our life. No just the meaning of the word but the whole concept that the word stands for and the impact of this concept on our lives.

It is such a huge project to place every word in contextual mindfulness so at least we must start by defining those words that virtually run our lives!

Actually describing words in contextual mindfulness is not new for instance all aspects of the word say 'wisdom' are discussed in philosophy classes but as the study of wisdom and not just as the meaning of wisdom. So professionals have a better life because they have a better meaning of the word wisdom at their disposal. We must bring the bear minimum essential philosophy behind words for the common man at large.

Take the word wisdom. By defining wisdom in a fuzzy way our attempts at teaching wisdom are also fuzzy. A clear definition of wisdom would create a clear educational path for wisdom. We must start by defining wisdom in context of our lives not just what it means but more important what impact its presence in our lives will have on us and also what impact its absence will have on our lives individually and for the society at large.

In fact the ancients did a much better job of describing the meaning behind the words than we do today.

Lets take the example of the word 'Jen' as described in the Dictionary of Philosophy.

It is amazing that the ancient sages understood life more clearly then we do now simply because they defined words in full contextual mindfulness. One of them who towers amongst the tops was Confucius.
1) Confucius described the word 'Jen' as:
a) Man
b) Goodness; among other things the fundamental as well as the sum total of virtues.
c) That by which a man is to be a man.
d) The golden rule: Being true to the principles of one's nature.
e) "The true man, having established his own character, seeks to establish the character of others; and having succeeded, seeks to make others succeed" - Confucius
f) "Universal love without the element of self" - Chuang Tzu

Compare this ancient meaning of man with the latest meaning of man as stated in Wikipedia: "A man is a male human. The term man (irregular plural: men) is used for an adult human male, while the term boy is the usual term for a human male child or adolescent human male. However, man is sometimes used to refer to humanity as a whole."

It is very clear that the ancient meaning of the word man is far more productive than just the plain meaning as explained in Wikipedia. But we must go beyond what the word man stands for. We must combine the knowledge of science, scriptures, philosophy, mythology, tradition and put it under the microscope of common sense and clearly define and even tweak out a more refined definition. Our new standard must be to define every word in a way that the word gives us the maximum benefits of knowing the reality that the word trully represents. Some meanings may never be known, for these we must work out definitions that create the maximum benefits for our life. For instance we may never fully understand how consciousness rises from the brain and what is consciousness. We must define consciousness not by its nature but by its quality. Thus our goal in understanding consciousness is to be able to define what the best humanly possible consciousness is and how this best possible consciousness can become our consciousness en mass.

2) Human Being

3) Mind. Please look up my knol 9and other related knols on brain and mind), 'Knowing the difference between the brain and mind through everyday life.

4) Brain

5) Time: Time. and What is eternal time?

6) Consciousness: Consciousness

7) Conscience: CONSCIENCE.

8) Intelligence: Intelligence:It is an innate ability/potential that enables all other abilities.,
Compound Intelligence.

9) Emotional intelligence: Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence Discussion Board., Ignorance, knowledge and emotional intelligence., Emotional Intelligence = An Emotionally Squeaky Clean and Healthy Brain with No Emotional Baggage/Garbage., Lack of emotional intelligence education is a big factor in the current mess in the world., The brain generates emotional intelligence and the mind runs on this emotional intelligence., Every human behavior has an emotional intelligence component.,
The nature of emotional intelligence education and why it has to be different from the nature of regular intelligence...

10) Self: In spite of all the current explosion of knowledge on emotional intelligence there is still little progress in actual..., How to know, understand and become your true self., MIND=SELF=WISDOM=ME=SUCCESS=FREEDOM=CONSCIENCE, How to use your mind's properties to create your ture self., The Self. How would Jesus answer the question, 'Who am I?' And how would he want us to answer this question for our self? Self; Self Identity is ever changing, developing, learning, growing and/or becoming stalled or growing into the true ..., Self-Purification., "The Self: Understanding What and Who We Are" - Kevin Spaulding, Self Nature=Mind Nature=Human Nature,
A Parable About the True Self., Self image less self: why it is the foundation of wisdom,,
Self Ore., How to use the self to fix the brain and mind.

11) Self image: Self Emancipation., Self Mastery., Your Self Image Is The Fulcrum Of Your Brain Power. Your Self Image Is The Fulcrum Of Your Brain Power., Compound Self.
If you have a 'trophy self image' reversible trouble is in just a small part of your brain!

12) Wisdom: (Please understand that I have over 300+ knols just on explaing wisdom) Why is wisdom/emotional intelligence so important?, The true nature of emotional intelligence education., Why emotional intelligence/wisdom is so hard to acquire for older students., How does one become a wise human being: by making our consciousness free.,

11) Love

12) Self Mastery: All my life I have advocated self mastery. But now I realize that self mastery itself is just second best. It means that the self is a separate entity and that we have to create a super self that has to become a master of this self. We have to become what we truly are. Not masters of our self but our self. So self mastery has to be redefined in a big way.

13) Hate

14) I/me: Super Knol: Who are you?, It is our mind that is the 'I' in me and the 'you' in you.

15) Truth: Truth = You, created in the image of Gd = Knowing your self from the +2 super mature brain.

16) Happiness

17) Meaning of life.

Some of the knols that will help in rephrasing the meanings of words that run our lives and also please bear in mind that all my knols are related to the same theme how to make every human a human being!

1) The Third Eye; Everyone has it, including You.
2) The Schema of the Self. .
3) Entelechy..
4) Emotional Mind Power (EMP ): Emotional Brain Power (EBP ).
5) Compound Self.
6) "The Self: Understanding What and Who We Are" - Kevin Spaulding.
Related knols:
The mind/self/I/me/consciousness/personality/mentality/human nature are all a transformational process.

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The differences in consciousness of the brain and the consciousness of the mind?

Emotional Brain Garbage ( EBG ).

EBT (Emotional Brain Treasure ).

The differences in consciousness of the brain and the consciousness of the mind?.

Why it is time to retire and redefine our current concepts of brain, mind, intelligence, emotional intelligence, cons...

What is consciousness? It is an innate property of matter!.

Wisdom/emotional intelligence coach education; The nuts and bolts of emotional intelligence/wisdom education.

Why the lessons of my life will create the new frontiers for all the mind sciences and how they can help you.

How to live your life by numbers..

How to use the mind/brain exercises as invented by the Buddha; Contextual Mindfulness.

Americans create money with their +2 well developed minds and spend it by their +1 hearts.


In spite of all the leaps of progress in psychology we still have not figured out how to actualize the self as in 'me' and 'I'. In the above quotation we can see that the ancient text that is 1000s of years old is saying that we should work for self purification. The question is what is the self and how does one go about purifying the self.

" Everyone conscious of his body must work. If he is ignorant [ of truth ] , he should work for self-purification, and if he is wise and a know-er of truth , he should work to set an example to others." - Swami Nikhilananda in his commentary on the Gita.

In spite of all the leaps of progress in psychology we still have not figured out how to actualize the self as in 'me' and 'I'. In the above quotation we can see that the ancient text that is 1000s of years old is saying that we should work for self purification. The question is what is the self and how does one go about purifying the self.

The mega question, 'What is the self?' is focused on what is the very nature of the self and above all we are preoccupied with the question whether our self is eternal or does it end at the death of the body. This quest is impossible to achieve within the paradigms of science. For the last 1000s of years we are going nowhere closer to the answers. As a result main stream science has more or less given up on seeking answers to this question. And as the very nature of the self is not very clear psychology more or less stays clear of any actions that require a clear definition of the self. Thus self -purification is left to religious and semi-religious organizations.

We don't know what happens to the self after death. We do know that humanity is full of human beings where each individual has a different quality self. While if the self is immortal or not matters only to each individual self after death; during life the quality of each individual self matters to the whole society. As every society has four levels of actualized selves one can see whole countries are being affected by -2, -1, +1 and +2 selves. Most of the 3rd world countries are being controlled by selves that are -1, because -1 values are an accepted way of life for the majority of its people. Thus in spite of the internet and the UN and real sincere NGOs etc there is not much progress. Corruption is rampant and the selfs are caught in a vicious cycle of self ignorance.

The mega question is do we need to know what the true nature of the self is - before main stream science can work on this question of how to improve the quality of each self. Or should we focus on making every self as +2 super mature as possible. Even if we cannot find the true nature of the self whether it is immortal or not we can take steps to make most selfs super normal. By making most selfs +2 super mature we will tremendously improve the quality of whole sections of society. So should we or should we not take the steps to improve each and every self?

The next question is what is this self and how can its quality be improved? The self is the 'I' in you and the 'me' in me. Our minds work in images because the brain perceives in images. What each person understands his self to be becomes the 'I' and the 'me'. This 'I' and 'me' is for all practical purposes the self image that each person has of his true self.

This self image is generated by the developed brain capacity. The brain that is educated and developed to the -2 premature level projects a -2 self image. The brain that is developed to the -1 immature level projects a -1 self image. The brain that is developed to a +1 mature level projects a +1 self image. The brain that is developed to the +2 super mature level projects a +2 super mature self.

Thus self-purification really means brain purification. Those selves that are stuck at lower brain levels must be shown how to purify their brains by cleaning the brain of all emotional baggage. Even more important we must educate every parent to make sure that they give their child a +2 emotional intelligence education and upbringing to insure a +2 self for their child.

Very few selfs are brought up to become +2 super mature. No wonder 1000s of years ago the great sage Krishna is talking of self-purification. And the situation today is the same but it need not be.

How to understand the ununderstandable.

By you becoming you; you can come close to understanding the mysteries of life.
We still don't know how consciousness rises from the brain. We do not know the nature of time. Perhaps these fundamentals of life are beyond the capacity of our brains to understand. So lets develop our brains to the highest possible level so that we can at least be able to develop the attributes of consciousness to our best possible ability. Think of yourself as an holistic being. Become your true self by becoming what is knowingly possible and by acquiring the attributes of what is not fully known.

The ancients were very wise. When they couldn't define wisdom they broke wisdom down to its attributes. Similarly lets take consciousness and time and break them down to their attributes.

The best qualities of consciousness are to be able to know, understand and become ones true self. To be able to perceive others as equally important and to see the world just the way it is without any distortions, filters or prejudices. And to put yourself, others and how the world works in perspective. To know your self, to know others and to know the ropes of life. Now if you really want to know math then you will have to improve your knowledge to the PhD. level and beyond. Not only will you have to have a degree in Math you will have to become a mathematician. Similarly to have the best possible consciousness you will not only have to become a PhD in consciousness you will have to become purely conscious. That is you will have to perceive life herself in her pure form, in her sublime form; you will have to develop yourself to the level where you will become you.

How you perceive life depends on your brain capacity. The brain capacity at -2 is too focused on the self to really be able to understand life and everything in it in her pure form. At -1 the brain is too corrupted to understand pure life. At +1 the trophy self image blocks the understanding of pure life. At +2 life is not only understood the person becomes wise. Perceiving consciousness through the sense of wisdom is the closest one can come to perfecting consciousness and to understanding consciousness.

Again we do not understand the very core nature and cause of time. We do know that the highest quality of time is eternal time. So breaking eternal time down to its attributes we know the following:
1) Eternal time is extremely valuable. So develop your expertise in your chosen field to the best of your ability; develop your talents as Picasso developed his talents. (Please read my knolls on time/life).
2) Eternal time is eternal pleasure. Eternal pleasure concerns making your own self enjoy life to the maximum. How can you enjoy your life if your life's agenda is not even your own. If you are for all practical purposes your self image. Then your pleasures are phony and you are a slave of your self image. So learn to develop your brain to the super mature +2 level and become your true self and then your time and your life will be your own. All the life pleasures will be yours to enjoy.
3) Eternal time is in the present. Your self image is either focused on the past, or it is in a hurry to make you the best; so it is focused on the future or it is focused on a mixture of the past and future. So again become your true self and then you can live in the present.

4) Eternal time is spent in the service of all humanity so devote your time as much as you can in helping others and by making their time eternal for them. Through research, through inventions, through creating foundations and orphanages. Through eternal art, through honest public service etc.

So even if we cannot understand the core nature of the mysteries of life we can become the every embodiment of consciousness and then we can even master time to the extent it is humanly possible. Every thing just points to one secret and that is become your true self; become real and your consciousness will be of the finest quality and your time will be as close to eternal time as humanly possible.

Therefore we have to learn the ropes of life to make our time valuable and we have to develop our brain to super mature level.

Now that I have defined wisdom as a fragrance of the brain lets take steps to create brain exercises that will remove the emotional baggage from the brain.

As through my various knolls I have tried to prove that wisdom is a fragrance that is generated automatically when the brain is pure - when all the emotional garbage is removed from the brain. Give me the chance to prove to you dear knol reader that if you at +1 then through the right brain exercises you can become +2. You have nothing to loose but your emotional baggage, your life long struggle for happiness, your restless that you don't even understand... and you can become the master of your life/time.

By becoming your true self not only do you understand the understandable to the greatest extent that it is humanly possible you become the very embodiment of understanding.
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Gd and Jesus: What does Jesus represent: The question is what does it mean that we are made in the image of Gd.

The question is how do we too become omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence?
Some of the most common qualities of Gd as mentioned in the Holy Scriptures include omniscience, omnibenevolence (perfect goodness), divine simplicity and eternal existence. Jesus is the very personification of what is perfection in human terms. The scriptures are stressing again and again that humans should develop the same mind as was in Jesus Christ. The question is why would the scriptures ask for something that was not possible? It is clear that the scriptures are telling us to become the mind of Jesus because it is humanly possible. But the question is how it is possible to actualize the divinity of Jesus in us?

The first step for us humans to understand is, what is expected of us, is to comprehend what omniscience means in the context of our life. Omniscience means to be able to understand our full humanness potential in terms of how much of the divine qualities we can actually actualize.

One of the most important elements one must understand about Gd is that He is divine simplicity that means He is one whole unit of goodness. He is not made up of attributes in the sense that He has these attributes but that these attributes are Him. He is omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence. It is like it is not like Gd is something else and He has goodness in Him. He is goodness. He is divine. He is made up of pure divinity. He is omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence. All His attributes are him. As we are also made in His self image our own image of our self must be omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence.

The question is how it is possible for mere mortals to not have omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence but to become omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence.

The first thing to understand is that Jesus represents what is humanly possible in terms of Gd's manifestation on earth. Jesus was able to become in his humanly form omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence. And the scriptures are saying that we must be the same mind as Jesus. So we have to perceive and become our self as omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence as humanly possible.

The question is how do we too become omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence?

Again the scriptures are saying that there is a Trinity. There is Gd, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. And that we are made from the Holy Spirit. Thus our core self is indeed made up of omnibenevolence (pure goodness). So why is it that most of us do not turn out as omnibenevolent?

According to the scriptures we are made in the image of Gd. We do not perceive actual reality, we perceive its image. When it comes to knowing, understanding and perceiving our own self we perceive the image of our actual self. And according to the scriptures our self is created in the image of Gd! So our actual pure self should have the same mirror image divine qualities as Gd. We should each be omniscient, omnibenevolent, divine simplicity and eternal existence, so the question is how do we become all this?

The first step we have to take is to become omniscient that is all knowing in terms of 'who am I' and how I can become who I am. So please consider the following:

1) I am made from the Holy Spirit.
2) I am not one who is something else and not one who just has the character traits of the Holy Spirit.
3) My true character traits are that I am omniscience, omnibenevolence, divine simplicity and eternal existence, as I am made in the image of Gd.

It all boils down to how we perceive our own self. So let’s start with understanding the very process of perception. Perception is a process that occurs in the brain. The quality of the brain process depends on the developed brain potential. And it is a scientific fact that the human brain works in images. For convenience sake I have divided the brain development into the following four levels which I have also quantified, where each level projects a different self image, where, as the miracle of consciousness is such that each self image that the brain projects is self conscious. Thus it can look at the very brain that is its source, as an observer and can also look at its own self inside out and outside in, while at the same time it develops its character traits according to what it perceives its own self to be:
1) Premature brain (-2) has the capacity to project a -2 premature self image. The premature self image projects a self consciousness that has premature -2 character traits. The 'I' at the -2 level perceives itself as omnipotent and omnipresent. The -2 self image is totally self centered and has a brutal nature. Humans that are stuck at this level manifest themselves as dictators and tyrants. At this stage of the mind the child
considers his own self as all reality. In his mind he alone exists. Ones own self is all that counts. Others don’t count at all as they don’t even exist. Humans especially leaders who are stuck at this emotional mind level consider themselves as all important and they build huge monuments to themselves and stash away money in illegal accounts neglecting and robbing the common man and the country. To achieve their own goals they abuse their power, commit atrocities and abuse human rights. In spite of all the illegal wealth and power this mind level leaders are very insecure. They spend a disproportionate amount of money on their own and their countries security. For these leaders they alone are above the law and everyone else is below the law. Except for the very few cronies of the leader the rest of the country lives in poverty and life remains a constant struggle. Many countries in the world are ruled by this -2 mind level leaders. We must wake up the world to their -2 emotional mind and its consequences. Others at this mind level become hard core criminals and still others become mentally ill and depend on society for survival.

b) Immature brain (-1)... an opportunistic nature that will break the law if the individual thinks that he can get away with it. At this stage of the brain level the teenager thinks that even though he has no power today his time will come and but he deserves the best today. He will try to fulfill his lopsided dreams by hook or by crook. He considers himself as most important and will do everything to make it so if he feels he can get away with even committing illegal acts. Humans whose minds are stuck at this level are extremely corrupt. They build up illegal fortunes at the cost of the country and the fellow men. Most third world countries have this level brain, leaders.

c) Mature brain (+1)... a responsible nature that respects the equality of all. At this stage the adult brain considers itself as first among equals. The person struggles to make the most for his own self. He works for his own family first. Humans who are at this level of the brain work for their whole nation but more so for their
own supporters, their own party and their own vested interests first. When it comes to international relations they put their own country above all else. When President Bush places jobs above carbon emissions he is coming from this mind level. Most developed countries are in this category. They especially over spend on defense to remain first in military power at least in their own neighborhood. So called super powers and aspiring super powers try to expand the range of their defense powers by spending even more to show off power beyond their borders. They spend more than they need on defense but they spend enough on other sectors where the economy benefits the whole country.

d) Super mature brain (+2)...an altruistic nature. At this level the brain develops to the highest level of emotional intelligence which is wisdom. The person considers himself as part of the whole human family. He considers everyone else as #1 irrespective of caste and creed, gender or economic status. Humans who manifest themselves at this level genuinely work for the whole country and also try their best to help other countries. They treat all alike with the same highest respect. For leaders at this level all the people at large especially the poor are worthy of more attention and financial assistance so their priorities and policies focus on education, health, infrastructure and economic growth away from defense. Such leaders bring economic
prosperity and real change in the lives of all the sections of society. The whole country becomes richer. Such humans are truly altruistic and humble. All their spending is rational. Their priorities are equally focused on education, health, and infrastructure and every thing in-between. This is the kind of self image every human must develop.

Thus the character traits of the super mature self image are the character traits of the self image that is made in the image of Gd. Thus the I can become omniscient, omnibenevolent, divine simplicity and eternal existence to the extent humanly possible. For after all we are not Gd; we are a mirror image of Gd.

At the -2 premature stage of brain development the I/self remains its -2 premature self centered -2 self image.
At this level we are not what we are supposed to be. Society tries to make this brain level behave in a selfless +2 manner but fails. It is like trying to make -2 equal +2.

At the -1 immature stage of brain development the I/self remains its -1 premature corrupt -1 self image.
At this level we are not what we are supposed to be. Society tries to make this brain level behave in a selfless manner but again mostly fails.

At the +1 mature stage of brain development the I/self remains its +1 mature, 'I am the best' +1 self image.
At this level we are not what we are supposed to be. Society tries to make this brain level behave in a selfless manner and mostly succeeds except for this level's trophy self image which controls and drives the life agenda.

At the +2 super mature stage of brain development the I/self becomes the +2 true self with all the character traits of a Jesus like +2 self image. At this level we are what we are supposed to be.

It is very clear that we must wake up to the fact that we do not understand the true message of Gd, that we are all made in His image and that the material that we are made from is the most divine and pure Holy Spirit. And that the way we are made is that it is our self image that determines who we are. And that all our spiritual and emotional problems at the individual and society at large level are due to our self image not being in the image of Gd.

So at the -2, -1 and +1 self image stages we are not our true self. We are a fake image of our true self. We are -2, -1 or +1 or a mixture of these, where we should be +2. At -2, -1 and +1 we are something other than what we are supposed to be. And here in lies the problem. When we are not omniscient about our own self then how can we be omniscient about others and about life and every thing else in it?

So the question remains how do we too become omniscient, omnibenevolent, divine simplicity and eternal existence: the very self image of Gd. We do it by taking the following steps:
1) By becoming totally omniscient about our true self image-less self.
2) By learning and taking the steps to develop our brain to the super mature level.
3) The super mature brain will project our pure self image that will be a copy of the divine self image.
4) Our pure godly self image will be naturally and effortlessly omnibenevolent.
5) And as we will not have the attributes of our pure self image and will be our pure self image with its quality attributes we will become divine simplicity.
6) And as the godly self image lives in the now our current existence will be in the territory of eternal existence.

Why our self education is all wrong.

Our whole education system when it comes to emotional intelligence teaching is based on our assumption that our basic character traits are fixed and that we cannot change our human nature. So we have this collective self image of man that our basic human nature is evil. Thus we accept that we are much less then a godly self image and so being less we have to control and manage this evil in us and as a result we create education that teaches us to control and manage our so called basic animal human nature. This lower self image generated evil in us is like a beast. We can keep it chained but it still has to be fed and constantly watched over. And it is not like a pet where we want to keep it. We want to destroy it but we do not even look beyond trying to control it as we think that it is part of us. We will have to wake up to the fact that it is part of our lower self image which we can change!
It is like it is not like Gd is something else and He has goodness in Him. He is goodness. He is divine. And as we have the same godly self image we will have to develop our divine self image. We have to be free by knowing the truth and by becoming omniscient about our true self.

It is very clear that for our self image to be in the image of Gd we will first have to develop our brain to the super mature level.

How to know what is pure happiness.

Pure happiness is a function of the pure and fully actualized humanness in you.
As in every thing else you are the source of all your attributes of emotions! It is just like you are a tree and the emotions are your fruit. The quality of the tree will determine the quality of its fruit. The quality of your happiness will depend on the quality of your actualized humanness which is the real you. It is the fully developed potential of the Christ in you that can experience pure happiness. And I am not talking of The Christ as The Son of Gd; I am talking of Christ as in pure knowledge.

The quality/level of your actualized self will determine the quality of your happiness.

Pure happiness is that innate quality of the brain that lies dormant in each and every one of us. It is a pure state of experience that comes with the territory of every pure human being. I am not talking of a purity that is spiritual and eternal. I am talking of a brain that is physically and thus emotionally super mature. Even though at the emotionally super mature stage the quality of the attributes of the brain is the same as that of a purely spiritual human being.

The pure you is a process that is generated by the pure brain. If your brain is emotionally stuck at the premature level then the quality of the Christ/humanness in you will also be premature. At this level you will never know pure happiness and most of your happiness will come through daydreaming and a disconnect with reality.

At the immature brain level you may taste happiness once in a while but mostly your immature brain will give you an immature happiness.

At the mature level you will taste quite a bit of pure happiness but it will always be fleeting because your mature brain will project a partly false you in the form of a trophy self image. And this trophy self image has the real you in its own control so your self image will mostly be perusing its own happiness agenda which will not give you pure happiness. Your self image will keep on trying to prove itself as the best by accumulating more and more trophies but this will not make the real you truly happy.

At the super mature brain level your brain will project the real pure you. At this stage the real you is the fully
developed humanness potential. The actualized Christ in you. At this level you will be in an underlined state of pure happiness. Life will be lived by your agenda. Your goals of happiness will be fully your own. At this stage not only will you know pure happiness you will devote your life to spreading pure happiness to every brain irrespective of caste and creed.

The pure you is the source of your pure life, your true happiness. Your currency of life is you. You are the currency in the market place of life. Become the highest super mature self and all the ingredients of a blissful eternal life will become real including wisdom and pure happiness.

This pure humanness, this Christ is the real currency of life. An authentic life you can buy only with authentic currency! So if you want true happiness, the real pure pleasures of life you will have to have the currency to buy it with. There are only two realities in this world - Heaven and hell. All other realities are a mixture of the two. And The Christ (Pure knowledge himself) clearly said you cannot buy heaven with the currency of hell. It's like trying to buy life in the US with a Zimbabwe currency. And this bottom line currency is the real you. Your pure self is the unlimited bank account with which you can buy eternal time, eternal pleasure and an authentic life. Because when you try to buy happiness with a polluted you then the pure happiness is polluted too and you wonder that in spite of all these accomplishment and wealth and accumulated trophies why you cannot be satisfied. Because authentic life satisfactions cannot be bought with a partly fake you.

Even when the true you is cloaked in a lower level self image you are still there very much alive. And from time to time you become known to your true self in the form of your conscience. So wake up to the fact that when ever you are being bothered by your conscience then it is you that is bothering your self image. Your conscience is the real you. When you feel guilty it is the real you feeling miserable, helpless and guilty for the actions of your self image driven life. So if you don't want to feel miserable and want to make your real you happy then follow your conscience. Following your conscience will be making your true self, the real you happy.


The source of your restlessness.
In the Sufi tradition when God was asked why he created the world God said that he was a hidden treasure and he wanted to be known. So maybe even God wants to be known. I have thought long and hard on restlessness. Many people are restless without any apparent reason.Perhaps it is because
the real self wants to be known. It wants you to know how good you are. Sometimes it surfaces and even feels displeased with you. It even makes you feel guilty if you do stuff that is below your true standard.

Your true self is none other than your very own conscience.

Even when your self is totally buried in a cloak of a -2 brain generated self image and when you know your self as an all important being(self image) your true self expresses itself in the form of your conscience. Don't believe them if they tell you that it is a voice telling you that you are wrong. It is your very own true self. In fact when you and your conscience are on the same page then and then alone are you a full self master.

This quality of your true self is a real gift of Mother Nature. Even when your self is cloaked by your self image your true self emerges and becomes conscious when ever you are thinking of doing something bad or when you do do something bad. It feels restless before, during and after the bad act. It is trying to tell you that you are up to no good. That you are doing something below your dignity and makes your self image feel guilty. Similarly for anything good your true self feels good and genuine pride.

If you continue to do bad stuff your true self gets more and more buried in your false self image. There comes a stage where the self gets weak and slowly disappears below your consciousness. But your self is real. Even at that buried level it expresses its frustration in the unconscious mind. It curses you and creates actual physical tension in your body. It takes away your peace. No amount of drugs can calm you. You don't understand but it is your own true self whose life you have choked and harmed. All your bad stuff becomes a tiring load for your true self. It becomes your emotional baggage. You loose the real treasure of life itself. You don't even get to know your own self. You don't even know your own desires. Your true self is a slave of your phony self image which rules your life. You think you know yourself. All you know is your self image which is generated by your -2 and -1 brain. All the labor is done by your own body, all the hard work, but all this struggle all the bad stuff you do to acquire more and more is for your phony self its not even for you. All your pleasures are fake and you know it. All the bad stuff you do you do to harm your own true self. You don't even know what real happiness is after all you are a phony. Your pleasures are phony. Your fake life is an act as it is all made up. You will not know the pleasures of a selfless being. The pleasures of becoming your conscience, your true self. As you grow older you realize your hollowness. So you start doing charity. It is a step in the right direction. It is like giving water to an almost dead plant. The true self starts to get some energy. So you start to feel good. I would like to suggest that you do good till the holy cows come home. Maybe by the time you are about to say good bye to your true self you get the pleasure of knowing, understanding and becoming your true self. Maybe there is yet hope for you and if you do enough good Mother Nature may just about forgive you and when you pass away you may see the white light.

Those of you who are +1 get to experience your +2 self more often.

How to tame terrorism.

Secular education is the only permanent solution to the terrorist threat.
We cannot kill terrorism, we can only tame it; the sooner we realize this the better our chances for success. When it comes to Islamic terrorists all we think about is that Islamic fanaticism is the reason why we have Islamic terrorists. This is only partly true because the reason for terrorism has very much to do with human nature as with fanatic beliefs. We can keep winning the battles but the war will go on as the supply of terrorists will continue unless we change our approach from war to education. Only by eliminating the brain washing of the poor children's minds can we put a stop to the creation of terrorists.

When it comes to Islamic terrorists all we think about is that Islamic fanaticism is the reason why we have Islamic terrorists. This is only partly true because the reason for terrorism has very much to do with human nature as with fanatic beliefs.

To have a sane human nature one has to have a very strong sense of human dignity. And for human dignity to be positive one has to have economic dignity because human dignity is unstable and incomplete without economic dignity. In Pakistan and Afghanistan all those who can afford regular education are sent to regular schools. Those parents who cannot afford to send their children to regular schools and in fact cannot even feed their kids send them to where ever they can and most often the only free schools available are religious schools and quite often only extremist religious schools. These schools provide the children with their own version of economic dignity. As a result the children grow up feeling their human dignity powered by a twisted economic dignity that is provided by their religious beliefs. Thus their own dignity is not their own self worth it is their religion's omnipotent image. Their own life becomes secondary to the glory of their faith.

It is well known that non fanatic regular soldiers, even very secular soldiers fight less for their own dignity and more for their own group's dignity. In India they have 'Rajhasthan Rifles', 'Punjab Rifles' etc because soldiers fight harder for the glory of their own kind. Just like Russians during second world war trying to prove they are better than the Americans by taking Berlin first even though they knew it was going to cause tens of thousands of causalities. Imagine people fighting for their own dignity where it is not their own dignity but their dignity is powered by their faith. This is why any perceived insult to their religious icons is a very personal insult because it is insulting the personal dignity of the person which is his dignity that comes from his religion's dignity. Thus a person whose dignity flows from his religion puts his own life below the glory of his religion. And the fanatics exploit these poor souls by later exploiting the very group dignity that they themselves help to create.

The way our Govt. is fighting terrorism is like a polluted river is running into the ocean. We taking the polluted water a bucket at a time and remove the polluted water. This could go on for ever. It will drain our resources. No wonder our Govt. says that this fight is going to go on for a long time. With our current approach it will go on for a very long time.

How about finding the source from where the pollution is coming into the river? How about providing normal economic dignity to these poor kids? It will not only cost pennies on the dollar it will be far more effective.
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Lets create a new standard for truth.

A new criterion for truth based on whether it advances life or not.
I showed my earlier knol, 'Our mind is an image that can be felt and seen!' to a neighbor and he said it is BS. Well may be it is BS but who cares - just look at the practical/magical benefits of this knol! My philosophy is to seek out and adapt ideas and ways that have real practical benefits and leave the truth and falsehood part to the heavy duty philosophers and scientists. Also after all we all know that some basic mysteries of life may never be solved - ever; so why miss the train of success opportunities in the mean time! So lets jump on the train of insightful ideas that have practical benefits! Also till we know the truth, lets adopt a new criterion for truth: any thing, any action, any idea that brings goodness, profit, health, happiness etc. to all without having to compromise moral values,and that brings only benefits to all and harm to none then we can say may be it is the rightful and true idea. As truth is beneficial and falsehood is harmful lets just say that that all those ideas that take mankind forward deserve to be honored by being called true. And all those ideas that bring harm we may dishonor by calling them false! At least till we get to the truth.

Given all the misery and mess in the world today we must research and create new paths to advance the science of life and everything else in it in all ways possible. And given the very nature of our brain and the limits of science to provide all the answers we must seek the most beneficial solutions/answers to a better life, even if they are based on unverifiable assumptions. Especially if the assumptions cannot be proved one way or the other. If the assumption is based on a question mark then it is at least 50% true and if it has practical and beneficial applications then it is in our interest to assume it to be true till the time it is proved wrong. And even if a wrong hypothesis brings us benefits then who cares if it is false! Historically if a hypothesis has profitable results then it is usually right.

Just as there are gold mines, diamond mines and oil fields that we are not aware of that we need to find; there are ideas out there that have not been thought of but which we must constantly look for. We must seize every opportunity to find solutions to the problems of life even if the solutions come from speculative hypothesis that cannot right away be proved correct. We already do it in a big way when it comes to religion. We give preference to faith over science. We don't need scientific evidence of Gd. - we just believe. And religion at least at the super mature level has brought real positive results for its followers! Thus my proposal to create new standards for truth means as faith in Gd brings us benefits Gd must be true and real, at least until scientifically proven other wise. ( Which I feel will never happen ).

So lets pull up our selves and put on the table all those unsolvable mysteries of life and try to explain them through speculative hypothesis'. Lets expand the standards of truth and redefine truth as that phenomena which benefits society.

Wisdom Authority.

This entity is inspired by Gandhi.
Gandhi was not a regular lawyer he was a peace negotiator between suing factions. People who wanted quick justice trusted Gandhi to settle their disputes. Today the justice system is overwhelmed with cases. Many of these are due to lack of wisdom. If both parties are show their respective angles from the prism of wisdom there is a good chance that the dispute can be settled in no time. Members of the Wisdom Authority will be reputed lawyers who will give their time. They can even be retired judges. Even selfless social workers who can intervene and solve disputes through wisdom.

Wisdom Authority can help individuals, groups and countries solve their disputes through the prism of wisdom.
All disputes stem from -2, -1 and +1 mind levels. The disputing parties will be shown the consequences of negotiating from -2, -1 and +1 mind levels. Especially warring groups and countries will be shown that dealing with your adversary from -2 is perpetual war. From -1 it will be a virtual state of war. From +1 it will be a perpetual truce. From +2 it will be peace. They will also be shown the losses of the lower levels and the gains of peace.

To master life you must know the laws of Mother Nature.

Mother Nature bestows the gift of life only to the champion of champions.

To understand the first law of Mother Nature please consider the following:
I have my own angle on many of the unsolved
questions of science and philosophy, especially the mind sciences.
Steven Pinker in his book, ‘How the Mind Works’, on page 462 poses a
question, ‘Why do we make one big egg and lots of little sperm,
instead of two equal blobs that coalesce like mercury?’ I have my own
inference as follows:
Mother Nature uses one big egg and hundreds of millions of tiny sperm
for one simple reason and one reason alone—to ensure that every human
that is conceived is a champion of champions, one so good that she/he
is the best from hundreds of millions! The sperm race ensures that
only a big winner is born and hundreds of millions of sperm ensure
that the very best of the very best is born.
In order to make this ingenious plan work the only practical way to
make every human being a champion of champions was to make the sperm
tiny. Imagine hundreds of millions of egg size sperm. The testicles
would have to be much, much larger which among other things would be
very inconvenient. The amount of energy and body material needed to
produce this large quantity and egg size sperm would produce its own
logistical problems and would be near impossible.. Even the pathway
for the sperm to run through would have to be made much larger. So
Mother Nature made the sperm tiny to create this perfect way to a
human race of only champions. Every human being has
to win the sperm race to get the gift of life.

It is very clear that the first law of MN is that MN does not gives us birth.
MN gives us a chance to be born. We our responsible for our own birth.
We win the sperm race we get born; we lose the sperm race we lose the
right to life.

The second law of MN is that each one born is a champion of champions.
The entire human race is a race of champions. Me, you and every one else
who is born naturally. (So why am I not a champion of champions now. How come I
am now average? For the simple reason that we are all equal champions. So now
a new race for winners starts. A race where all contestants are champions).

The third law is that this gift of life is a victory celebration that MN wants us to
enjoy for all our life by living in real time. What MN really gives us is time.

The fourth law is that no one , not a king, not a sports star, no body is above or below the laws of MN.
If you commit a crime against her she will get you. She is very very patient. She will punish you with guilt. Your real hidden self that is always there as long as you are alive will feel the guilt 24/7. Though you may forget your crime she makes sure your real self knows and pays for it. No wonder murders and serious criminals are always feeling the emotional pain. This pain even settles into the body as a psychosomatic pain. Those who commit crimes against their own bodies eventually get cornered by MN. They have to really suffer. Life puts them in her very own prision of suffering. No crime goes unpunished and no criminal can hide from MN. She gets every criminal every time.

Those who do good are also rewarded by longer and happier guilt free lives. The biggest reward is that life grants understanding and manifestation of wisdom to those who continue their journey towards wisdom in spite of all the hurdles and sufferings. They eventually get it. They know and understand life. Alas for most wisdom arrives after their peak life is over.

It can be different. Life can be understood in the right time. Understand and follow the laws of MN and reap the benefits of wisdom.

Another law of MN is that in order to arrive at the door of success every one has to go through the rough territory of failure. Only with failure does the mind learn to develop to a higher level.

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is a force of nature that determines the process of self realization. It is an ability in/of the brain that develops through basically four stages of life. From the fetus to the child stage to the adult stage and in some to the master stage. At the master stage emotional intelligence becomes wisdom. It is an ability that develops through emotional education; it is the most important part of every one's education. The fundamental lessons are learned by the nurturing womb environment during the fetus stage of life and then during childhood the education is through hugs and kisses and the loving upbringing or through neglect and pain. The next stage is through a mixture of actual building up of a self image based on the concept of, 'You are the best' or in many cases by making the child become the best through real learning of the ropes of life in particular areas. By the time the child is 6 years old his emotional intelligence route is well set.

Emotional intelligence is the very nature of the brain; it determines the very essence of the brain. Emotional intelligence is a feature/component that determines the quality of the very nature of the brain; which determines the quality of the self - the quality of the 'I' in me and 'you'. It is the ability which when developed crowns the person with an authentic self. It enables the person to become one's real self.

Each stage the emotional intelligence education changes the brain physically. Where the most significant change takes place during the fetus and child stages. The brain's physical pattern is set by the time the child is 6 years old.

It is the level of emotional intelligence that determines what the person becomes. It is the light that illuminates the path of life. It is that generator fuel, where the brain is the generator, that generates the amount of real life power. It is the fundamental force that enables one to become what he becomes. It is what determines how real the person will be and how real life and it's pleasures will be. It dictates the self's quality. It is the ability that sweetens the pudding of life.

It is the fundamental power that drives the process of perception/consciousness; including the most crucial self perception. It impacts everything else in life. It is what gives color to life and life's meanings and purpose. It is the single most important ingredient that shapes man's humanness; that shapes the real 'I' in every human being. It is what determines the answer to the most important question of our life, 'Who am I?'

It is the force that decides the single most important opinion of opinions of one's life - the opinion one has of one's own self. It is the stuff that determines the physical and emotional quality of one's brain. In its lowest form it is ignorance and in its highest form it is wisdom. Emotional intelligence not only determines the quality of the brain it also determines the quality of the real self, the 'I' of every person. It also determines the wisdom quality of the group and country. It has a direct bearing on the persons place in life. It determines the health, happiness and prosperity of the individual, group and country.

If we are looking to eliminate issues like poverty then regular education is not the only solution. It has to be coupled with emotional intelligence education.

Especially in terms of trying for peace one must realize that peace is a component of wisdom which is the highest form of emotional intelligence. Only by applying the attributes of wisdom can one achieve peace.

To not just understand but actually live such statements as, 'the enchanting ecstasy of being' and 'living in the now' one will have to develop ones emotional intelligence to the super mature brain level.

What stunts emotional intelligence?

It is the emotional baggage in the brain that creates its own negative emotional forces that create their own
physical changes in the brain. Thus to make the brain wise one has to take out the emotional baggage from the brain. Making the brain emotionally squeaky clean is emotional intelligence education which is the key that unlocks the full and real potential of the humanness in each person. It enables one to live life at its peak 24-7. There are no highs or lows. There is a feeling of immense power with complete humbleness. It is the source of our fundamental talent - the talent to become one's real self.

It is the self image that determines how the person is going to feel about the situation it is in. As Dr. KVSS quotes the following:

Wechsler defined intelligence as “the global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.

I would like to state that the self image can be defined as the factor that determines the quality to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.

The connection between self image and intelligence is very profound. It will not be too far fetched to say that ones self image is ones intelligence. At least that ones intelligence flows from one self image and is the chief factor that determines the quality of intelligence: the bottom line intelligence quality of emotions.
Again 'Wechsler defined intelligence as “the global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.'
I think the word capacity here is a little fuzzy and the more clear word would be 'enabling ability'. So I would restate the above statement as:

I would define intelligence as “the global 'enabling ability' of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his/her environment”.' Where this enabling ability stems directly from the self image.
( I have defined intelligence as an innate and in most individuals only partly developed, ability/property that enables all other abilities.)